Question About Graphics Cards

How does one go about making a graphics card stop working without any visible physical damage?

flash the BIOS EEPROM with random numbers

unplug it

It needs to stop working in the computer.

Im pretty sure just unplug the fan while gpu is in use could kill it.

Stop being a shit cunt and leave your roommate's computer alone. Seriously, I'd fucking stab you if your ever messed with mine.

Put it in water for an hour. Why do you want to know anyway? What are you planning to do, faggot?

good idea, the only reason i think it might not work is an automated thermal shutdown (or visible heat damage)

Try to try to deliver it overstock not to the point that'll cause any visible Burns to the GPU. Take out the heatsink and put some other alligator clips on the die and pump it with high voltage and if there is any visible Burns just put back the heatsink

Explain why OP

Yea, just drop a penny on top of it while it's on

Can anybody give me a reason to buy the rx 480 nitro+ over the r9 fury?

In Australia, it looks like there's going to be a $50 (maybe even less) price difference.

Story time guys
>be me
>know shit all about computers
>buy "gaming" PC according to employee
>max settings and 60frames for the next 5 years of gaming!!!
>complete shit
>too late to return bc my family was poor so it was hard to get a ride into the city bc we didn't have a best buy in my town at the time
>deal with it
>fucks up (graphics card is broken basically)
>over the course of 6 months, take a trip there to have it fixed and take a trip there again to pick it up
>happens again twice between then and now
>4th fix means new PC of same value (or what I paid and some cahs towards a more expensive PC) bc protection plan
>18 now
>know slightly more about tech
>did some shit today to the graphics card but still seems okay
>trying to find a way to get something to break without the employees being able to tell

I know it's kind of shitty but I did tell the employee that I wouldn't be able to drive back to return it after I bought it and he was like"Yeah dude if it doesn't turn out good you can kick me in the nuts"

Never saw him again but kinda want to kick him in the knee.

This ain't the SQT, you should post there instead

brick it by flashing to a corrupted bios version

Literally pop off any cap or resistor

>no visible physical damage

Uhh could I get that a little more simply put please?

Well, make sure that the warranty period hasn't ended first.

My protection plan ends in a few days but I have enough time.

Stop destroying graphics cards because you want mommy to buy you a new one.

Just because I'm young doesn't mean I'm doing shit like that. This new PC I'm buying is coming out of my pocket. Been working for a few months planning on getting a shitty laptop for college but then I said fuck it and decided to add what I have to the money I'll get back from this PC for a tower.


>the dumbfucks at best buy can tell a half mm resistor covered by a random heatsink is missing

Kek there's a non null probability that you insert a valid firmware though

unplug your card during the bios flashing process

What is bios flashing process?

get the fuck out of my board

Best buy doesn't check if something works. Just go in and fucking return it

also a non-null probability that the random numbers you generate and use as a BIOS are significantly better than the ones AMD shipped with your card.

u ever flashed a bios?
google it
then corrupt bios

he can just sell the card. that's more ethical

Don't mean to be picky but I could I get something a little safer? Something I could do while the computer is off and unpowered?

OP here and here's the deal.

Something on the PC has to stop working as a result of natural causes. If anyone has anything easy and safe to do, (and sounds easy and safe to someone who is basically retarded for PCs) please let me know.

OC the shit out of it's mem till it's fucked.

nigger what how is that not safe

Sorry tagged wrong post. Meant the guy who told me to unplug while flashing.

Hey listen!

Take the video card out and dip it in water and oh it back in the computer and turn it on....profit?

Won't that cause a fire? Don't have fire insurance.

>Something on the PC has to stop working as a result of natural causes.

build up a bunch of static electricity with a balloon and a blanket (or your feet and a rug).

take out parts from the computer (ram, etc), and touch them until they stop working.

Undetectable and leaves no physical damage at all.

If you like to watching it scream for a couple minutes before it actually starts burning, it's not like it just explodes or spews flames everywhere you should natually turn it off after the first couple pops.

Since I've taken it out multiple times and have a good idea, where would I touch the graphics card to short it out?

>where would I touch the graphics card to short it out?
anywhere shiny.

And I'll have shorted it out when I feel a shock?

OP here

I'll try it after a a couple more hours of PS4. Thanks!

fry some component on it, without leaving a fry mark

expose it to strong magnetic fields during operation?

resolder a diode on in reverse