What is the best language for game development Sup Forums?

What is the best language for game development Sup Forums?


C++ no contest
there are no workarounds
you will never find another suitable language
just face it
learn C++

and this


Correct answer.

If you dont compile it its really slow.

Java. It's what all Android games are made with.

>engine development
something fast that lets you work with C APIs either via bindings (rust, go, etc) or language compat (C++) or shit, even C itself if you're so inclined

>game development
game logic etc is usually not performance critical, so whatever lets you get shit done as fast and painlessly as possible. preferably something portable. there's no clear winner here IMO.

hell, it's not uncommon for commercial devs to write their own implementation of a certain language (C#, LUA, Python, etc)

Android games are dead.

C# is probably the "best" when it comes to indie tier games (i.e. not AAA graffixfests with dev teams in the hundreds), but I personally use LibGDX + any JVM language I feel like

IF you want to work for DICE or Ubisoft or Bethsoft or something.

But why would you?

Just use Unity with C#

I'd say C++, but C# is also pretty popular because of unity and xna and stuff.

Clearly Scratch.

Any other choice is heresy.

Without a doubt, you'll want to use C or C++ for the game engine. Which one you use depends on the paradigm you're going for, but it's most likely that you'll use C++ so you have access to libraries with both C bindings and C++ bindings.

After you've written the core of your game, it usually speeds up development to use an embedded scripting language to write and extend a lot of the game development. Lua is a perfect choice for this because it's lightweight, fast, and simple, but you have a lot more flexibility here.

An interesting choice would be GNU Guile if you're in to lisp/scheme. (Also it's licensed under LGPL so you won't have to release all of your code if you don't want to.)



Got godot nigga. It has a good scripting language and it's written entirely in c++. With it being completely opensource you can use both in your game

java with lwjgl3

>everyone recommends a different language
Jesus fucking Christ



JavaScript with Unity

C++, but you also need to be familiar with C and asm. Normally I wouldn't recommend this, but assuming you don't know any of the three, start with C++. You may be thinking, but C++ is just advanced C.' Common assumption, but they are very different languages today. Since you are interested in an area where C++ mastery is a must, it's best to learn it first, and without prior knowledge of C potentially tripping you up.


Soon enough WebAssembly will make it fast enough for most games.

Dumb question here.

What is the difference when coding a game in C++ vs in Java? Won't you be able to accomplish the same goal with both languages?

LISP (for the AI).

Just use what John Carmack is using.

Only correct answer

Memory management. Also C++ is more powerful.

>Won't you be able to accomplish the same goal with both languages?

In theory all Turing complete languages let you do exactly the same things.

The only difference is speed.
Some things will be slower when you run Java byte code compared to native code.

>Some things will be slower when you run Java byte code compared to native code.
Then why would it ever be beneficial to use Java over C++?

>The only difference is speed.
And expressiveness.

Sometimes accomplishing something takes hundreds of lines in OOP and a dozen in other paradigms.

Java will run on any system that has the Java Runtime Environment installed.
So no need to port to OSX, Linux, Windows, etc.

Some people also prefer Java as a language.
Mainly people called Pajeet.

Python and Javascript have the same benefits.

Except their VM doesn't take a shitload of time to start up.

Oh and their C/C++ interoperability is top-notch.

Java has no place on the desktop in 2016.


If you want to compile for html5 though, aren't you limited to Java?

Please define "a shitload."

What you call HTML5 is actually JavaScript+HTML5

i'm aware

Java has nothing to do with Javascript.

And scripts.


If you're a beginner, here's the most important thing you need at first: Getting something done.

Choose an expressive language, like Lua or Python or JS.

If you pick C++ you WILL get stuck on things that have nothing to do with the game.

Port it later if you will, but only AFTER you get something done.

Laser cannon on a dunkey.
No thanks.

But you need to cross compile to javascript to be able to run on the web, which only java supports, whereas for other targets, several JVM languages are available.

This is a very good answer.

I call /thread at this point

Japanese too is good

If you want to make Engines

If you want to be indy and make it on your own or join a startup

C# is better

keep in mind that if you want to be indy you need assets. either you buy them or make them yourself or hire someone. Either way it's a big part of Gaimes