Finally we can all agree

Finally we can all agree.

This is the worst video card of all time.

Yes, thank you for posting the obvious.
This card is so fucking bad that I can literally go and buy the better GPU - 390X for less than 480RX in UK.


That's not the FX5200.

well, the FX5200 was never intended to be a gayming monster nor was it marketed as one. it was fine for desktop use and older games.

>aftermarket 480 is gonna be within 50 dollarydoos of the r9 fury
I waited all this time for literally nothing.

All FX cards sucked. FX5800 Ultra is possibly the worst high end card ever made.

have you even owned a FX-series? the FX5200 was a cheap POS released in 2003, but you could still play san andreas on it. the FX5800 gained infamy only because the cooler was so awful. of course the radeons at the time were better, but the FX wasn't that bad.

>worst card
nvidia literally had to put 1938mhz boost clock on 1060 to compete with it
literally 200 mhz of boost from any other pascal card practicly leaving only 160 mhz for aib to play with
no sli


Fuck off Nvidiot shill who doesn't know their GPU history.

480 is not the best nor worse GPU of its time.

It is nothing on commercial and product flops such as S3 Savage, Geforce FX 5600, ATI RAGE FURY MAXX, Voodoo 5 6000, Matrox Parhelia etc.


>Matrox Parhelia
now that's a name I haven't heard in a really long time

>48 ROPs and 64 ROPs for the 1060 and 1070
I'm gonna call BS on this, just as the 970 didn't actually have 64 ROPs as promised.

Real specs are likely 32 ROPs on the 1060 and 48 ROPs on the 1070 as they both have 50% and 25% of the GPU disabled.

>Still runs out of compliance with PCI-SIG's PCIe power specs after driver update


voodooo 5 6000 god the most burned down money i ever gave
well my father back then

>nvidiots like nvidia drivers because it hijacks their pc and does everything for them

Reference 1080s aren't exactly on firm ground on power consumption and thermal outputs within its 225W TDP.

Who cares if it fast and loud when fully loaded and tends to throttle like crazy during an endurance run with its stock HSF!

Mate, unless you can prove that the GTX 1070 actually has 6GB of memory and the 1060 has 4GB you can safely shut the fuck up.

>Voodoo 5 6000

That never got released, right? or am I reading the wiki wrong

Looks like Raja put too much poo in the gpu and got btfo by the 1060.

no it isnt,ist just an average card
inb4 fried motherboard memes

It's actually really awful and will put the nail in the coffin for AMD.

>will put the nail in the coffin for AMD.
Even though you can't find one in stock that's under $300.

Can't believe that shit. The one time I don't check for sales. I need to kick some shit.

yeat, the 480 was the worst card. I don't know what was nVidia thinking.

That shit image piss me off, why the fuck the use for presentation a shitty powerpoint-like sheet that looks like it was made by primary school student in paint, they are a damn graphic card manufacturer, at least they could find one faggot that actually use their crap professionally and make something decent.

cuz the entire card is like that, look at that cooler ffs

>AMD cuts a ton of weird corners just to bring the pricepoint to 250
>still BTFO a scant month later

poor pajeet

waitfags btfo since 2015

probably. everyone had good expectations of it and it came up short compared to the 1060 matching or exceeding everyone's expectations.

t. underage faggot that never saw a Voodoo card

>Real specs are likely 32 ROPs on the 1060 and 48 ROPs on the 1070 as they both have 50% and 25% of the GPU disabled.
No really what?

People born in 1997 turn 19 this year.



fucking hell AMD what are you doing. I was waiting for the custom cards to come to market for a friends PC (he's currently using my old 6950) but I'm just going to either tell him to get a 390x or 970.

Lmao. AMD making cheap shit yet again.

How was the Voodoo 1 bad in any way shape or form? What is your age, user?

>second only to the 1060
>worst ever

>new 14nm gpu
>shitty oc
>shitty temperature
>shitty power draw
>not the worst card ever

C'mon, I will keep my 290 desu

tfw I was born March 15th 1998

>been on Sup Forums since 13 years old underage b&
>now people 4 years my junior can openly post their birthdays
>am also losing my hair

This is what AMD is. Always massive disappointment. Bakruptcy can't come soon enough.

pay me and I'll agree

Maybe the price.

It's like the HBM overhype


It will be a great day when we can put this shitty company to rest.

>Finally we can all agree.
We agree on shit.
Fuck your shitty thread and do your research.


>hey guys i watched a 30min history video on vga graphics cards from the 90s and 2000s

voodoo cards were fucking amazing you underage faggots

>could still play san andreas on it
the framerate with that card is awful, even in GTA 3.
good luck running q3 engine games at a good framerate with that

It wasn't even properly DX9 compliant.

>meanwhile the shitty 480 will literally burn a hole in your mobo if you OC it past 1200mhz

Sasuga poo in loo tech

my sides

Yup. It was THE card back then. When I saw Quake 2 running on one, my jaw dropped. Voodoo 2 was also the fastest card back then, and first to support SLI, but was a bit behind in visual quality (only 16-bit color). By Voodoo 3, they were starting to drop the ball, and ATi and Nvidia began catching up and bettering them. The memories.

Oh, and as for shittiest videocard of all time. Probably S3 ViRGE.

What about the 260/280 getting massively spanked by the 4870? Or the original housefire, the GTX 480?

more like it has the worst dx11 and ogl optimization.

in new api's it keeps up or even overtakes 980 1060 and the 390

At this point why are people focusing on api's that are almost 10 years old?

Holy shit same thing happened with dx10 and 9 just wait for the next gen cards next year

EVERYTHING this gen is stop gap until hbm2 and volta and vega are all ready in 2018 dickheasd

the 390x is literally the cheapest best value card on the market.

hell a used 290 are going for under $200 now go grab one

>just wait two more years to buy a GPU, you retards.

You forgot VLB, user. Pic related, Diamond Stealth SE VLB. Mine's still in the 486 I keep in storage for no good reason.

Kiddo, I used to operate CGA 512KiB adapters that rode on ISA.

Voodoo 5 6000 and 5500 were commercial and product flops. It was the last stunt 3Dfx pulled before dying.

The Voodoo 5 5500 couldn't beat a Geforce 256. The only thing that save it was that RAMDACs weren't shitty. GLIDE was a walking corpse and Direct8/OpenGL 2 were taking over.

Voodoo 5 6000 got pwned hard by cheaper and faster Geforce 2 GTS.

>It is nothing on commercial and product flops such as S3 Savage, Geforce FX 5600, ATI RAGE FURY MAXX, Voodoo 5 6000, Matrox Parhelia etc
Don't forget the Kyro II and Microsoft's refusal to work with them on building drivers.

Trident Micro made a legitimate attempt to get back into the market with the extremely shortlived XP4 chip. They got some rough drivers going and then just gave up on supporting it.

VLB was a stop-gap solution to deal with the limitations of ISA and PCI wasn't ready yet.

It is no shock that it died as soon as PCI was ready.


Yet another person who does not realize that this card is not top tier, bor was it ever meant to be

You're right, this is where it deserves to be.

>This is the worst video card of all time.
that card is in my rig.
fight me you puss

RIP your motherboard

>parroting memes that you don't understand


The shills are out in force today.

isn;t the 390 a better 290? They are on sale where I live.

Yea you know amd is doing something right when the nvidia babbys are bashing them to no end

The 390 is a rebranded, binned and overclocked 290 but desu i would recommend getting a non reference 480 instead when they come out

>no 1060 or 480 AiB stock


>no warranty, aka gpu will break after year or two and you're screwed

nice, especially since amd cards break all the fucking time after 2 years, and used would die in few months

I just couldn't care less about these lame ass fucking cards since they're artificially restricting supply so they can try and cuck everyone with these bullshit prices.

It's cool for them to announce these things with appealing prices like $249 RRP but then they just pull this bullshit.

Fuck these companies, no one should be buying them at these dumbass prices. I can still play games fine, I'm not gonna give them anything more than their announced RRP.