Make the cheapest desktop build possible.
1.] At minimum must have a Motherboard, RAM, PSU, x86 CPU, and some kind of storage medium.
2.] Must be under $150.
3.] All parts mus be brand new.
Here's mine:
Make the cheapest desktop build possible.
1.] At minimum must have a Motherboard, RAM, PSU, x86 CPU, and some kind of storage medium.
2.] Must be under $150.
3.] All parts mus be brand new.
Here's mine:
Other urls found in this thread:
Doesn't go cheaper than
No advertising.
>put it on a desk
Go away you google shill
Jesus chirst that's really bad. Well, you get what you pay for I guess. Better than nothing I guess.
I doubt you'll find better hardware for cheaper. OP's $150 doesn't leave room for much. The drive he picked probably wouldn't even really count as "new", considering even if unused it's going to be new old stock and likely not open to manufacturer's warranty.
raspberry pi or some other single board computer
>x86 CPU
>>x86 CPU
ARM is a joke. When people want to get real work done and not just dick around playing angry birds they turn on their computer with an x86 processor.
ARM processors not only consumer more energy for the same amount of work but requires you to re-write software to cater to the gay cpu architecture it has. The only reason we use them on phones is because how dirt cheap they are, Android can run on x86 processors just fine.
>real work
>sub $150 computer brand new parts
You don't need an 50-core Xeon and 256GB of RAM to do spreadsheets or do some basic image/video editing/creation. The Athlon 5350 in OP's build is more than enough for that.
i kind of want to build a minimal power usage atom desktop
just something that can run flash without dying instantly but uses less than 15 watts under full load
That's about my current build honestly.
If that mother board can overclock OP then that's actually a he'll of a system for the money. I went with Asus am1a matx myself and with an OC to 2.7 the thing flies...also able to accept 2100 kHz ram so that's nice.
The only other oc mobo I'm aware of in am1 is the ass-rock model.
Either way slap a gtx 750ti or a low midrange and card and it's a decent gaming rig.
I actually wish AMD would drop a couple final am1 cups before zen...ditch the apu and gimme a straight gpu I can of to closer to 3 ghz...oh well no such luck I guess...
>2100 kHz ram
Anyway how the fuck did you manage to get that pupper chugging at 2.7 Ghz? Most people who have been able to OC their base usually only get to 2.4 Ghz (115 Mhz base) and have to max out the voltage to 1.4v to keep it stable during heavy load.
you don't need a x86 CPU for that either
>1.] At minimum must have a Motherboard, RAM, PSU, x86 CPU, and some kind of storage medium.
a tablet
it's not the cheapest
>you don't need a x86 CPU for that either
You do. If you have a job, your company is 100% guaranteed to use x86 software to do spreadsheets or whatever and obviously this requires a computer with an x86 computer. Come back to us when ARM can emulate x86 software without such a massive performance penalty on top of already using a shitty weak ARM processor.
how do spreadsheets require x86?
That's a pretty big performance loss for $2. You do get more RAM so I guess it might be okay.
Because you can't run microsoft office on an angry birds processor.
>You do get more RAM so I guess it might be okay.
yeah, and less energy usage and noise. The hole SoC is rated at 10W
Intel Compute stick is the best hobo x86 device you can get for under $150 brand new.
there are alternatives to microsoft office. if you employer can afford ms office then the can get you proper computer and not some 150$ Sup Forums machine
>there are alternatives to microsoft office.
They all blow. Otherwise someone would be making open sores spreadsheet software running on raspberry piss a thing by now.
So what's this gonna sell for?
The real retarded architecture is the x86 one, and in fact only the fucking facade of it has survived
>acting like your opinion on alternatives to MS office is fact
Im not him but libreoffice is only comparable to Office if all you do is basic stuff
Shit, even chinks have a better free office suite
Elaborate, it has shit on ARM in every single way except price. You do realize x86 is basically a RISC core with a CISC interpreter right? the RISC vs CISC debate died eons ago.