
Why is literally every service that "respects your freedoms" rightfully associated with pedophilia and various other illegal shit? I used to care about privacy but now I'm honestly beginning to think the "only terrorists and pedos need privacy" claim is quite accurate.

Other urls found in this thread: for girls&tbs=imgo:1

You don't need privacy, yet.

No problem OP, go ahead and oppress yourself so you don't feel like a neck beard.

how the fuck are there php based sites which operate without getting rooted?

Nice argument, pedo

why hide the link, op?

freedom, mother fucker.

Do you have a practical way to get them rooted?

those services respect your freedom by making you anonymous
criminals want to be anonymous
they use those services
normies don't give a shit about privacy
normies don't use those services
only criminals use those services

think of them as weapons. they can be used for good or evil.

Because I don't want this thread to be deleted for advertising you literal fucking pedo.

To violate and abuse the rights of little girls?

>they can be used for good
I'm sure there are examples, care to give some?

Communication between honest citizens who are considered criminals by oppressive regimes. Like in Egypt. Or USA.

not really interested in porn or degenerate loli shit
(seriously rape porn is unattractive as your female partner isnt having a good time - it's these people never have slept with anyone and made them cum)

nothing is hotter than a girl squirming under you while she cums & grabs onto you digging her nails into your skin panting and moaning and smiling afterwards

but if information becomes illegal (thought crime)
then the skilkset of obfuscation becomes a necessary ability & potentially profitable

imagine a government that bans certain books or modifies them when they all go digital & print is finally dead

it's not about using it for normal browsing right now, it's about knowing how to hide should the day ever come

when you buy a gun you pray u won't have to use it on an oppressive government, but should the day ever come user

it's coming sooner than you think

>my hypothetical tyrannical government will definitely be retarded enough keep the open internet up when the day comes!
el oh el

Not a pedo at all, but I kind of want to see some softcore CP just because I'm so curious. Are all of the children miserable, or are they happy? Where the fuck is it being filmed/taken place? Wouldn't faces be blurred out?

>use encryption
>get questioned
>why you have encryption for? you hiding real lolis or something?

no bitch I like to protect my personal info from crooks

But a lot of this privacy stuff circumvents internet restrictions entirely, which is the point

Unless you mean they are going to shut off the internet entirely, but I don't know how any modern country can function without it at this point. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. It's not hard to get around the chinese firewall for example.

the United states Senate has fallen to pharmaceutical conglomerates & multi-billion dollar corporations

how soon until we have to hide just to download a book, movie, or song like the "days when I was a kid on the young Internet"

i hate to be the bearer of bad news but it's already happened & will continue to get worse

what's ridiculous is how brazen the companies have become "Monsanto protection act" was signed into law this year

atleast the mafia and cartels work in secret
these companies lobbyists rig things and buy political weight right in from of everyone & get away with it

i may have gotten a bit carried away in my previous post (especially about the degeneracy of porn, it's fake and dumb user)

but my point is valid, why wouldn't you want to know how to hide should a time come when u are forced to

it's like not wanting to know how to work on your car or fix your electronics

it hopefully will never happen where you are forced to do these things, but I'll be damned if I'm one of the ones too stupid to obfuscate

>I'm sure there are examples, care to give some?
How do you think the person releasing the Panama papers did it? Openly like the ones who are going to jail in Switzerland, or anonymous like the Panama paper guy who does not go to prison because the authorities can't catch him?

Just because it is illegal does not make it unethical. And sometimes you need to do things anonymously or else your life will be shit because bad people (aka your own government) will go after you for doing the right thing.

Actually user the free market naturally generates maximum freedom and liberty for all participants. The free market is basically the number one answer to all of our problems, it's so obvious faggots, sheesh.

Because PHP isn't as bad as what people make it out to be. You be careful with input and output and you don't get issues.

Pretty much doubt they would use a .*chan clone for actual legitimate communications...

You could totally be arrested just for visiting there huh


>thinking a free market profit driven corporate entity will respect freedom of information exchange when they could generate revenue instead
>being a lolbertarian

companies do not guarantee you your rights only our shitty government attempts to

it's always the same with you,
praising the companies that destroy the environment, & would fuck over consumers/laborforce the second it becomes legal to

I'm just kekking with you senpai

I agree

Because victimless crimes. A crime that only has consequences when the police find out isn't much if a crime, so people tend to go to moderate lengths to commit them in a way that prevents the police from knowing. Speeding, drug production and use, possessing extremely offensive porn, copyright infringement, name it, someone likes it, nobody is hurt from it, and the arguments against it are based on "principle", slippery slopes, and other paranoid ramblings ('if we said it was okay for everyone to etc we need to punish YOU to set the standard"). So, not only is the law easily broken, it's often disrespected. The reasons for it are either not understood or accepted (the limitations of law enforcement is a big one) or despised (someone with more money than you wanted it this way because of their personal morals/desire for more money).

Oh, and there's one other reason called "cohesive society". If everyone is an individual animal with their own divergent morals, why should they care about each other? Why shouldn't they fight over resources? What common goal do they have that supersedes the easily attained "Survival"? Are they supposed to all be autistic robots and just pass each other by without giving a shit if one hits up the rock every day and the other fucks his dog? I don't think man will be capable of that kind of life until autism rates blow by 90% and empathy dies. For, with empathy, you see a person doing what you despise as suffering or damaged and in need of help, as you too would suffer to do that.

>But a lot of this privacy stuff circumvents internet restrictions entirely
Are you legitimately retarded? How are you going to """circumvent internet restrictions""" when there's no fucking open internet for you to even circumvent?

>it's like not wanting to know how to work on your car or fix your electronics
>fix your electronics
I'm sure you'd fix the microwave you heat your hot pockets in yourself faggot

>How do you think the person releasing the Panama papers did it?
I don't know, care to tell?

Because unless you're doing illegal stuff, then the services you listed are clearly inferior to normal way of doing things.
low connection speed, high ping, websites load slowly, some sites lose functionality when you disable javascript.
it's not a widely accepted method of payment, transactions take time to process, transaction fees
There's no reason to put up with that shit unless you're a pedo or you're buying drugs

>Speeding, drug production and use, possessing extremely offensive porn, copyright infringement, name it, someone likes it, nobody is hurt from it, and the arguments against it are based on "principle", slippery slopes, and other paranoid ramblings ('if we said it was okay for everyone to etc we need to punish YOU to set the standard").
Nobody can seriously be retarded enough to think this

Librechan? Really?
Why did you censor that anyway?

According to those "oppressive" regimes, you're a moral disease if you subvert the reign of islam in the same way the west calls you a moral disease for being a pedo and breaking the rules of sexual selection by picking out girls before they develop the ability to reject your ugly ass for having shit genes.

You only support that cause because you don't think subverting those societies is a bad thing, despite the people that cherish the stability of their system of existence that merely differs from yours in what behaviors it stigmatizes

You're basically a pedo supporting privacy in the name of exchanging cheeze pizza or a drug user supporting it in the name of doing drugs without going to jail

You, as most people are, are a selfish creature that attempts to convert others into fascimiles of itself using a veil of spirituality and broken logic resting on shaky foundations

right and wrong are spooks

Because read the fucking thread you imbecile

I don't care about your whining and reading the OP is enough.

technically you could fix a microwave user

i dont use them as they damage the food & ruin nutritional content

i only fuck with vegetarian non gmo meals & distilled reverse osmosis water like I previously mentioned in the thread earlier (follow the butterfly)

more realistic examples = wow my Tv is fucked up, wow my strobe light for Halloween isnt working properly, wow my projector won't power up, oh man my original nes Nintendo system isn't responsive, damn i sure wish I could fix the odometer display in my car

these are all real world examples k

As long as your country is connected to the internet people will get around it m8, it's not hard.

>technically you could fix a microwave user
But do you? If you don't even practice what you preach your previous argument is void.

Librechan is a refuge for pedos, because 8ch grew some balls and kicked them all out.
Otherwise it'd probably be a dead site.

You'll have to rewrite your post a bit more clearly because it makes 0 sense so far.

Truth hurts kiddo
Freedom isn't freedom
"Rights" are preconceptions installed in the minds of your forefathers by those who dared call themselves leaders without any genuine, real justification but "because we want it that way" - and don't forget they have friends with guns

*tips fedora*

>As long as your country is connected to the internet
The entire fucking premise is that it isn't you literal retard

You can't understand it because you're not the ubermensch

Don't worry, once you jerk off to enough midget clown porn you'll begin to detach yourself from the social dogma and see the illusion for yourself

Name a functional modern country that actually cuts internet off from it's citizens in a way that cannot be circumvented

Why do you assume I am a pedophile?

You're not a pedophile, you're just stuck in the same selfish paradigm as them, albeit less self aware. You need to be compared to the selfish pedo to understand that you are not actually some savior of global freedom - just some fat american that wishes those foreign governments would get fucked already.

>Name a functional modern country
Do you have short term memory loss or are you trying to gaslight me? Your whole fucking argument at the very beginning was a hypothetical scenario of a tyrannical government.

You're too retarded for me to talk to any longer.

It's just a programming language.

desu I've never had a microwave long enough for it to break all the places I've rented recently had one built into the house

but like I said, I don't fuck w/ microwaves as they are unhealthy.

all electronics are made up of replaceable components

i walk the walk, sweatshop free, egalitarian, 10+year vegetarian, self taught programmer musician artist

as an educator I am responsible for teaching kids to remain objective & to think for themselves +we are responsible for our decisions in life // not merely a confluence of various forces or simply marginalized, it is always our own decision who we are

None of your comparisons make sense. You comparing me to pedophiles does not offend me and does not make any of your attempted arguments stronger. If that's the best you can do, compare people who advocate privacy to pedophiles, then your argument is really, really weak. I'm also not American, I'm Russian.

>This guy seriously thinks microwaves reduce the nutritional value of food
>He's a vegetarian instead of an insectivore
>not microwaving enriched grasshopper patties

go buy a loaf of bread and rape the land more you retarded hypocrite

Even Iran still has internet access mate, and is absolutely a tyrannical regime


Figures a braindead commie wouldn't comprehend actual moral relativity, or even know how to accept it while maintaining their own willpower

Don't you have some weebs to put in the gulag?

Now you completely dropped the argument and went full on personal insults. Congrats.

You couldn't understand what I was saying in the first place. It's not worth it to me to do anything but insult you at this point. Dork.

Yes, yes, only pedophiles and criminals need privacy, but only tyrants and oppressors need information.

>organic non-gmo crops rape the land
>and are somehow worse than glyphosate doused government subsidized corn patty fructose bread

thinking a sustainable farm land (dustbowl prevention) is the same as a factory farm or whatever

educate yourself, you're destroying your mind and body user
also the planet

there's technically bugs in all your processed chemical "food" so technically you're right about the insects

You can't claim something you can't elaborate on. Look at this discussion from a side. You make a claim, I ask you to elaborate, you respond with personal insults. Do you honestly think someone ever would interpret this as your moral superiority?

moral relativism is fucking retarded user

>well we've all decided that killing people for no reason is totally accepted norm now get with the times
>well we've all decided to become degenerate rapists
>it's OK because our new culture we made up says so

it's like you're so much of a pussy you have no morals or ideals

I think Venezuela might come close, though I dunno if they shut off cell towers during their blackouts

if they go to jail there won't be as many summer friends

People in countries with censorship make good use of those tools. Also bitcoin is fun to gamble with. Throw a couple hundred in btc and play a big gamble to see if you can make back more money.

Also most those hidden sites are slow and inconvenient to use. Large corporations invest a lot of money in their technology and websites and make it very convenient. Normies don't care for privacy at all. Same reason you see fat ass Americans eating fast food and microwavable garbage, it's more convenient than cooking a proper meal.

But yeah... those pedos do ruin any good hidden website and makes it not worth even going to any.

>...Crops rape the land
Yes, you destroying natural habitat to grow massive amounts of a less than ideal food source is raping the land. You don't need a bowl of leaves and berries, you need a handful for your nutritional needs, and you don't need starches at all. Just eat meat, or if meat gets too expensive to raise due to its dependence on eating higher forms of life, bugs that can reprocess amorphous vats of organic waste more efficiently than plants ever could.

Stop trying to live off plants. Ecosystems invariably end up with entire species dedicated to killing herbivores, or they vanish, as the plants die and the bugs don't even have decomposing matter left to feed off of. Herbivores are a destructive force. The primary evil in eating meat is in fact the creation of more herbivores needed to sustain a growing population of carnivores. Are you really making it better by just directly making that population a bunch of herbivores?

Better to raise bugs off a smattering of plant waste from the smattering of plants you actually need, corpses, and sewage. Or just eat the corpses straight up. Delicious, yo.

Moral relativism implies that morality is relative to, what? You? No.

The people with the power to enforce morals through violence
The people wit the psychological makeup to believe them in the same way they would believe a literal god

It's not that morals vanish, it's that your rights are privileges and someone with a different set of rights is no more oppressed than you are. There's really no difference between you wanting privacy so some rebel can destroy their government and a pedo wanting privacy so they can jerk off to little girls. Nobody is making "good" use of anything. There is no good, only what you won't get shot, beaten, or imprisoned for.

It's funny that the largest pedo site on the internet is publicly available to everyone and nobody ever complains about it: for girls&tbs=imgo:1

Should I assume that everyone who uses a google service is a pedo too?

>you also dont want Librechan to be taken down and investigated

It is better to live in world with rebels taking down their governments and pedos looking at pictures of girls than in one where one of this is happening.

DOST test nigga
>It's okay to be a pedo as long as you don't gross us out :^)

Pictures of little girls in bikinis should be illegal now?

>where none of this is happening*

What the fuck is better and what the fuck be the prime originator of your definition for it? You? Thomas Jefferson? Richard Stallman? Madoka Kaname?

Why do you think your "better" is actually better and why do you expect other people to agree? Why do you think your better should be everyone's better? Do you even think that? If not, why open your mouth?

Nice strawman.

>a world with ISIS and pedophilia is better than one without
Objectively wrong.

government, the historically greatest violator of rights, is not your friend.

it is ultimately up to you to defend your rights from others violating them, whomever they may be.

privacy is a means of keeping them out of your business, to which they have no right.
no other man nor woman has a right to your labor, your property nor your body/life unless you agree to it.

sadly, like most dumbfucks who pay income taxes, you and they are largely ignorant about matters of freedom and slavery.

this is no coincidence, however.

is it a coincidence the "Papers Please" Sup Forums banner laoded?

also, you have the right to defend yourself to the point of lethal force, if necessary.

but along with ignorance, most people are cowards, as well. so they bend over, spread their ass and let mommy/daddy government have their way with them, along with supporting the evil of doing so to others who courageously stand up against it.

Me. It's my opinion. Hope you enjoyed it.
Let's not forge that is you who;'s trying to convince me that privacy is bad, - I'm not trying to convince you that it's good. It is my opinion based on the knowledge I have that privacy is good and if you want to change that, you'll have to come up with some good arguments.

>applying to anything but physics with an "as perceived by man and his instruments of measurement" disclaimer tacked on to the end

how much water & food do u think it takes to raise cows, pigs, & lambs for slaughter

you're suggestion is that I change to something literally worse for the planet

however, my diet is my own personal choice & not a political statement (in person my power level is always hidden)

kale, spinach, carrots, oats, ect
these foods are nutrient dense

a burger from McDonald's is not. period.
real food doesn't have an ingredients list, real food IS ingredients

there is good in this world user
i hope someday you're able to find it

nihilism is cancer

there is a such thing as right and wrong

pour light on everything

I'm not telling you that privacy is bad

I'm telling you that you that it's all personal preference (and that your preference does not exist in a void)

You don't get it man

Cows, pigs, and lambs are fine for a small population. Any bigger, use bugs.

>nutrient dense
That's why you don't need to grow very many of therm. Eat meat, faggot.
Fuck no.
>a burger from mcdonalds is not
The meat is actually very nutrient dense. You'll eventually learn that entire cultures have subsisted entirely off meat, even though it makes you fat when you put it on plant cancer.

>there is a such thing as right and wrong
I see you were born with the capability to be delusional. I heard that was once necessary for social cohesion among unrelated humans.



>believing murder, rape, & the systematic destruction of the planet are inherently evil makes me delusional

wew lad

keeps talking about eating bugs

Sup Forums posts shouldnt be taken too seriously maybe it's time to go outside

or better yet you might want to Google search a few of the chemicals you're eating on a daily basis before your balls turn into autistic raisins

>Inherently evil

What's inherently evil about them? Murder eliminates undesirables. Rape bypasses psychological issues individuals with advantageous genetics might have with regards to breeding. The systematic destruction of the planet, hey, wait, weren't you advocating that, what, with the whole needing agriculture to live thing? You would destroy less of the planet if you dedicated a little land to multi-story bug farms and significantly less land than you do now to actual farms. Think of all the land not being used just for humans. Wouldn't that be nice, for you?

Anyways I think it's high time you're raped, and then murdered, man

underrated post

nothing can is inherently evil.Your perception of evil is altered by the perception of how others view your perception of how they perceive evil.


not true

even elephants dogs and cats display empathy

moral relativism is globalist propaganda

start caring about the earth before it's too late faggots

Btw is it illegal??

it already too late buddy the world is built on exploitation.

it's not the way it has to be

we don't have to buy from sweatshops
we don't have to eat shitty processed chemical foods
we don't have to follow globalist dogma

we control the market collectively & can change the earth as we see fit

the problem is complacency


you are living a a delusion you do not control shit.You are given a lie that you have some sort of control

>implying a company wouldn't respond if even 15% of their profits dipped

u have no understanding of the free market
the customer is always right because no customers =no business

fun fact: Walmart started stocking USA sweatshop products as a way to coax people back into their stores after facing poor PR backlash

*sweatshop free products

>the us is in bed with pharmaceutical companies
kek I always liked this meme

enjoy your forced vaccinations

more vaccines = more profits

meanwhile we have been the home of the highest Infant mortality rate & have the sickest population (diabetes /heart disease) +horrible cancer rates from being treated as lab rats for big-agro glyphosate fueled conglomerate shenanigans

u might want to read a book or two
there's a reason putin banned all this shit in Russia
(63 other countries regulate heavily or ban as well)


well memed my friend

because everyone else can just use facebook/reddit/Sup Forums etc.

>i dont use microwaves as they damage the food & ruin nutritional content
Please tell us how a microwave ruins the nutritional content of your food

You sound like the kind of edgy faggot who would watch Mr Robot and think Elliot's conversations with himself about society are insightful.

Wait, we're on Sup Forums the techonology board right?

microwave ovens are technology fuck off unless you have some sparky comment about moral objectivism

>please Google some peer reviewed scientific studies for me and give me the sauce
it's your lucky fuckin day pic related

inb4 shit posters link CNN & new York times as credible sources

>Mr robot
shit taste confirmed

>trusting Forbes or any mainstream media outlet
>trusting Forbes

what are scientific peer reviewed studies

By your logic of categorizing people you will be able to group pro-euthanasia supporters with mass murderers and gun enthusiasts with terrorists...

No one claimed to be some 'savior of global freedom' just because they want to stop people from sticking their nose into places where it doesn't belong.

Oh, so you're retarded.
He literally says things like:
>Not surprisingly, a calorie today will provide you less nutrition than a calorie from 100, or even 50 years ago.
A calory is a unit of energy, not nutrition. Him getting basic facts like this wrong should be huge red flags that he doesn't know what he's talking about and is just making it up.

That's just for starters. I just clicked on one of the studies, the garlic one in your image. Actually look at the studies he is linking in the claims. ie/ mercola claims that microwaves are what causes garlic to lose some nutritional value, due to some property inherent to microwaves, when in fact the study reports garlic loses its nutrients from being overcooked, and gets the same results when overheating the garlic in the oven as well as being overcooked in the microwave.

You can't just trust these nutjobs to handle your health affairs.


>Not surprisingly, a calorie today will provide you less nutrition than a calorie from 100, or even 50 years ago.
What in the fucking shit did you just link to?

I don't really do that much illegal shit aside from streaming some shit every now and then. Even so I really don't want some faggot snooping on my shit.
How is this even an argument for real. You wouldn't want some asshole looking over your shoulder while you browse.

Am I missing something here?