Spread your configurations, thoughts, comparisons, love, ...
Mpv, madvr & co
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i use vlc
#apt install smplayer
I use default mpc-hc.
It's official, mpv is becoming a game engine. :)
Smplayer is a dumb shit!
If you want a bloated GUI, you should use xt7-player or mpc-qt!
>Based on this, a case could be made for setting triangle as the default.
>And, in fact, a specialized version could be made which is very efficient.
Will I be able to use interpolation with my shitty intel hd3000?
Why does lumasharpenhook.glsl look so bad compared to the madvr one?
I have stuttering with default backend and dxinterop crash my computer.
What should I do? Does anyone have this kind of issues too?
MPCHCfags on suicide watch
Why are you still using madvr?
who's the saemon daemon on the left?
because I don't watch anime or use a laptop
Madvr is a fucking direct shit without any future...
This is fucking insane.
Why can't MPV have fucking gui
I have to read a FUCKING MANUAL to use a fucking video player
fucking retarded piece of hipster shit devs
It's a player, not a media center.
It doesn't need a gui on screen.
What it needs is a fucking settings/config manager GUI thats UP-TO-DATE with the latest changes. With intuitive presets and shader options and shit.
MPV devs are bunch of thieves. They reverse engineered Madvr and didn't give Madshi any credit.
I don't use software that use stolen work of others.
Is it normal for performance to be worst while not in full-screen on MPV?
That's completely wrong.
Madshi is just mad because he wanted to make a premium/paid release of madvr but mpv was becoming more and more efficient on windows. Now madshi doesn't work on it as often as before and mpv is much more efficient even on windows than madvr.
worse than fullscreen?
Its not normal.
for example
if I were to fullscreen my MPV window I get better performance according to graphs and specially when watching 4k from youtube thats when the lag shows the most if I am not on fullscreen it lags.
it's weird.
I don't think it's downscaling but I might be wrong
>Spread your configurations
Can do!
# Video settings
# Audio settings
alang=eng, en
# Subtitle settings
slang=eng, en
sub-text-font="Droid Sans"
# OSC settings
# OSD settings
osd-font="Droid Sans"
# Screenshot settings
screenshot-directory=~/Pictures/mpv screens/
screenshot-template=~/Pictures/mpv screens/%f - %p
# Window settings
# Miscellaneous settings
Why does mpv have no GUI? For what reason
what to remove
mpv is for MPlayer and mplayer2 users. Those players also had no GUI.
Useless. This is on by default.
Deprecated: mpv.io
No need, jpg is already default: mpv.io
>installed win10 to test some shits
>downloaded the rorgoroth's build
>edited mpv.conf
>double-clicked mpv.exe
>didn't show anything
>went back to install directory
>mpv.exe disappeared
>reminded win10 can remove unappropriated software
Windows removes mpv automatically because it's used mostly by anime/movie pirates. What the hell is that shit?
What did you expect when you installed a botnet.
I regret the WinXP time when I torrented cracked pro software and spent hours installing them on my 40Go HDD.
Are you sure it's because of Windows 10? I've never heard of or had this problem. I have heard that the Windows 10 insider builds uninstall certain incompatible programs when Windows is updated, but I use the insider builds and they have never removed mpv.
Check if Windows Defender has quarantined it or something. Also turn off SmartScreen.
And the wonderful Avast GUI on my yellowed 17 inches CTR display.
Nothing in Defender.
But now I can't open the Settings application.
>>>reminded win10 can remove unappropriated software
I don't know what kind of windows10 you are using but this has never happened to me. Not once.
>Windows removes mpv automatically because it's used mostly by anime/movie pirates
lol @ ur paranoia m8, dont think i even disabled any 'prevent wangblows from disabling programs' thing
Maybe a backdoored Windows ISO?
I downloaded a recent one from generation2 on kat.cr.
>But now I can't open the Settings application.
Sounds like it's time to switch to GNU/Linux.
You should really use Linux and just virtual machine it in that case. Crazy to use botnet with additional botnets t. bh
That's fucking weird my GPU charge oscillates between 0% and 100% all the time when using mpv.
I tried VirtualBox and it's so fucking slow.
>I downloaded a recent one from generation2 on kat.cr.
Why not?
I use windows mostly for CAD software to build stuffs and VMs are too slow.
kek, my father draws (idk the English word) logic with CAD and other software.
he seriously needs a windows 95, xp and some fucking massive computer that's like half a bookshelf size for some projects (old stuff he is fixin/keepin up2date)
Good to know, but even with all of my screenshot settings commented out (except template and directory), it still saves screenshots as png.
KTechLab in Linux is LITERALLY GOD TIER.
t. Electronics student
t. KDE master race
2.stupid enough not to google for a solution
>They reverse engineered Madvr
[citation needed]
>But now I can't open the Settings application.
Microsoft quality, everyone
Use qemu+kvm+vga pass through and you'll get native performance out of your windows VM.
Also, use WINE wherever possible, since it gives you native performance (or better) pretty much automatically.
the problem is you not the lack of a GUI
>Madshi is just mad because he wanted to make a premium/paid release
How would that even work?
>tfw no live chat for media players
I just want to ask questions whenever this is not posted.
>What it needs is a fucking settings/config manager GUI thats UP-TO-DATE with the latest changes. With intuitive presets and shader options and shit.
Such a thing does exist and it was nearly completed by some Sup Forums guy. However, somehow this guy died and nobody picked it up because nobody was interested.
The people offensively complaining (more like yelling, actually) - like you - always either can't or don't want to contribute.
>They reverse engineered Madvr and didn't give Madshi any credit.
Reverse engineered what? The publicly available algorithms he used? Madshi did no original work except one case which he communicated. He made some modifications, some of them are known to be mathematically wrong though.
>How would that even work?
Don't ask us. Madshi himself posted in his doom9 thread he'd think about a way to monetize madVR with a premium version.
I don't even know if it's the stats script being bugged or mpv or maybe my 750ti is not enough?
But it requires 2 GPUs.
Setting the graphics driver to "prefer maximum performance" may avoid stuttering and improve general performance.
intel iGPU for the host OS, discrete GPU for the guest OS
where's the problem?
>I don't even know if it's the stats script being bugged or mpv or maybe my 750ti is not enough?
The script is just printing the numbers mpv is giving it in a fancy style.
Tbh I have no idea how strong a 750ti is but vo=opengl-hq can be done by my iGPU with interpolation. I don't get why your render time is so ridiculous. Any shaders being used?
literally only vo=opengl-hq
This also happened with my 970
I don't get it anymore.
ANGLE mystery shits
When you accidentally a Xeon 1231 v3 with no iGPU :(
except that it's the same without ANGLE
WINDOWS mystery shits
>Spread your configurations
###Track Selection###
# Audio settings
###Playback Control###
###Program Behavior###
I was bummed that nnedi was dropped and I tried user defined shaders, but they were lagging on me. Oh well.
Maybe report it?
both do the same
Either the script is fucked or mpv is fucked
or my computer is fucked.
I'll do it later today
Add a keybinding like
t show-text "${vo-performance}"
and check the numbers.
same numbers
mpv is not optimized for hw acceleration
>hw acceleration
pick one
Then you know where the problem is, or more like whose issue tracker to use.
>mpvfags STILL trying to convince people to use that SHIT
I haven't tried mpv in a while, does it still cause an housefire on top settings? my gpu used to heat up to over 80°C with mpv. So far I've been using mpc-hc with ffdshow which merely heats up to 65°C and because I want to be able use filters, madvr is bloat from what I've seen.
>t show-text "${vo-performance}"
>I haven't tried mpv in a while, does it still cause an housefire on top settings? my gpu used to heat up to over 80°C with mpv. So far I've been using mpc-hc with ffdshow which merely heats up to 65°C and because I want to be able use filters, madvr is bloat from what I've seen.
Check for yourself?
and risk a bsod?
are there really no mpv windows users who can tell me how it's performing with latest release?
damn, this look cool..I can finally play minesweeper while watching
>my gpu used to heat up to over 80°C with mpv.
which one?
>and risk a bsod?
I have 00000 / 00000 / 00000 for Render, I think something is wrong because it's all red.
This makes me so sad. :(
Is bomi still dead?
It's normal for e.g. plain opengl. Try opengl-hq.
Who's the girl in the left?
make mpv start window " 864 x 486 "? is there way?
It was never alive?
my AppData/Roaming/mpv folder is empty, can't find the config file, tried the AppData/Local/ folder too.
create on in the mpv.exe folder
i have windows 10 and downloaded this MPV player. What do i do now? can i copy and paste the best configs you guys have? What does MADVR do exactly?
Shouldn't there be a default one there then? Because the mpv folder only has these 3 files for me - the manual, the executable and some ,com file, no .conf files or anything
I don't think there was one in Linux either.
>Shouldn't there be a default one there then?
A default one would be empty. Why shipping an empty file?
which i am confused