/hpg/ - Headphone General

/hpg/ - Headphone General Anonymous 06/26/16(Sun)07:46:44 No.55268975 Archived


>Headphone purchase advice

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DAC: Schiit modi 2
AMP: Schiit vali 2

Trying to decide between the hd 600 and hd 650, which would be better for my setup?

end game headphones reporting in

$150 hard cap
*See note
>Open or closed
>Comfort level

*My motherboard audio has constant hissing on it, every os i use has the same problem.
Do i buy an audio card and then plug it in to that?

Need a mic too, prefer boom

Really you can't go wrong with either. Theyre very similar. But if youre going to use them for immersion and to enjoy music, movies and games, get the HD650.

Sony MDR7506, are they good compared to the other Flat frequency headphones on the market.

HD650 is an overpriced, dark and low-fi HD600.

The hd600 is more detailed than the 650 and it's already more than warm enough and full sounding as it is.

That should tell you everything. I've tried both and the 600 is the best headphone i've ever tried in my life.

Sounds like you need a DAC.

Under $200
Samsung Galaxy S7 and PC
>Preferred type of headphone
fullsized,overear(just not iem)
>Open or closed
open/closed(open preferred bc of soundstage, but bass is preferred)
>Comfort level
anything that's not really uncomfortable, have longer hair and Portpros really fucked with that so I'm wishing I can get a pair that goes around this
>Preferred tonal balance
warm and smooth(beefy bass)
>Past headphones
Portapros, and bunch of IEMS

I want to have a decent soundstage and good, beefy bass. Bass>soundstage.

Buy a fiio e10k, done.

New to all this.
I get the jist of dac, from the wiki, but i have no clue where to start after that.
Only had shitty $5 headphones over the years and a gaymer headset that came part of a graphics card bundle i bought years ago

Despite what everyone here will tell thy sound incredibly similar. The HD 600s are cheaper so get them. I have HD 650s because I got an incredible deal on them but would be perfectly satisfied with the HD 600s.

>hd600 is more detailed than the 650

Couldnt be more wrong.

The 650 has more details in the highs, and extends way lower in the sub bass. It does have more mid bass as well, but it really just expands in all directions in comparison to the 600.

I went to a audio store down town and tried out the HD800, HD700, HD650, HD600, and some Audeze massive cans. Walked out with the HD650 because they were the best over all. Theyre the HD600 but with more texture, lusher, and more everything.

I dont know how to describe audio. But to say the 600 has more detail is just wrong. The 650 is so much more resolving in micro detail. I may agree the 600 is more neutral in sound signature.

If the HD600 is more neutral than it's automatically more detailed. What you heard that day was a lie confirmed by your biased expectations towards the HD650.

The 600 just sounds fucking 'right'. The extra midbass masks detail on the 650's imo.

Both very good but the hd600's are better. They're nearly perfect.

>HD600 is more neutral than it's automatically more detailed
not necessarily. The HD800 is more detailed than any of them and they're treble canons.

first step is get some decent headphones
those will be good without a dac or an amp

then you decide where to go

Need some noise cancelling headphones, are these the best option?


This guy can tell the difference between 144kbps opus and flac with shitty $2 earbuds
I think that you may have hearing loss.

Won't it still be 3.5 rca connectors though?
Don't i need to replace the motherboard audio panel with something else?

Recently one of the clips like in pic related on my AD700xs broke off, but even before then there wasn't quite enough support for my small head and they slid down a bit and ended up not being too comfortable. Is there anything I can buy the replace the weird half headband thing?

For noise cancelling they are still the best. One of the few things Bose does very well.

I put a hair tie around the wings on the top and it significantly improved comfort and it staying in place.

That works really nicely but it looks bad and doesn't solve my problem that one of the pads broke off, can I buy a replacement pad?

Yeah you can still order them from Japan. Last time I looked they were retardly expensive. Like $40 with shipping

sucks to suck i guess

>Open or closed
>Comfort level
Fairly comfortable and I need them to go fully around the ear


Are these in any way different from these?


I'm asking because I can't tell the difference in specs, but that price difference is throwing me off. I'm also new to this game of cans thing.

>Ears on top of head
>Headphones on side of head

How will he hear the moosic Sup Forums?

The whole point of massdrop is that it's cheaper you dumb cunt

Thanks friend, I'm just jaded to jewish trickery I suppose.


The ears on top are like radar and other signaling systems. It enhances the auditory system, while there are normal human ears where headphones are.
Think of it like echo location. Dolphins can use their eyes and see fine. But they use echolocation to enchance their awareness of their surroundings

Oh don't worry you'll get jewed by the shipping times upwards of several months

The ayyyiluminati sticker is covering the horrid brand logo.

This is my final setup, I have no reason to improve any of this stupidly expensive setup.

Flip a coin.
Fidelio X2 or DT770 Pro 80ohm.
Sub-bass extension on the HD650 is the same as the HD600, the HD650 produces less upper midrange to treble gain, because of this it is perceived as having more bass.

I think 'details' is a massive buzzword at this point but after hearing the HD600 and HD650 side by side, the HD600 is what I'd call more detailed since it's brighter and I can hear the nuances clearer, not that it can't be heard on the HD650, it's just less apparent.
Would disagree here.

>first step is get some decent headphones
Perhaps you failed to notice the part that said:
>My motherboard audio has constant hissing on it, every os i use has the same problem.
Great idea suggesting he get better headphones to hear the hiss even better.

user my LCD-2 came in and i run it through my motherboard and they definitely get loud enough are much more clear than my HD600

>LCD-2 more clear than HD600

That's just impossible, lel.

Should I sell my 99 Classics for an HD 600?

>Sub-bass extension on the HD650 is the same as the HD600
No, even though
>the HD650 produces less upper midrange to treble gain
is true.

>the HD600 is what I'd call more detailed since it's brighter and I can hear the nuances clearer
To borrow some visual terms, that's not detail, that's messing around with the color balance to make certain things *pop* out.
Detail is information. Headphones don't lack information in the same way that a display would. If the frequency is present with a minimum of distortion, the information is there.

Aside from the spatial cues that no device can get right, headphones don't have a particular restriction on "detail". It serves as a heavily misused term in audio.

Were you the one asking all those questions about the LCD models?

Why (are you/would you be) selling it? Why the HD 600?

$200 max, the cheaper the better obv
>Preferred type of headphone
>Open or closed
closed, but with the best soundstage a pair of closed cans within my budget can offer (I know open 'phones generally offer better soundstage, but I need closed ones for the isolation)
>Comfort level
not a big deal, but should be comfortable enough for an hour or two music listening sessions
>Preferred tonal balance
neutral most preferred, but just as long as it isn't too bassy or too warm with a great soundstage, I won't mind

currently considering the Beyerdynamic DT770 80 ohms ($150) and the SoundMAGIC HP150 ($129), so if anyone has any input on those, or any other recs, please share

thanks, guys

They aren't suitable for public use, the cups are a bit too small and the band tries to pull my hair out every time I take them off. Bass is muddy, and to make up for it Meze made it more boomy. When I got them I didn't know the HD600s existed for the same price
>HD 600 $325 current on amazon
>Meze 99 Classics $330 on website
and I bought it on impulse. When you search up reviews on the 99 classics everyone seems to say the same fake praise like the Meze guy paid everyone off. There are no critical reviews on the headphone that I can find.

Looking at the v-moda crossfade m-100.
I like durability from it, and it looks like it has good quality mixed.
Looking for a second opinion.

They might be slightly above 200 bucks but they are worth it if you want good soundstage on closed cans and don't mind looking like an idiot wearing them.
I also own the DT-770 and the V-Moda M100 and the NAD are better when it comes to sound stage

i dont want to admit to it but yes i was that idiot

Small Soundstage but sound excellent. They are a bit colored but not distracting ly so. Makes for a very nice listen. Extremely durable. My friends pair works flawlessly after years of hard use and even abuse.

Sounds like a miserable experience.
I suppose HD600 will remedy most of those issues, besides a bit of clamp. I would consider slightly used sets as well.
Hopefully HD600 midbass won't prove too irritating. Got anything else in mind for portable use?

Asking questions doesn't make you an idiot, nor is it a problem.

Which LCD2 version? I presume Fazor, but which cups, Shedua or Bamboo?
How do you like the LCD-2 so far?

It sounds like a slightly nicer Crossfade LP, which was widely panned, but it is built tougher and such.
The fit (headband span, pad width, pad depth) comes up short, not a great set for home listening.

Has a case of closed headphone midrange, the part where the upper bass-low mid are missing. Retains many of the weird dips of the Crossfade, but smoothed out. I still don't like it, even if the general reception was more favorable.

what's /hpg/ opinion on pic related?

Is there a Sup Forums recommended IEM for around $100-$150?I need something that isn't nigger bass and will last.

shedua fazor
i dont know anything about terminology or headphone reviews so i'm more throwing words out based on what i think is appropriate so sorry if its kinda poor/hard to understand

when i first put them on i thought i made a mistake because I was listening to rap and I didn't notice much immediately but when I changed to classical music that I'm much more familiar with I could definitely recognize that there was more clarity and separation

there is less bass i think compared to my hd600s
that or since it appears to be more punchy it doesn't last as long and appears as if there's less of it

im very happy with my purchase and i'm definitely not returning them
thanks anons for letting me preach

the more I wear them I think vocals seem somewhat recessed? thats not really much of a problem since i don't listen to orchestral pieces that have vocals in them

Shure SE215

If you cannot afford the XPT then the CAL is the one go for.


there are no better closed headphones in that price range than the dt 770. go ahead and cop.

How do I find out if my motherboard can drive a certain pair of headphones?

Looking into buying a pair of Beyerdynamic DT880s since my Logitech headset broke after about 6 years of use. I plan on buying the 250 Ohm model and I dont mind buying an amp/dac but I'd much rather prefer to buy one at a later date.

My motherboard is a Asus z87-a, for reference.

>tfw you'll never be a qt3.14 cockslut neko boy

Thank fucking god.

It will likely work but will likely sound rather flat in comparison to using a good DAC and amp.

My HD 800s worked and sounded like any other headphones until I got my schiit.

I liked the Bamboo (it's a grass) look more.
>based on what i think is appropriate so sorry if its kinda poor/hard to understand
It's fine and better than the audio press. It might help that I know what each headphone does.

>there is less bass i think
>that or since it appears to be more punchy it doesn't last as long and appears as if there's less of it
Flatter bass implies quicker bass (single driver, no other resonator, no ports).

To go on a tangent:
You can break down the bass of a headphone to the mechanical resonation of a driver. When you talk about a resonator, or the simulated resonators in a parametric EQ (use one, they're great), you define it by center frequency, amplitude, and Q.

Q has definitions of:
-how "focused" a resonator on a frequency range, its center frequency divided by the range in Hz
-how long it takes to decay, how long it lingers around
High Q means the resonator is sharply focused on one specific frequency, and lingers around for a long time. Low Q means the resonator, the headphone's bass bump, will be spread out over a wider frequency range, and decay more quickly.

The time and frequency have a relation that gives them an inverse relation to each other, one goes up, the other goes down. You could say it like this:
>(time)*(frequency) = a constant*
Time in seconds, frequency in Hz.

For headphones, a moderate Q bass lift leaves a fair bit of slow decaying bass. If this were the treble, the same Q would spread the bump over several thousand Hz, and would decay faster. An extremely low Q would give a response that is spread out enough to look flat, with very quick decay.
For your headphones, the HD 600 bass has a fairly low Q, with a few dB of amplitude at resonance. LCD-2 has a much lower Q than that, with less amplitude, and faster decay.
If you're wondering how the frequency stuff can tie so much into the temporal, they aren't separate

*This has a non-coincidental similarity to Heisenberg's Inequality

Yeah, if you level match in the lower midrange, they have the same bass response. The HD650 appears less rolled off because of the compensation curves.

I hear more 'information' on the HD600 as opposed to the HD650.

This is probably a stupid question - are there headphones out there with the same soundstage as an iem?

I currently have the monster turbines and I love them, bass is big, treble is low.

I feel iem's will give a more complete sound because the headphones go deep in the ear compared to over-the-head headphones because of the distance from the ear and the headphone.

so i just bought the AKG K7XX. i've been using the m50's for about 5 years now. i make electronic music. am i going to need a dac/amp, or will i get good enough sound without one? volume is not an issue because i need to protect my hearing anyway.

A dac/amp doesn't magically "improve" sound dumbo.

never having used one, i wouldn't know.

I dont think you understand what soundstage means

or this is bait

A dac is only if your audio source has hissing and popping and shit. All an amp does is increase voltage to the headphones. To spend 250+ on these two things is unjustifiable. Check the voltage requirement on your k7xx and check the voltage output on your computer.

I know I used 'soundstage' inappropriately here, but I was hoping I wouldnt trigger anyone's autism and that they would understand what I meant, noted by the 'this is probably a stupid question...' in my post. I'm not sure how else to describe it.

Do you mean left/right separation?

Those guys would be people who are expert listeners, using a sample which is problematic for the codec and with EQ that seems to highlight artifacts. It's not comparable really.

Anyone know anything about these?

Did you swipe that from a school?

Late night bump.

Why do you prefer headphones to speakers? Please don't say because you don't want to wake up your parents with Touhou remixes at 4AM.

>Please don't say because you don't want to wake up your parents with Touhou remixes at 4AM.
Okay, I don't want to wake up my parents with lewd anime at 4AM.
On a more technical note, the fact that transducer is effectively coupled to the ear allows for greater audio resolution and detail retrieval than speakers without having to deal with all it's associated physics issues of Standing Waves, Room Modes, etc. Also they are a much cheaper and a better value proposition generally since the market didn't evolve over time to cater to rich old audiophiles addicted to vinyl (except maybe STAX).

Doesn't it bother you to have shit on your head though? And to expose how much of a fuccboi I am, doesn't it mess up your hair if you use any product?

How much of a down-grade would a DT 770 be from a PM3?

1) headphones are cheaper, a decent 2.1 speaker setup is generally more expensive than 300€, which is the starting point of diminishing return for headphones
2) headphones are close to the ears, which means that their sound quality isn't affected by positioning as much as it would be on proper speakers
3) no need to spend money into room treatment
4) overall a better surround experience

DT770 are the standard closed headphones in music studios, where PM3 aren't. Are you really sure that DT770 is a downgrade from the PM3? According to me, it's the contrary.

So the DT 990's I ordered went out of stock and I cancelled my order instead of waiting.
Now that I'm open for choosing again, are there any headphones I'm better off getting? About in the same price range, but I can be flexible.
Running the headphones through laptop -> fiio e10k.
I'll use them for gaming (mostly fps) and listening to mostly jazz, hip hop, and electronic music.

DT880 600 Ohm (250 Ohm can also go well)

Opinions on the AD900x?

Apartment and don't want share my Vocaloids and eurobeat with the people next to me. Plus I don't want to bother with the room treatment stuff.

Will the E10K be able to power the 600 ohm 880s? Sounds a bit high to me right

A guy here owning the DT880 600 Ohm said that the E10K can drive it fine. I suppose that the E10K won't be able to push the DT880 600 Ohm at loud levels though.

MA 750

Yeah I read in a head-fi thread that it worked well but I'm still in doubt.
As long as I can hear the sound well enough to hear everything in a quiet room it's good enough for me.

>94.0 dB SPL/mW
The E10K can power it fine. K612s are harder to drive and can be pushed to beyond recommended levels through the E10K.

What amp/DAC combo would you fine gents recommend for a pair of Apple EarPods™?

I'm rather affluent so budget isn't a consideration.

Your phone.

> K612 are harder to drive
No because they have a higher sensitivity and a lower impedance

Should I get a bottlememe for my HD600 or just a magni?

Obviously the solid state option.

Are V-Modas the fedora of headphones?

those plates are sick senpai.

>four THOUSAND dollars

Yeah I have a matching fedora and a vaper to go with those
They get me all the ladies

It doesn't look bad.

You're going to pick up so many ladies riding ur scooter around playing pokemon go.