Fuck off Pajeet. We're not going to buy your phones just because someone else did

Fuck off Pajeet. We're not going to buy your phones just because someone else did.

अपने आप को बकवास गंदगी का टुकड़ा जाओ। 2020 तक महाशक्ति।

see pic related

>army with mil standard
Omg who should I trust! Gzz

what phones were they using before?

Using google products is also a constant security risk, since you can't disable all their tracking.

Nice ad hominem you got there.

When did iphones ever pass mil spec?

Kek, shill for your iToys harder. Maybe it will make your buyer's remorse go away.

>Combining all OS X versions into one category

>ios is being discussed
>mentions osx

How poor do you have to be to not be able to afford an iPhone?

Goddamit Sup Forums, just buy one already, its clearly the superior phone in every single way.

Its funny when people show that list in Loonix threads and autists just ignore

Sup Forums is autism for a reason, pal

see >tfw aplel users are too poor to afford 4GB of RAM, 320-384GB of total storage, and 1440p screens on their phones

>4gb of ram
>on a phone

poorfags will defend this

Look at the fucking catalog!


>buying an iphone makes me rich

Being able to afford a sub-$1000 device isn't that impressive for anyone who has a proper job.


Some people don't waste their money on shiny featurephones with internet support.

>le big screen maymay
>torrent on phone
>need moaaar ram to not lag
>implying price/apps
>g - technology
>doesnt know how to work around
>implying qtd. in apps instead of quality
>"muh back button"

ah yes because the pentagon is known for it's efficiency and quality

bradley ifv's running on iphone 6 sotware, its butifel melike

>buying an iphone makes me rich
Nice projection. When did I ever say that? Are you poor or what?

>army uses closed source software
Have fun putting your national security in the hands of a private company

>look mom i reposted the same thing from another site again

No one gives a shit iToddler.

ITT: ipoors

>iplox da faster than androed
>check the source
>Nett Warrior
>check what it is
>Samsung Galaxy Note II
>newest iPhone
>versus old Samsung phone

Why do iPhones make androidfags so mad?

I mean.. almost every time someone talks about iPhones on Sup Forums theirs a shit storm of anti-apple posts.

Its almost like they are jelly or something

>How poor do you have to be to not be able to afford an iPhone?

You are presenting having an iphone as impressive when it isn't for anyone who is employed and doesn't have a Mcjob tier job.

Maybe you should stop trying to act rich because of the phone you bought thanks to a loan. It's a phone in the end.

>spending more than you have to on a glorified walkie talkie that can play angry birds and pornhub

>implying this was a decision of actual military and not some bought politician

>You are presenting having an iphone as impressive
No im not.

I was actually implying that almost anyone can buy an iPhone. Can you even read?

Stop projecting, poorfag

M8 I'm sorry that you got a loan to buy a ""premium product"" and the fact that that it lacks stuff that $50 chinkphones can do has cause buyer's remorse. Shilling and denying to have implied shit won't make it go away.

>Comparing software to a vertically integrated software and hardware maker.

it's really no wonder why in some respects the iphone is superior.

>still projecting

oh I am laffin

It is because a lot of Apple users are too arrogant simply because they are using Apple products. Kinda shameful to be associated with them simply because I use an iPhone (Macs are shit).

Applefags on Sup Forums are like Archfags, and Nvidiashills.

looks like the budget was rasied again

>look guise I have this phone I'm totally not poor
>having this phone makes me not poor thus rich!!

Whatever helps you sleep at night, pal

Hey, don't lump us all together with those autists! I might use a MacBook Pro, but I only like it because I don't have to dual boot between Windows and Linux if I want to do things in Bash and Photoshop.

My mobile phone right now is a Nexus 5. Yeah, the software support even after almost three years on the market is god-tier (I am counting XDA in this rationale). But the hardware started showing its "age" (if you want to call it that) after the first year. Cracks in the chassis and a huge bug in Qualcomm's audio drivers make me really question getting another Android phone.

>but you can just root it...
Yeah, but I shouldn't have to root it to get a decent experience. I want a quality experience out of the box, not some chink hardware with a non-removable half assed launcher shoving paid Kim Kardashian ads in my face.

>Android has 1900 vulnerabilities
>iPhone has 900 vulnerabilities
Did you even know that Android uses Linux?

The army also recently let faggots join in
Coincidence? I think not...

>Kernel type Monolithic (modified Linux kernel)
>linux vulnerabilities from years when android didn't even exist are also included

Did you even know that google has its own separate security patches which include fixes for kernel bugs/vulnerabilities? Android's kernel isn't just the linux kernel compiled for ARM.

>implying you need more than one Gb ram.

Also android isn't considered Linux because of the modified kernel so it is probable that kernel vulnerabilities are already included in those 430 vulnerabilities.

Yeah i also have an iPhone and god, i fucking hate applefags.

wasnt it 2030

>अपने आप को बकवास गंदगी का टुकड़ा जाओ। 2020 तक महाशक्ति।
بسبب أبل سوف ننجح الوها سناكبار
Sandniggers are taking over, tell Sup Forums it was Apple's fault

Apple's fault when Google and Microsoft have indian CEOs?

Did you even know that the number of vulnerabilities is almost meaningless without the weighted average score of the severity?

>get told
>move goalposts
>damage controlling this much

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>still thinks my reply to the bait picture was serious even though I already know why the picture is bait and invalid
Are you just pretending to be retarded?

>trip fag
>full blown retarded
yeah makes sense

>I was just pretending to be retarded.
>I know! I'll ask if he is, that'll show him.

>mfw I posted that picture and it isn't bait
>hurr durr I was just pretending to be retarded xd xD
>cvedetails is bait

I have bad news for you, user