The KDE dorks recently had a meetup in the fucking Swiss alps BEFORE collecting money for it. They sure had a great time there with their entire families and hoped that the idiots who use their products would pay for it. Turns out that their fund-raising campaign failed miserably. They extended it but it failed again. It's all over now. They're gonna have to sell their assets (and hopefully their servers to stop making their bloatware forever) to pay for the hotel bills.

Long live Xfce and Gnome.


Other urls found in this thread:


They really use the donations for that trip? Are they all from europe or what?

KDE more like



>neckbeards in charge of scamming

Christ, that's a lot of fucking ugly in one place.


Literally no females.

dang, have a soft spot for kde guys.

not the type of person to pledge blind allegiance to anything.

>implying that matters

Where does it say they are bankrupt?

You would have to just have no taste to fuck any of the people in that picture desu.

just next to the line that says kde is shit

am I the only one that actually likes KDE? Sure, it takes a shitload of resources, but it comes with lots of customization options and it looks nice.

Otherwise, GNOME comes with a shitload of bloat too.


Hey ugly.

what is the difference between kde and unbuntu and fedora

i don't get it it's too confusing

Why would I pay other people to get together in the Swiss Alps, ostensibly to code software that I don't get to choose the direction of?

I don't understand Millenials.

Good. Fuck that jew and his cachew in kde4.

majority look over millennial age, grow and stop blaming an entire generation, you probably belong to too, for all that ails the world.

I hate linux, I was trying to put it on an old 32 bit system yesterday so I downloaded the ubuntu 32bit version and it was literally all in japanese and they made no mention of that on the english page that there is no english support, not even kidding


it's the only 32bit version i could find that is current


idiot, neck yourself, or at least scroll down before you start mouthing off like an idiot

So they were trying to raise $30,000

that's nothing in the world of software, especially split among 50 people, what a bunch of morons

that would barely pay for a weekend getaway for a business that size

Obviously I was referring to the people who (almost) paid for it, i.e. the Kickstarter generation.

>nice reading comprehension, Millenial-kun

ok. now i should bring up that millennials don't have money, and that the vast majority of linux users are getting older everyday.

Whatever distracts you from realizing you were wrong.

doesn't seem to be enough women for everyone...how did they all fuck?

I would donate to buy the monobrow guy a top tier escort (but only if I got to watch.)

Good. KDE has always been a turd and always will be.

Also xfce and gnome both such as too, Mate sucks too. All linux DE's suck ass which is why desktop linux never happened.

long live Microsoft Windows, The best desktop system ever invented.

That's why Cinnamon is so awesome.

even openbsd is better at hackathons

lol kde

its shit too but less shit than the others.

you misspelled Cocoa

KDE's not going anywhere. OP's just being a faggot.

Cinnamon is actually really good, but it is probably too little too late at this point.

windows has more software than OSX will ever have.

OSX at least has the UI figured out, Linux guys like to chastise windows display drivers being built into the kernel but what they don't understand is it's done that way for performance, A desktop OS needs to be snappy and quick.

It's about where windows was 20 years ago but really not even that good.

>>It's about where windows was 20 years ago but really not even that good.
I don't know. I think it appeals to the people that liked XP and 7, and it even does some shit better, like the dark theme.

You can theme windows, The linux crowd likes to say you can't customize windows but it's a lie, Go look up window blinds, There's tons of ways to customize windows.

Also as far back as XP there where many themes that were not included with the stock install disc, They even had a black zune theme.

oh, and you think more is supposed to equal "better", and not "overload, redundancy, and lower average quality"?

>You can theme windows, The linux crowd likes to say you can't customize windows but it's a lie, Go look up window blinds, There's tons of ways to customize windows.
the windows crowd likes to say you can't customize OS X, but that's a lie. Go read the FreeBSD handbook.

I didn't say you couldn't, but the dark theme in Cinnamon is built in. It also affects apps so you can use chrome with a black address bar with light text. Makes night browsing less painful on the eyes.

Not that bad...

>he thinks KDE gets only €24k
I've read somewhere that the KDE orgs receive a shitload of money from the EU
>shilling for GNOME
majority of the GNOME devs work for redhat

>majority of the GNOME devs work for redhat

I thought it was common knowledge among freetards that Gnome, Pulseaudio and systemD are Red Hat projects. Also the linux kernel.

>I thought it was common knowledge among freetards that Gnome, Pulseaudio and systemD are Red Hat projects
it is.
>Red Hat projects.
>Also the linux kernel.
no. they have some kernel devs, yeah, but as many devs as other, large tech companies

>KDE orgs receive a shitload of money from the EU
Just another reason why the EU should no longer exist

That's Al Bundy on the left.

Why did Sup Forums never tell me that Al Bundy is a KDE developer?

is that why he hates his life

I really wish I could use Chrome OS's desktop environment in any Linux distro. That seems to be the only one I have had no problems with.

>window blinds

holy shit, that's still a thing? I remember using it way back in the day on XP, like 10+ years ago.

btw, I think you are confused, this is not . go meme about trump and nigel there.

The few women are either old or married and have case files.

LXDE is pretty nice.

What's up with the people that donated $0.01 and $1.21? And then there's the retard that donated $2500. I bet he hit & run a homeless child and is trying to wash away the guilt.

>being this butthurt
oh you remainers are such a funny bunch

What are your problems with Xfce?
Not baiting; just curious. I find it functions pretty close to Windows & is fast.

btw, I just use Flux.

I don't even live in the global north.
but, once again, this isn't

bearded guy in the back next to orange shirt doesn't look too bad

Why do you keep mentioning some other board user?
you can just stop replying if you're that butthurt about it

Nice bait, here's (You)r (You).

What the hell am I supposed to do if the only decent *nix DE dies? Especially now that Microsoft is letting you run native *nix binaries without recompilation there's going to be no point to using it. Fuck.


kde is all shit except for dolphin which is based but has way too many dependencies, they need to read unix philosophy again


good, hope they all go to debters prison

First KDE5 killing all the good features and now this?

>The one normie-friendly linux GUI dies
>only elitist ricer shit and bloated elitist ricer shit remain


Then again, it's not so bad. GNOME has one flaw (self important autist devs that hate customization and projects outside GNOME using their libs, because muh brand image/muh time spent supporting a non-redhat product). KDE has thousands.

>KDE 5
KDE peaked at 3.5
Install Trinity for the real KDE experience

Nothing of value was lost.

>using DEs
>when there's a perfectly good CLI right there

Go ahead, throw away CPU cycles.

ayy Linux users.jpg

>tfw nostalgic for the shitty Linux fonts and DEs that were in distributions when I was 10-13



Kill yourself
TDE is easy to install on debian. Try it out on a vm or something.
I've been using it as a daily driver and it's very nice.

>Average Linux User

I am glad that I am using Apple.

Xfeces is garbage and GNOME has no features and designed for mactards

Prove me wrong

We used to pay our community meetings from our own pockets.
Fucking Generation of Beggars.

the one true king

>It's about where windows was 20 years ago but really not even that good.
You are retarded m8.
It took Windows 10 to catch up to Cinnamon, and it's still not as polished, consistent or easy to use as it.

i pity your sad life

>the vast majority of linux users are getting older everyday

Everyone is getting older every day, user. This phenomenon isn't limited to Linux users.

>Weak SSL certificate
they deserve it

>and that the vast majority of linux users are getting older everyday.
True. For example I'm one day older than I was yesterday.
And a year older than I was at this time in 2015.
Scary shit... Linux just isn't worth the price you pay.

I'm semi glad I stuck to GNOME.
They roll around in Red Hat dosh it isn't funny.

This desu






>the global north
That phrase is stupid, and must die.

Uk is still in eu

Fucking cuck. Kylin is for China.

If you decide to invest a bulk of your time developing FOSS, you better be damn sure you don't need money to survive. Those that use free software are the cheapest fucks on the planet, and don't want to spare a dime for your time. Hell, they barely even leave online comments thanking those for their dedicated effort to provide them with free shit.


I was always a gnome/unity guy myself

Hyperbole much? Just because their fund failed doesn't mean anything, other than they'll have to pony up some cash. You're a fucking moron, OP.

>"I'll just link them to a board I only hear about but am too scared to visit in case they hurt my narrative"

Yes, and it's fucking awful and severely limited compared to theming, say, gnome or kde. If you compare it to something like awesome where you can script your themes, it's just absurdly worse.
I used to desktop mod windows a lot. 7 was ok, 8 was bad, don't know about 10 because I gave up having to install this and that and patch that dll just to change a fucking border color.

OP is a faggot

they should be working for free like all other freetard developers

gnome is Mexican not red hat

Thank you, user

rip kde
you were always shit

Well. They seem to be getting donations and good. Why would you all hate on free software that works well.I have never tried KDE but it doe slook okay if it's your style. or something.

KDE is the best DE out there. sure it has its bugs, just like any other DE, but it's still the best.
prove me wrong, arch babbies. protip: you can't