Making linux better

With all the bullshit about Windows 10 as of late, the monthly charge for enterprise was the cherry on the sundae for me. It got me thinking a lot more about linux, but I hear there is no linux distribution that's actually friendly enough for normalfags such as myself who don't want to have to be a script kiddie to use an os. I'll add that I am a .net developer who knows his way around windows very well, but I don't want to make all the sacrifices needed to transition to linux. Many others feel the same way.

So why hasn't any group of developers banded together to make linux the ultimate Os that is everything windows should be? Intuitive interface, great for gaming, compatibility with major applications, and no fucking sending your usage information back to a headquarters. Completely locked down where you have complete control over what is sent and received on your machine?

The end of life support for Windows 7 draws ever closer and a lot of us will get squeezed if we don't have a equal alternative to switch to soon

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>So why hasn't any group of developers banded together to make linux the ultimate Os that is everything windows should be?

'Unix is user-friendly; it's just picky about who its friends are.'

I'm of the opinion that many distro ARE already better.

There are distros with great, intuitive interfaces.

Linux has at least equal ability to run games but a lot of games aren't made for it because it doesn't have majority desktop marketshare, and the only reason people give for not using it on desktop in order to give it majority desktop marketshare is "there are no games", which is only the case because it doesn't have majority desktop marketshare, and the only reason people give for not using it on desktop in order to give it majority desktop marketshare is "there are no games", which is only the case because it doesn't have majority desktop marketshare, and the only reason people give for not using it on desktop in order to give it majority desktop marketshare is "there are no games", which is only the case because it doesn't have majority desktop marketshare, and the only reason people give for not using it on desktop in order to give it majority desktop marketshare is "there are no games", etc.

What about for gaming, though? A fluid gaming experience is absolutely critical to me. Windows has directx which apparently augments the gaming experience by a large factor. I'd hate to move to Linux only for gaming to be utter shite

>Linux has at least equal ability to run games
>muh digital pacifier

So you're not worried about productivity applications, or programming languages, or sound/graphic applications, but about man children applications?!

Millenials, ladies and gents.

I made my last post at the same time as this one. Looks like you're right because this is exactly my predicament. I think the only thing keeping me from switching is games.

Seems like there would be a way to create an interface api that can emulate the windows gaming environment. Games wouldn't know it's not windows, so all the system calls would be the same, just handled differently within the emulator

No I'm not. I only game on my pc, watch sports, and visit reddit. Why would I care about all that, when it doesn't intrigue me one bit? Sorry I have a life and do other great things then worry about productivity apps. If i ever need it, I'll buy one, it's not a problem for me, since I actually make money and can affor it.

I was answering the OP. The OP talked about games. If you didn't read the OP don't try so hard.

>I think the only thing keeping me from switching is games.

>No I'm not. I only game on my pc, watch sports, and visit reddit.

Well you could use wine. Wine does a pretty good job of that stuff, although it isn't perfect and every once in a while you'll find games that don't work.

>So you're not worried about productivity applications, or programming languages, or sound/graphic applications, but about man children applications?!

These are important to me, too. I need office applications and can't live without visual studio. I need an Os that will run all applications that I use on Windows so I don't end up signing up to every Internet discussion forum just so I can post "is there a windows alternative for this on linux??????"

Looks to me like a bunch of windows users are about to get screwed hard in the coming years. I think legislation should be passed declaring operating systems and "essential commodity" which would introduce all kinds of delicious regulations regarding what operating systems are allowed to do

Vulkan is almost as good as dx12, stop being such cucks and worry about 3-10 additional frames on fps which is already above 100. If you really can't live without dx gaming there are 3 options:
1. Use a separate SSD/HDD for Windows 10 where you'll only log into your gaming sites and game
2. Run Windows 10 in a virtual machine to play
3. Wine
The first option is better, but it's even better to not be a complete autist. I've yet to see a game which I can't play on windows 7. Stop being manchildren.

>I hear there is no linux distribution that's actually friendly enough for normalfags such as myself who don't want to have to be a script kiddie to use an os.
nah you can easily jump into the most popular distros and everything just werkz. Try running ubuntu off a USB drive and see if I'm not wrong (you can try out any distro off a USB drive). If you have specific programs you love running in windows, you may not be able to find a good linux equivalent, which is linux's only real disadvantage (but there's always Wine for running windows programs).

>These are important to me,

You want games in Linux? You better contact the manufacturer of your favorite GPU. These douche-nozzles put the minimum effort into their drivers for Linux. While your at it bitch at the game companies and tell them you're done with Windows and explain why. The Linux community in general is fairly content with the current state of Linux, so you Windows defectors are going to need to make a case for yourselves. It can happen eventually, especially if you faggots stick to your guns.Windows is dying from self inflicted injuries.


Honestly f**** those muh gaymes on Linux posts. Linux has the same game capabilities as a PC, if you don't like current games create then make support for linux and require proper driver in your shitty graphics card (AMD or NVIDEA) for linux or BSD.
The problem is not software is a hardware support and how microsoft cucks developers into using DXit 12!


>So why hasn't any group of developers banded together to make linux the ultimate Os that is everything windows should be?

Maybe because people who want their free unpopular shit to be perfect and popular before they switch over to it really dont contribute to making it better.

>Linux has no games
I've got to admit it's getting better
A little better all the time

I think it has enough for a lot of people to ditch Windows. ymmv

I think at this point focus should be on standardization rather than freedom. Without some kind of standardization I don't think any distro with 100 users will surpass a company that makes billions from selling OS in terms of user friendliness or hardware support.

It's 2016 do we have a standard ABI yet?

Thanks but I don't use 3rd party programs for my games.

But a lot of people do and existence of steam invalidates the argument that says Linux has no games. Correct statement is Linux has fewer games with no high performance GPU drivers.

>caring about muh gaymen xD
As expected of a Sup Forumsedditor, into the filter.

A lot of people do, and it's one of the considerations preventing people from moving to Linux. Do you not want Linux community to grow or do you specifically dislike games?

I completely agree. I'm just one of those people who consider relying on steam an inconvenience, but a bigger inconvenience is windows so I'd rather actually use steam instead of m$ spyware. Although I don't play games much (at least those exclusive to steam) so steam is completely irrelevant to me, but it's nice to see a company which supports Linux.

Firstly because nobody wants to pay for that. Linux is great for servers and supercomputers because people are interested in footing the bill for development in those areas. Red Hat and Novell and Blue Systems, etc. No one is really interested in porting drivers or graphics frameworks because there's no money in it.

1. Install cinnamon mint, and buy a playstation 4.
2. Install gnu+linux, become a man, and put away childish things.
3. Install gnu/linux and play whatever games are available.

sooooo... literally exactly a Windows VM. You can't just replicate a system call API and expect large applications (games) to work on top of it without duplicating all of the functionality guarantees underneath it. Once you do that you've built a fully fledged Windows VM. Which is fine, but I'm sure it already exists, and it suffers from all the performance drawbacks of any VM. What you're talking about is just bundling it with a Linux distro for free.



Intel and Nvidia performance is the same, the only shitty drivers are the AMD ones.


>inb4 i want a noob friendly non-noob distro

I'm having a hard time thinking of a gnu+linux distro that I͟S͟N͟'͟T͟ better than windows 10.


>install Ubuntu
>install Steam
>install Unity Tweak Tool
>find good Windows 7 or 10 icons
>see jewtoob tutorials
>move Unity Launcher to bottom
There's your Windows replacement.

>So why hasn't any group of developers banded together to make linux the ultimate Os that is everything windows should be?
You aren't the first to have this idea. Mint, OpenSUSE, Korora, Linux Lite, and many others attempt to make the system as complete and user-friendly as possible.

>Intuitive interface, great for gaming, compatibility with major applications, and no fucking sending your usage information back to a headquarters. Completely locked down where you have complete control over what is sent and received on your machine?
Many of these things already exist, or they're being improved as we speak (and they can always use more contributors). Be aware that it's hard to have great compatibility for gaming + many major applications, while simultaneously having "complete control". Proprietary software and hardware are very prevalent and hard to avoid. You might need new hardware that respects your freedom to go along with the software to have an optimal experience.

>>install Ubuntu
>>install Steam
>>install Unity Tweak Tool
>>find good Windows 7 or 10 icons
>>see jewtoob tutorials
>>move Unity Launcher to bottom
>There's your Windows replacement.

Debian, Trisquel.
Any of the super freetardy distros that refuse to support non-free software.

>great for gaming, compatibility with major applications
You cannot just will these things into existence because you decided you want them. They require cooperation. If the graphics hardware manufacturer decides only Windows is relevant, doesn't give you documentation and develops only a closed-source windows driver, you are fucked. If the game developer decides to optimize for Windows, you can't change how your OS works to work around that. If you value freedom, you'll just have to give the finger to anyone demanding you run Windows until he eventually recognizes Linux as relevant. Which will never happen, which is why you'll be picking the losing side in this battle. Doesn't mean it's the wrong side.

It's apples and oranges really. If you don't want to get cucked, a stone tablet is a better OS than Win10.



Go watch some YouTube tutorials kid.

>implying it isn't simple to install non-free parts in Debian
>implying there aren't simpleton-oriented distros like Ubuntu that come with these already installed


>being a manchild

Theres games galore over here in the sweet cotton candy land of Linuxia.. Where the river Gnu runs through the fields of elysium

Except there are quite a few render farms that use Linux clusters for, ummm, rendering.

>he doesn't have youtube subscription

He does on Youtube Red, m8.