How can a 749MB .iso be burned to a 700MB CD?

How can a 749MB .iso be burned to a 700MB CD?

Stupid fucks...

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If I recall correctly, you can write more than 700MB on discs (about 70MB?)

Does Arch have a PXE boot option?

>What is netboot
>What the fuck is arhitect


Standard size is 700MB.

I don't think I've ever seen an 800MB CD.

Writing more than it's capacity, I mean. I don't know how, thou.

Who the fuck has an optical disc drive anymore?
OP probly has a dial up modem too

>What the fuck is arhitect

I've never used 3rd party installers. I've only heard of architect on Sup Forums never actually checked it out.

I guess I will now.

It's an old computer. I don't think it has USB boot option in BIOS.

I just want to run an mpd server connected to my cassette player speakers because the radio stopped playing cassettes but it has line-in.

I've never seen anything without a USB boot option. Take a look.

>700 MB CD
did my time travel experiment work?


1/ netboot

2/ previous release

it might have one but hidden

look for Legacy USB, enable it and re-enter bios for the now available new boot option


So let me get this straight. The laptop has an old ubuntu on it already with grub bootloader. I can just add the netboot image into the boot options and boot it?

Do the following:
Burn a CD with Plop boot manager (google it) and make a bootable USB, then plug the usb and boot the CD. After the CD boot, boot the USB from it.

This is how i installed Linux to a Compaq Presario 2100, pretty old shit, the ATI driver didn't work thought...

>don't think it has USB boot option

I thought that about an old computer too, turns out that if the usb stick is in while starting up and going to the Boot Select menu, the stick will show up as an option among the hard drives.

what did u expect from a bunch of filthy fat neckbeards ?

idk never done this netboot

you might as well use ubuntu mini.iso and install nothing at the end of the installer, after the reboot $ sudo apt install i3 xinit tlp pcmanfm (for example; TLP is good for laptops), it would be somewhat similar to arch, around 1gb of / and very low ram usage

This save me before too. I copied plop onto a floppy disk, and could boot from that to boot my usb

someone may be still seeding a previous release

>what is overburn
kys newfag

Why the fuck would you put it on a cd, you piece of shit?

how can it be 2016 and this retarded person still uses optical media?

Because "fuck you" to everyone who doesn't live in the first world, right? Nice principles, retard.


You can compress the iso file by using available free software (ex. iso compressor) for the same or buy a 800 mb disk

Get a program with over burn feature. I know Nero used to. Haven't you guys heard of gd-rom?

see Yes

>having to live in the "first world" to afford a fucking $3 usb stick to boot your shitty OS install

xcd format used to write 800MB videos to nominal 700MB CDs. ogm .dat files was the preferred file format, mkv was at an embryonic stage. This was back when DVD burners were expensive and video encoders were creative. IIRC they used some trick of turning off a layer of error detection/correction to squeeze in the extra data.

I've seen a 900 MB CD at a friends house once.

No idea why. It doesn't make sense.

I actually do live in the first world, I just want to use an old laptop as an mpd server, nothing else. It still has an optical drive.

On my main laptop I use debian testing, but have had trouble getting mpd to work (doesn't read the music library). And the only other distros I like are Arch and Slackware.

>Doesn't know about booting from USB
>USB flash drives are dirt cheap

>still using optical media

>burning to cds
>not burning to dvds

what are you fucking gay

It's called overburning, juvenilefag.

I hate non-memey people too. Why can't everyone be as memey as us memesters?

mpd can be a pain to set up sometimes but you should give it another chance. Beats using a secondary device for such a trivial purpose, unless it's a pi or something.

It was used for burning dreamcast games mostly. You can't find them around for the love of heck anymore

If I could get mpd to work on debian that would be ideal as I already have a debian 8 CD...

ncmpcpp just can't recognize any music. But MPD is running...

mpd.service loaded active running Music Player Daemon

I left everything default and put the music into /var/lib/mpd/music

reminder: OP will be a future Arch user. he doesn't know how to use google, yet he's already bitching about things he doesn't know.


I'm only using Arch because I remembered I had no problems installing and running mpd on it a couple of years back.

Can't seem to get MPD to work on Debian. I just chmod -R 777 /var/lib/mpd/music/ and that didn't work either. ncmpcpp just won't recognize any music but MPD is running...

No errors either...

root@gaia:~# mpd --verbose --no-daemon
config_file: loading file /etc/mpd.conf
Jul 21 17:56 : path: SetFSCharset: fs charset is: UTF-8
Jul 21 17:56 : libsamplerate: libsamplerate converter 'Fastest Sinc Interpolator'
Jul 21 17:56 : vorbis: Xiph.Org libVorbis 1.3.5
Jul 21 17:56 : opus: libopus 1.1.1
Jul 21 17:56 : sndfile: libsndfile-1.0.25
Jul 21 17:56 : wildmidi: configuration file does not exist: /etc/timidity/timidity.cfg
Jul 21 17:56 : adplug: adplug 2.2.1
Jul 21 17:56 : db: reading DB
Jul 21 17:56 : curl: version 7.47.0
Jul 21 17:56 : curl: with GnuTLS/3.4.13

$ apt-cache search mpd
mpd - Music Player Daemon

^ Kubuntu 16.04
also check

>Frankly, installing mpd on Arch was a breeze

That's what I'm saying...

Debian is letting me down right now.

you tried

how about a computer without usb ports you cunt

>not knowing theres a fuck ton of computers that cant boot from usb

I don't know why no one has suggested just burn it to a dvd instead

>implying .iso=optical media
but yes is dumb for just a kernel, GNU and zsh and the bundle that carries archroot

iirc a cd is a bit less than 700MB

The desription actually says "The image can be burned to a CD...".

Overburn you fucking idiot.

CDs can be overburned to 750MB. Any modern disc, drive and software combination will be able to handle doing this.

could be a filesystem round up cluster/block/inodes can't remember which is what

How the fuck doesn't have an optical drive in their closet at least? You can get a USB one for like $25 and they're tiny.

To be fair sometimes that isn't so easy.

E.g. cuckbian in its default form comes without a lot of firmwares for 'evil' proprietary hardware. You have to push files to some folders on the install media. It's possible to change the ISO file instead, but that's disgustingly complicated and leaves you with a DVD/CD that you cannot really checksum against errors.

You can get chink ones for less than 10.

I live in a third world country and haven't used a CD in like fucking 10 years.

I don't even own an optical drive. Not on my HTPC, not on my laptop, not even in my car (DMP). it's dead jim

>no https downloads

Are you 12?

What the fuck is a cd.

Yes, actually. Glad you get it.

wow classist much

>not just using a bootable usb drive
>not just using PXE

how typical of an arch scrub to not know his shit.

The three-letter-agency and your ISP may be intercepting your "secure" HTTPS traffic right now.

>Standard size is 700MB.
so is 800
>I don't think I've ever seen an 800MB CD.
how old are you ? i know that CDs are "gone" for almost 10 years now, but still...

>"""MINIMAL""" distro
>doesn't fit on a cd

The last 50 mb are just empty promises

I miss gd-roms.

Unironically yes.

That's because they ship 32-bit and 64-bit executables on the same ISO.

Mount the iso and delete useless shit then burn it to cd

>using proprietary formats

>living in the "first world"
>thinking every other place in the world works the same way