What famous pieces of software are developed mainly by female programmers?

What famous pieces of software are developed mainly by female programmers?

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Bonsi Buddy

the ARM architecture and opcodes were designed by a man who is now a tranny

does that count?

First programming language.

Not really.

Every time I see a prominent female programmer, I look them up and they are a tranny. Without fail.


"What is the compiler?"

some super cute emojis

*made by code*

feminist history revisionism at work guys

Konrad Zuse was not a female.

What programming language is that, exactly? Fortran was designed by John Backus, if i remember correctly.

Margaret Hamilton, developed on-board flight software for the Apollo space program.

Would smash 10/10

She kinda looks like a female bill gates

Few (possibly none), since CS has been largely male-dominated for as long as it's been a thing. Women have been involved in some impressive CS related shit though.

Why did someone photoshop daniel radcliffe's face onto her body?


Marie Curie single handedly stole her husband's blue prints for the first nuclear powered loom compiler but you won't learn that in any history class today.

Right... IDK about the first language, but the first compiler was written by Grace Hopper. That's CS101 senpai.


Can you even explain what she did?
Nobody can.
She didn't invent the compiler as we understand it.

>Nobody can.
>as we understand it
It probably wasn't F5, that's correct.

So salty.

Qubes OS, though I guess that isn't exactly famous outside the infosec community.


You're only wrong by 250 years.

She wrote the a compiler for the A-0 system. She actually did a lot of impressive programming shit. She was one of the founders of Cobol and worked with distributed networks too.

Feminists don't like her because she was hard core military and ugly. So they pick ads lovelace as their representative who didn't really do shit and wasn't very good at math but they fit into their narrative of some pretty girl independent sophisticate who was kept down by the man

Joanna is a tranny, everybody knows that.

You're talking about Ada Lovelace? She was the first programmer, but she didn't actually invented any languages.

why are here so many baitthreads, senpai~.

But she programmed... what exactly?
A machine that someone else invented?

As hilarious as that would be, she doesn't appear to be one. Do you have a source?

That claim really isn't that non-controversial.

She was the first to devise an algorithm that was for running on a programmable computer (the one that was invented by Babbage, but it didn't get built), or at least, she wrote it down, however it is likely Babbage had planned some programs for his hypothetical computer himself.

Yeah, i think you're right. But she does look like one, isn't it strange?

Well, if she was actually attractive, she wouldn't have had any reason to go into infosec.

Misogyny Detector
Opression Excuse Generator
Self Worth Estimator
Patriarchal Computing Cloud

t. basement dwelling neckbeard

definitely not a tranny, I can tell from the pixels and having seen a lot of trannies in my time

this, or a lesbian, or ugly.
Corrine Yu is the only somewhat attractive female programmer I can think of who isn't a tryhard attention whore.

Does porn qualify as software?

>help me with my buzzfeed article

apollo-11 shit
some emo chick worked on tor


t. literal cuck

Nice manjaw

8/10 would beg her to fuck my ass

that's a man, baby