Could you kill all messenger programs ( >>55654130 ) by making SMS free?

Could you kill all messenger programs ( ) by making SMS free?

No you dumb anime poster, there's a world outside of the US. Kill yourself promptly

I'm not following, what do you mean by making SMS free?

I already have free sms and don't use anything else for messaging, what are you talking about?

>still pays for sms
what 3rd world country do you live in? and what backwards ass carrier are you on?
are you also gonna tell me that you still pay calls between two landline numbers?

Stupid anime poster isn't smart enough to know SMS is already free outside the US

>paying 10€ per month
I spend 10€ per year.

You're probably gay if you don't think tomoko is beautiful girl.

>SMS is already free outside the US
Factually wrong, you are more ignorant than the burgers

Tomoko kinda looks like Madara

I've had unlimited sms/mms for years and their usage has only declined. It's nowhere near as versatile for communication as WhatsApp or similar are. My grandmother is the only person I ever send text messages to.

You're probably gay and a virgin if you're attracted to anime.

Tomoko is literally prettier than any ugly 3D female. I want to hug her and let her know she matters to me.

>he pays for each individual text message

It's confirmed.
You're a virgin and a homosexual.

>Using virgin as an insult on Sup Forums
Also, you can't be gay if you're attracted to females retard.

wait, do americans pay to RECEIVE text messages?

Free market

Is there a name for these Tomoko/Hex maniac type of lonely friendless girls?
I really like these types of girls .

>spend 10€ per year
so its not free with your chosen plan? lol, are you in amerilard?


also, gimme source of that porno mango

>thinks weabshit cartoons counts as female

Sorry. No sauce

Look, if you like men, you can admit it now. I already know you do, but you can drop the denial at any time.

Nice one, retarded ausfag

Nice projection

3DPD is disgusting senpai. This is Sup Forums, it's for anime.

Anime is trash, weabshit is for faggots.

Sup Forums is for anime

Here's my chink shit from the last few days. Fake raybans that were posted here a week or two ago arrived and looked very official, only noticeable issue is if you look very closely at the rayban logo on the side the lettering is not very good quality but you really have to look hard, they look great though and for $9 they are cheap as shit.
The temperature gun works great got for $4 on Aliexpress but it's gone up to $7 now.
Got my first shark too 64gb not sure what to put it in yet but I know I'll have some use for it.
Got the sd card case off eBay for $2 but it's really shit quality very flimsy would not recommend getting one spend more and find a better one.
And finally a Bluetooth FM transmitter for the car with dual 2.1A usb outs. Haven't tested this yet but should be good and was only $6ish

Only a few more weeks for you to go back to middle school, I can hardly wait.

That's not a girl, that's a drawing!

I'll see you on the playground Mr pedo xD

No SMS is slow, and lacks features as cross decide sync, multimedia, cross decide sync, and a lot of other things.

You sound like a bitter virgin who spends all day masturbating to loli

Fujos aren't that attractive. Hex Maniac is more of a cowgirl or older sister archetype than anything.


fuck you what is the sauce?

Nothing wrong with loli
t. Random bypassing user

>on Sup Forums
>hates anime and loli
So, what brought you here? Sup Forums screencaps on Facebook?

>nothing wrong with being sexually attracted to children


Can't do that with email?