
He predicted this AMD fiasco back in May.

>What HardOCP knows from sources inside and outside the company, AMD has a problem on its hands, as both these products have come up significantly short of where these were supposed to land. But that is OK for AMD, it will simply send Chris Hook out to fall on the sword and tell a story of that was the plan all along....to produce brand new parts much slower than its last high end GPUs. In the simplest terms AMD has created a product that runs hotter and slower than its competition's new architecture by a potentially significant margin

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AYYMDPOORFAGS attacked Kyle but he was vindicated in the end


>still no async
>had to bribe futuremark for time cop

Kyle was 100% right.

Sorry Based Kyle


why would I want a GPU that
>sucks total ass at new APIs
>has less vram
>can't SLI
>is only decent at a resolution I don't use
>has shitty drivers (wincucks need not apply)
>will get no real improvements over time

and on top of all this costs more to boot?

the 1060 is a dud unless you're delusional

>OC'd 480 reference still equals 1060 in Time Lie
>1060 more expensive at launch
>DX12 still slow in actual games compared to a 480
>Can't SLI
>AIB 480's will destroy it

Its all falling apart

This really made me think

Nvidia will release a new gpu when it's actually relevant. Right nows its not which is why nobody gives a single shit about AMD.

Buy a 1070/1080.

>Less Vram
3.5gb GTX 970 fucking wrecked anything AMD had to offer.

>Shitty Drivers
and AMD has better ones? Even in Linux?

>much slower than its last high end GPU
>runs hotter
>and slower

He mistook RX480 for RX490. We can assume that much in good faith. At neutral, he's a retard. At worse, shitter.

GTX 1060 crushes RX480 HOUSEFIRES that still run out of compliance of PCIe specs that will burn out motherboard's PCIe slot

Nvidia, fastest GPUs, most power efficient for lowest energy bills, much more quieter for peace of mind

>Just wait.

He wasn't right about anything. He stated that AMD's arch was less power efficient, and that isn't at all the case.

Polaris 10 was not designed to be AMD's crowning jewel to show case power efficiency. It was designed only to be cheap. If it was a 64 ROP design it would trounce the R9 390X in everything, but it lacks the pixel throughput to do so. Its a super simple 32 ROP design, everything is laid out to maximize yields.
The RX 480 is in effect factory over clocked to push performance higher and make up for its ROP handicap.

Lower clocked Polaris 11 showcases GCN's merits in 14nm silicon.

My only desire is that AMD manages to light enough of a fire under Nvidia to get their Vulkan support up to scratch. Competition is good. If they pull off a miracle, I'd love to replace my 1060 a few years from now with AMD's latest offering. If not, at least I just hope there's a nice Vulkan Nvidia card, because I sure as hell am not upgrading to Windows 10 to use DX12.

>Nvidia will release a new gpu when it's actually relevant.
they have had years to kick their shit into gear. they still suck at async and any claim that they magically won't in the future is pure speculation.

>literally the most important thing in gaming tech right now
>"not important" because you can't handle your precious company sucking at it

>Buy a 1070/1080.
what if a year and a half from now the most cost efficient way to upgrade a 1060 system is to insert a second one? remember Vulkan and Dx12?

why gimp a card like that? intel and nvidia have always been the "purposefully sabotage your own shit to push the more expensive models" companies.

>3.5gb GTX 970 fucking wrecked anything AMD had to offer.
I don't advocate false advertising and neither should you. nvidia straight up lied to me and many others and I won't forgive that.

>and AMD has better ones? Even in Linux?
fglrx and catalyst (both windows and linux) suck.

but AMDGPU is looking pretty fucking good. and that will serve as the code base for the windows driver too. if it improves enough and soon, I'll upgrade. otherwise I'll stick with my 970 like a good goy.

the 1060 is just not an attractive product at all right now. the 480 wins. deal with it.

holy shit I remember my brother talking about hardOCP when he was overclocking Pentium 3's in the late 90's.

if Async was that important every game would use it and not just Ashes of Raja

Yea, Kyle looks like a dad now.

>saturating idle shaders is not important
It's common sense now that devs have the APIs available to do it. Consoles have been using async compute for years now. You're clueless.

Only AMD's shitty HOUSEFIRES architecture has idle shaders

Nvidia is close to 100% efficient and has no idle shaders

Kyle also said that AIB 480's will hit 1600MHz and that would put it neck to neck with a 980Ti

>No coverage about 1060 at all
>20videos glorifying RX480
>Interview with AMD technician
>AMDrones keeps yammering his not on amd pay shill

No, he has always been a blow-hard ass-hat that shills for the party who "donates" the most.

He is just salty that AMD's marketing told him to fuck off. AMD choose Tech Report's former editor "Damage" over him on a job offer.

Polaris is not a flop or failure. It has achieved its intended goal of disrupting the $199-249 market.

1060 is just a compentitor that is either somewhat faster or offers the same performance as 480 for a little more $$$$.

Nvidiots are getting themselves wet over nothing. 1060 still fails to beat faster then "980" that Nvidia's marketing claims it to be.

They are both "Housefire" architectures. GPU guys have been running of steam with silicon since Fermi and Tahiti. 14nm and 16nm barely obtain a performance/power 50% gain over aging 28nm process.

Fanboys are too fucking stupid to see the larger picture.

huh, funny how despite Sup Forums shitting on multi-gpu setups for so long, suddenly the lack of SLI is a concern...

p.s. make sure you buy 2 480s for that 1080 performance :^)


>>sucks total ass at new APIs

The Pascal cards might not gain as much as AMD cards on the newer api's, but they still beat the shit out of the AMD cards.

Nvidia wins once again

What the hell does OCP stand for anyway? I don't think I've ever seen it explained...

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Overclockers Comparison Page, it is a throw back to website's more humble beginnings as an overclocking database during the late 1990s before it became a "me-too!" to Tom's Hardware.

Omni Consumer Products.

>complains about Nvidia linux drivers when they're as a matter of absolute fact supported 20x better on Linux than ayyyyyymd

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