Should we upgrade to Windows 10?

Hello Sup Forums.
To all Windows 10 users, now that you have a time using it, and now that the free upgrade is going to end, should we, other windows users, upgrade to W10?. What are the pros and cons of it?

And only-Linux lovers, We know you are completly invisible to corporations and you can watch all the hentai you want. We dont care about privacy, IMO I dont cante if half the world have my personal info.

>inb4 install gentoo
>inb4 botnet

Pros: everything
Cons: nothing

>Shit OS
>Use 7 until 2020
>After 2020 install Linux

Flip that shit faggot


Cons: nothing
Pros: everything

No, just the second parts

Up to you. I'm holding off until Server 2016, because some of the domain GPO items don't push correctly.

nah, just use Linux once you're ready to stop using 7. WINE has better support for Windows software than actual Windows.

>I dont cante if half the world have my personal info.
what's your paypal email and password?
also can I have your credit card details for good measure?

Cons: nothing
Everything: Pros

It's pretty gud. As long as you don't let Cortana take control it's a fine operating system, better than 8/8.1. If you want pure privacy don't use any Windows OS. I've enjoyed it so far.

Based non shill assessment


I finally went full retard and created a vt-d gpu pass-through setup on my GNU\Linux box. Works really well so far, running Ethan Carter Redux at 60 FPS on a 290x.

I love Sup Forums


W10 is shit, but it's where Windows is going. I use Windows solely as a gaming platform, and to that end it works fine. Without W10, you miss out on DX12, and again, the industry is moving to DX12 so you'll miss out if you don't upgrade.

Vulkan is starting to look like the next OpenGL, which means most developers aren't going to use it except for a couple big ones like Carmack.

>domain GPO items don't push correctly.
Any examples?

>DX12 for the gaymurs
>better UI
>better search functionality and windows explorer
>great botnet features like notifications if you're into that
>better optimization all around
>runs well on a toaster
>overall very nice user experience, better user experience than Win7 by a large margin

>adware, which is easy to disable but still there when you install it which is annoying

It's worth the trade off for me. I recommend it as an average user.

>+DX12 for the gaymurs
>+better search functionality and windows explorer
>+great botnet features like notifications if you're into that
>+better optimization all around
>+runs well on a toaster
>-adware, which is easy to disable but still there when you install it which is annoying

>better UI
are you serious?

I got a new laptop with windows 10 for work purposes. I must have spent five hours last night just uninstalling shit from it.
>uninstall cloud storage bullshit
>uninstall jukebox bullshit
>uninstall Zune bullshit
>uninstall Bing weather bullshit
>uninstall Bing news bullshit
>uninstall MacAfee security
>uninstall skype
>uninstall 3D builder
>uninstall Bing Finance

and then the shit they don't want you to uninstall, and requires either running commands or downloading zip packages to uninstall:
>uninstall internet explorer
>uninstall cortana
>uninstall Xbox
>uninstall windows phone
>uninstall windows store

then I had to unpin all the "tiles" from my startup menu. There were literally 20 popup ads on the fucking startup menu advertising Minecraft and OneNote and shit. Then I had to go to the privacy setting and uncheck each and every privacy setting: no, don't let apps use my camera, no, don't let apps recognize my voice, no, don't let apps use GPS location, and about thirty other things. Then I had to disable telemetry, and that was an ordeal. Then I had to disable the lock screen, because for some reason the log in screen needs a screen saver that does nothing but display the time and some fucking rocks.

Windows 10 is terrible. Getting rid of the bloatware requires more time than getting Arch up and running.

It's not bad once you disable 85% of its features.

So as someone who uses his PC for a bit of everything, from gaming, to taxes and paperwork, to piracy and such, is win10 worth it? Do they actively scan for pirated stuff, or do they only care about microsoft related software?

If you want to use windows, then yes, upgrade. There's no reason not to. Your version of windows is obsolete. If you however want to switch to another operating system, go ahead, no one is stopping you. Windows 7 was just as much of a botnet you stupid fuck.

Was using win10 as my main OS from the beta. The improvements they made to the OS was next to nothing. I also needed a shitton of space for all of my programs. After some experimenting with Linux, I made the switch and to this day thoroughly enjoy it. Win10 is a free upgrade because there is nothing to upgrade. Stick to win7 or switch to linux

I think the only con I've run across so far is I've needed to run windows 7 in a virtualbox which you can do completely for free and legally to bugfix some older equipment. Microsoft provides 90 day trials you can download for virtualbox on their website for stuff like this.

In everything else though the performance of Windows 10 has been great and so is the security. I haven't really run into anything I've disliked as a avid windows 7 lover.

However there really is no reason to upgrade to it unless you specifically have need of one of its functions.

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