Running some android game

>running some android game
>phone hooked to charger
>phone is using more than it's receiving from the charger
>battery dies while hooked to charger

why is this allowed? and why is android such a useless fucking meme?

Buy a better charger

You have a shitty charger

Good goy! Keep those Google Services running, goyim! Google thanks you for all that data, that they can now sell.


Maybe use a charger which delivers more than 0.5A-1A. Idiot.

>Using goy and goyim in the same post

You're pedestrian. Stop trying.

I'm using the charger that came with the phone. it's not excuse, the charger is never supposed to be weaker than the phone's use.

You can help battery charge faster by putting it to some warm spot, e.g. heater.

Bettery has chemical stuff going on in it, it's quicker when you warm it up, because electron flies faster then

>implying anyone autistic enough to browse Sup Forums will fall for these normie memes

>autistic and normie

what is that?
I am russia, sorry for english

> Android
Because OP bought a shitty device with no fast charging. How many Volt does your charger output pleb? Now look at other phones. You see how much more it is? That's the problem.

ITT: Android Internet Defense Force on damage control

>letting bloatware run on your android
Come back to Sup Forums when you are not so tech illiterate.

Greetings comrade from the IOS Defense Force

>le ironic politician meme
>le so smart smug frog
>le you just don't get it face
>le you don't understand why it's so ironic faec

You have nothing and nowhere to hide, user. :^)

>blaming android for your shitty chink phone

Holy shit that broken English and flawed reasoning, pajeet my son is that you?

You're probably using an old chink charger. Not all chargers have the same current output. You'd know that if you spent less time on the video games.

>android is a mamufacturer

top of the line!

>playing games on a phone
kill yourself

plebbits like you need to kill yourselves.

My electric razor does that if I try shaving.

This. Just buy a handheld console.


is this shit?

All phone (wall-type) chargers are voltage sources, i.e. the adapter provides a stable voltage output (5V here) and the device decides how much current to draw. Your charger's specification says it provides a maximum of 2Amps. That means it will sustain its 5V output voltage up to a current of 2A.

The phone's internal charging chip may or may not charge the battery in a voltage or current driven means (Li-Ion are typically charged voltage driven and current capped if I'm not mistaken). However this is completely hidden internally and you don't have to worry about it.

If the adapter can't handle your phones current need, it may get hot or the phone may just discharge (instead of charge).

Let me guess pokemon go?

wow, what a hard guess! you mean it might be that one relevant android game that literally everyone and their mom is playing??

The problem is your shit hardware, not Android.

shit os, running on shit hardware.

android =/= quality, ever.

>android fanboys will defend this

>using the smiley with a carat nose

>has a hardware problem
>blames the OS
Can we start gassing the mentally retarded again?


>using the smiley with a carat nose

>Be me
>technologically inept
>'Numbarz on da charger lol i cant read that xd'
>continue using a half an ampere charger on a device that optimally would need a 2 ampere charger


How is this androids fault?
also quit playing games on your phone when you're low on battery and charging, that's like the quickest way to destroy your battery with all that heat.


More than 1 should be good, but most chinkshit chargers will hardly deliver more than a fraction of what they promise, specially if they promise big numbers
Most chargers labeled as 2 hardly ever deliver more than 0.2
There's something wrong with your Google, purely from user base the results should be a few magnitudes higher

>using a .5a charger

Your own fault, I hope your battery explodes

OP here, this is my charger, it's a Sony charger:

>Connect charge to phone
>Phone still uses the battery instead of pulling power from the charger itself and only switching to the battery as backup.

I can name at least 3 phones that do this and I'm 100% sure someone fucked up big time in the design because this isn't normal behavior.

Chargers can go bad over time, or the manufacturer could cheap out and give a charger low enough to charge the device but not power and charge it at the same time. Had an ASUS tablet that would drain even though it was plugged in.