If you don't want to upgrade to Windows 10, consider upgrading temporally...

If you don't want to upgrade to Windows 10, consider upgrading temporally, (you get the free Activation for Windows 10 in the future), then you can roll-back to your previous version of Windows (this is within the 30 days after upgrading to Windows 10).

Thanks, but I already upgraded to Ubuntu GNU/Linux.
It's pretty cool, you should try it too!

15 rupees have been added into your account Pajeet.

Microsoft sunk to the level of an un-signed rapper. People rejecting it even if it's free.



>People rejecting it even if it's free.

How does it feel to know that even a "rejected" windows OS has 10x more market share than all of the linux distros altogether?

If you don't want to kill yourself permanently, consider committing suicide temporarily, using this free and convenient "Get out of Hell after 30 days" card.

Go back to Redmond, Bill.

Even "other" has more!

> other = BSD + TempleOS

>XP still higher than 8.1

what is a god, king who is also lucifer doing in Sup Forums?

no thanks pajeet

I already have a key from DreamSpark in case I ever feel like upgrading to 10, which will probably be a long time from now, if ever.

>oh my god an os that has been forced down people's throats for 20 years has a fucking insane market share what a fucking revelation
Microsoft, go home, you're drunk.

>f you don't want to upgrade to Windows 10, consider upgrading temporally,
Fuck that. Clean install if you have to.

>How does it feel to know that windows 10 has more market share?

Forced update. Most people don't know or are too lazy to revert back.

Damage controll

If 10x more people use x instead of y then x is better, simple logic

Update this graphic, Pajeet. This must be one year old, Pajeet. Seems legit, Pajeet.

The 16.04.1 version? How is it?

>tfw Win7 starts (re)gaining market share again
Best OS ever made. Stallmanoo would castrate himself to have it as his creation.

Well said fellow shill buster

Billion of flies can't be wrong.

For flies thats the good

But you are a human not a fly and humans who use computers like windows better so there is it

Too bad lonix users cant into logic :)


>If you don't want to upgrade to Windows 10, consider not installing it
It's just this simple

If I installed Win 7 premium on my fresh hdd while my old hdd was connected will I be able to boot with only one hdd connected?