Reminder that GIF is pronounced "JIFF"
Reminder that KB is 10^3 and KiB is 2^10
Reminder that GIF is pronounced "JIFF"
>Jraphics Interchange Format
>Joint Potographic Experts Group
You better say jay-feg instead of jay-peg, when pronouncing jpeg
Jin and tonic
Jin & tonic
Perfect video. Bookmarked for future arguments.
If GIF is pronounced "Jiff", then is JIF (JPEG Interchange Format) pronounced "Yiff"?
gifs can have text overlayed? never heard of that, why don't browsers support it?
I'm using a hard g call the cops I dont give a fuck
>(JPEG Interchange Format) pronounced "Yiff"?
kek, however gif should extented to support 16-palette
webm 4ftw.
what an unbearable faggot
just use webm sempai, gif isn't worth it these days.
>four for the win
You don't make sense.
webm or weebm?
>tfw i always say the letters for png, sql, and gui
they just sound silly otherwise
Fuck off, pajeet.
Last night, I jiffed all over your ass, while giffing your balls.
Reminder that OP is a huge faggot and everyone I know pronounces it gif with a hard Sup Forums. Creator be damned.
Depends, everyone I know pronounces as OP said.
>Reminder that KB is 10^3
If he wants it pronounced as JIFF then the faggot should have spelled it like that.
The word in the acronym is even pronounced using a hard G, so literally there's no reason to pronounce it the way he wants except to be a special snowflake.
I stand corrected.
kB = 1000 B
KiB = 1024 B
Not even addressing any of the points in the video, but this guy needs to learn how to shave. His voice is a bit shrill, but I can look past that. I can't look past the weird streaks of thin hair going up his cheeks and across his lip. IN EVERY VIDEO.
Addressing the points he made in the video: I don't want to explain myself every time I say "gif" with a soft g, so I use a hard g like a majority of people do. Obviously popular usage wins the pronunciation war.
Who cares?
It's 2016, and we have webm and webp now.
B = ???
B = 8 b
Except that this is wrong.
I pronounce them "ping" "squall" and "gooey". Maybe that's weird
Right, technically "b" is only defined as the unit "barn". Octet is much more precise.
Kibioctet, Mebioctet, Gibioctet, ...
Reminder, the J in "JIFF" is pronounced as Y so its "YIFF".
"YIFF" as in YIFF in hell.
A byte has variable size.
So then I guess kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte, etc. have no meaning whatsoever as a unit of measurement?
Clearly we have no mutual understanding of what the unit of a byte refers to in this context.
that's not true at all
The byte size depends on the computer architecture. The de facto standard is 8 bits
The fuck do you mean "de facto"?
>what is ISO/IEC 80000
I actually have a copy of it and it does not define a byte as 8 bits. Getting your info from wikipedia articles with no sources is not a good idea.
That it is commonly 8 bits but it is not always 8 bits.
Negative. It is pronounced with a G and not a J sound. "JIFF" just makes you sound like a retard.
I'd argue that it's more than a de facto standard
This is what de facto standard means.
I'm curious, has there been an architecture in the last 20 years with a different sized byte?
like, you can easily find examples up into the mid-80s, but is there anything more recent with an odd byte size?
I love how this format is now obsolete and idiots are still pronouncing it wrong. They even argue with others:
>b-but t-the creator
He was a retard.
There is no evidence of pronunciation methodology in that image. I will always say gif as in gift because I also say Eureka Seven, not euhhrehkaaa seven. Same shit. Don't care what 'creators' say if they're just wrong.
Hey guys I made a new word, it's spelled exactly like the word 'Burrito', but you pronounce it 'Durrito'. It means YOU DON'T GET TO DICTATE HOW LANGUAGE WORKS EVER.
the George Lucas of computer graphics
em pee four
Objectively correct pronunciations.
Don't you mean jraphics? You fags can't make up your mind.
>OP is a huge faggot
[citation needed]
Jorge Lucas
He's Mexican
you had one job
What the hell's wrong with his eyes? Meth?
daily reminder than language is fluid, and is determined solely by majority usage. which is why the words irony an literally don't mean what they did anymore.
Loved him in Juno. Wish he'd wear the headband in all his videos tho
>Reminder that GIF is pronounced "JIFF"
Remember to go fuck yourself.
>fuck yourself.
That is physiologically impossible.
This is why autistic nerds should not be allowed to invent shit without adult (neurotypical) supervision.
Yeah I don't care.
I'll pronounce it gif, not jif. Because that's how the language simply involved.
Why the fuck should I say jif if most people know it as gif? Point of human language is to communicate efficiently as possible. Combine words to form sentences so you can hope that the other side will understand what you are trying to say.
If I say jif, I will be willingly use a pronunciation that the other side won't likely understand, requiring clarification.
Wait, people call PNG images "ping" rather than "pee en gee"?
relevant comic gay cunts
>most of the people in this thread weren't alive in the 90's to even see how filetypes were named and pronounced to begin with
DuckDuckGo pronounces it JIFF (audio sample!):
this guy is such an asshole, its awesome
>Joint Potographic Experts Group
Photograph starts with an "F" sound yet no one pronounces it jay-feg. Get fucked hard G faggots and suck a hard D
>yurocucks will never ever _EVER_ get over the fact that they are linguistic cuckolds forced to use their non-native tongues when communicating online with any relevant website
>implying most eurocucks don't have a better grasp of english grammar than your average americlap.
this desu
>implying the English language didn't originate in Europe
>implying most Americhimps can speak any language other than English, and most can barely master that one
Europeans made the language, but Americans perfected it.
Just letting this here
Nice job showing how soft G's work.
Its still Graphical, unless that's said with a soft G.
>we perfected it yall!
Besides, this wouldn't even be a debate if English weren't such a caveman tier language.
If Henry Ford came back from the dead and said "well actually it's pronounced Char" would you start pronouncing it Char?
No faggot, no one fucking cares that the creator is a fag that tries to police his term. GIF is closest to the word "Gift", and is pronounced like it, you are autistic if you see GIF and think "hmm, this must be pronounced with a soft G even though there are no words that look like it pronounced with a soft G!"
I say dot jee eye eff
this. and I also pronounce jpeg Jay-Peg. I do both of these because I'm not autistic. If you do anything else it just means you're autistic and also probably a faggot
>there are other words that begin with 'ch' and are pronounced as 'k'
and dozens more
Who's the massive faggot now, faggot?
I've been pronouncing it with a soft G since long before I knew the author declared it as such. Probably before you were even born, summerfaggot.
>I also pronounce jpeg Jay-Peg
Shouldn't it be jay-feg then, by hard-Gfag logic?
Fuck, I just rekt myself
>car is an acronym
You still haven't proved shit about shit. So what if you were autistic and gay long before the author sperged out in front of millions? You are still autistic and gay if you see GIF as closer to soft-g starting words that barely resemble it as opposed to all the words I listed with a hard G that start with the letters G and I. Kill yourself
>barely resemble
ONE word, good job, I can keep going