/bst/ - BattleStation

BattleStation bread. Dead edition.

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How dead your wish, it is merely a preference.

Don't sneeze during an earthquake with all that shrapnel hanging.

the wallpapers don't match with anything.


woah im on time

My R9 Fury arrives Friday. Will barely fit in this case, ayy.

I really don't know what GPU to get myself. Just gonna get the rest and assemble it til I figure what card is good enoug for a 1080p and 1440p panel.

Is that R9 still up there in the benchmarks?

this isnt an EDC thread dumb butt


desu the only reason I got the R9 is because newegg was selling Sapphire version (arguably the best design) for $299 a couple days ago.. sold out fast, I got lucky.

If I hadn't gotten that, I probably would have settled on an RX 480 or 1060. I'm running 1080/60 + 1080/144. For 1080 + 1440, I might go for a 1070 or equivalent.

Is that a LG tv? Does the built in speakers suck? Mine sound like crap.

Okay, makes sense. Gonna save up. Btw my local electronics store had empty shelves for Nvidia GPU's and saw one lonely R9 390(I think) and really thought about getting it.

Yes it is a LG, idk I don't use the built in speakers, I a 5.1 surround sound system, the center is on the shelf above the desk, the front speakers are next to the desk and I have 2 behind me.



hella furry, fuken yuge tower, ripples in carpet. 6/10

Straya/10, nice and clean. Can you reccomend a small edc knife?

Minimal and clean, 9/10
Do you have enough leg space under the desk?
Also, what desk is that?

Doggy and Lego, 10/10

Be gentile with me.

I have to find an amp soon for my desk and move the main amp back to my tv.

Got handed down a Klipsch surround system I haven't used in months.

You should find an amp, Klipsch are pretty nice.


Yeah, couldn't get away with that. And the carpet is meme. Only good when it was new. Been looking to get rid of it.

Yeah, the carpet sucks in my room too. There's a spot near the door where I spilled orange juice about a year ago and now it's just permanently brown. You gonna replace it with more carpet or something else?

>Do you have enough leg space under the desk?
Plenty, the picture is deceiving. I also have tons of room on the surface but the picture makes everyone tell me "omg put ur computer on the floor"
>Also, what desk is that?
Some generic IKEA desk. Cheap. The top and supports are separate products.

Gonna probably go with laminate. I am currently installing hardwood in our dining room at the moment, but feel that the bedroom just need something that's good enough, maybe dark laminate boards.

Nah, deskspace looks fine but you should really get a stand for those headphones, hanging them on the desk is how I ruined my XPT100's

Laminates a good choice for mopping up after friday nights yiffer.

>Laminates a good choice for mopping up after friday nights yiffer


dead edition we goooo

To be honest, I picked up a blacklight for my blacklight posters. Went overboard and used detergent to plaint on the walls(detergent is basically cheap fluorescent paint for blacklights). I immediately found my favorite fap spots as well.

>mopping up yiffer.

Fresh cum doesn't glow under blacklight though.

Disgusting furfag shit.

Did this guy die?

That's a lot of knives.

Comfy but weeb as fuck.

I should of went with that intuos tablet. Who is this guy?

>implying you dont fap to weird shit

Yeah but not animals and not on my walls.

Need new carpet/10

Need new flooring, not carpet.

Still smell the pot smoke


I actually gave my carpet a deep scrub a month ago. Mixed a bunch of shit and let it all marinate in the carpet overnight, steamed it the next day and so far the bedroom smells so sterile it's creepy, like that new book smell.

The scented candles help bring a life back into the room.

can you post the full picture of that poster all the way on the right?
also do you have steam?


Work in progress. Need to do some more wire management and put up some more shitty posters


Need a better computer and less monitor, senpai. 6.5/10.

it's a perfectly decent computer and I actually can't use all my monitors at the same time right now

The poster is the first thing I did ever on a large scale this year, so it has it's flaws(and they are obvious). Already taking note and drafting out my next poster(not lewd, but calming).

I was trying to remake this image before the fall. e621.net/post/show/173249/all_fours-amber_eyes-ass_up-bear-black_nose-breast

No, i haven't played steam in a while because my laptop is turning to shit and currently making a PC build.

Dude, post in normal light. If that room had a ceiling light, should of used it. Really hard to examine a dark picture.

Yeah, go for the posters.

Looking not to bad man.
needs work but pretty good.
My side panel doesn't fit cause hp was brain dead with hdds.
comfy and neat legos.

Is the mouse a MX master? Is that prebuilt case custom-friendly?

>ANOTHER trucker
You wannabes wannabe just like Skrillex or pewdiepie. How's the 23 subscribers working out?

Yes my favorite mouse for wireless and it supported a standard atx lga 775 and square psu. A few cuts and drills made everything fit perfect I just chose parts that gave me a lot to do.

I have friends unlike you that want to talk to me. Nice going for the mic meme about two years late.
>he spent less then my gaming headset look at that meme

Not really my whole battlestation, but here's a pic of my cute sugo.

rate my setup guys

Why do I feel like I know what your room smell like based on the lighting?

Took me back to 1997.

>SPeakers below the screen

Muh audiophile autism ;;

What do you think it smells like, user? Also, the lighting is bad because I'm using a Moto E 2nd

hello /bst/ how we been doin

very average

cute my friend

put a panel on the side of that pls

like your wallpaper. rest is pretty ok

comfy and looks like you get a lot done

I got rid of my glass desk and it was the best decision i ever made.

not gunna happen since it would cut my hdd cables since it only allows right angle connectors.

I bought that all three parts of that desk for 225. I ain't getting rid of shit.

Nothing special yes weeb and custom 200 watt LED flashlight

I'm sorry that happened to you my friend


Keyboard came free with Motherboard, pls no hate

Another heatwave is coming in over scandinavia, so I will die again.

I'm dead inside, does that count?

Your setup will always make me jealous.

Everything I've built it with is pretty cheap, so you can do it too!

Holy crap is that how big the Fractal Design Nano is? I thought it was an ATX case when I first looked.
Nice and clean station though.
Cute dogs.
UV lights are the worst, and people who have them are even worse.
You lost your sidepanel.
I like the mental hospital vibe you've got.

howdy thar

nice black level faggort

>angle from way below optimal viewing angle
>bright lights

It's not an OLED but the black levels are fine.

How can you be dead inside while living out in the nature?
Give me photos of your entire room and I'll design you a place where you will come alive in.

I've got to agree. That is a pretty comfy pc, however it could do with a graphics card upgrade in the future. Also, why havent you got two AIO coolers for your CPU's?

What is the white thing with knobs under the center display?

Sweet LEGO stuff.

Those speakers look interesting. What model are they?

Nice Rover.

This is a pretty sweet setup.

>tfw my Maglite 6c is no longer the biggest flashlight on Sup Forums

It came about out of boredom


What kind of lamp/emitter is in that thing?

2. Lohas 100w led chips on cpu coolers

That's pretty amazing. I didn't even realize single LEDs with that kind of size/power were a thing.

>tfw I'm content with an HPR50

I want the newer 500w chips but with current Battery Technology it is not feasible to make it portable like the current one is

they're not single leds, they're arrays of dozens of led in a single package

Closer to ear leavel and there floor standing speakers lol.

Ah that makes sense and looking at the picture again I can see it looks like 80 little LEDs put together.



Part 1

Part 2. Rate if you want i guess?

do you accept athlon 64?


Basic and untidy. Sup Forums tier battlestation.

>vinnie paz

fix that cable mess, otherwise looks decent


Is that you techmoan?

7/10 monitors

meh, it's just a meme, he can only use 3 monitors at a time with that GPU.

He just has them in the picture because it looks impressive.

>amazing show
>good movie posters
>confy as heck

i have several questions :
what monitors/desk/mouse/keyboard are those ?

i sure hope not

there are so many of these threads

shit, didn't see that. don't like youtubers in general but his videos are awesome, and youtubers should take a lesson from his videos no one wants to watch a video of someone talking to a camera cough cough rossmann, just show the product and what it does.

Nope, sorry. Didn't even know who it was until I ran a search. I'm just some younger American NEET loser.

Haters gonna hate.