I'm at the apple store right now Sup Forums, why don't you work at the apple store?

I'm at the apple store right now Sup Forums, why don't you work at the apple store?

Because I work as a programmer, retail a shit

We use macbooks though

>having a job

Can someone dump those autistic apple fanboy kid memes, I need to get some new ones?

I almost got a job there once, they have horrible low wage that's commission based, have to sell lots of macs to get a normal wage, fuck that shit.

Because I work as a web developer

Python+Django masterrace
anything else is pleb-tier

>have to sell lots of macs to get a normal wage
Don't macs pretty much sell themselves

Are you me? Because I mainly work with Python+Django

>Are you me?
Yes, I also work with it. The framework is smooth as butter, and it's a treat when you get to dig into it to resolve bugs

i respect your opinion but i personally like the MEAN better.
angular 2 is actually good now.
and node is great if you dont use packages made by retards that have a trillion dependencies.

I respect you liking MEAN as JS is pretty comfy to work with, including Angular2, though I haven't seen how Express compares to Django yet

please take more pics of the cutie genius brown/asian girl

express is generally faster however, django is more fully featured.
that being said youd use express only for rest apis or small services.
routing should be done with angular and serving with a real server like nginx or apache.

I used to be an engineer at Apple. Started by working retail when I was 18 to get me through college. 8 years later I'm working at Ford because Apple treats their employees and customers like tools. Working for Apple is basically gif related.

My kid dropped his iPad the other day and got me to drop it into the store in the city. I felt dirty going in there but pushed through. Ugh the stereotypes were so true. Dumb, indifferent hipsters in early 20's behind counters. Dumb old guy asking why his iPhone doesn't work with a smashed screen and dumb Asian tourist asking the 'man to give her a new password' because she locked herself out of her MacBook. I finally got to the counter and asked what they charge to fix the screen.
Sorry apple don't repair iPads. You really need to just buy a new one.
I thought apple fan boy iCuck dumb hipster apple guy were all memes but no, it's a fact.


Yeah but they'll buy their $1000+ machine from the pretty girl

I didn't drop out of high school

muh niggas

I'm not literally poor and don't literally have an income below the actual poverty line so I make more than what Apple retail employees get paid.

cool dubs hose

Because I'm not a flamming homosexual.

FUCKING BOMB IT AND YOU SHOULD DIE AS WELL APPLE FAGGOT. Those gay fuckers helped close kickass torrents but wouldn't help unlock a terrorist's phone.

This. But I'm an iOS developer, so keep buying their stuff. You're making me rich.

>pretty girl.

You mean pretty boy?

HAHAHAHAHA. Enjoy last decade's architectural patterns.