Any 1TB SSDs that don't cost an arm and a leg?

Any 1TB SSDs that don't cost an arm and a leg?

Where do you buy your SSDs that they charge body parts instead of dollars?

My wife and I have been looking for something light hearted to watch on TV, and maybe about 6 months ago we started watching jeopardy. One of her old teachers from middle school was on it recently, so that was nice and all, but nothing stood out to us like what happened on the episode we watched today.

You see, most people consider the post-first-commercial interviews to be somewhat of a waste of time, but we don't like to skip them. We noticed that of all the stories that get told, Alex has a couple of canned reaction phrases based on what the story is about. If the story is about something the person did in their life, he'll say "good for you." If it's about something they witnessed, he'll joke about how he could have been there, etc.

So after watching for months, we started really noticing what stories would be "good for you" stories and which ones would be other comments. Some women would start talking about her trip to Asia and it was certainly going to be good for her. We started wondering out loud, would there ever be three "good for you" stories in one episode? Possible, but just not that probable.

Well today, it finally happened. We are a few episodes back, so July 11th's episode, the first two stories were "good for you"s. Then the returning champion Pam started her story. I looked at my wife with a huge grin. She smiled back. We were fixed upon the screen, waiting for her gabbing to come to a close. Then, Alex muttered those three sweet words we'd been waiting months to hear.

We looked at each other in disbelief and excitement. We didn't know to have five, or scream, or fistbump. My poor dog had to leave the room he was so scared with our yells of excitement.

I couldn't believe nobody else on the internet had written about this yet, but if anybody else out there has ever noticed the trend, there are others of us out here who also notice and feel the same way. Totally trivial, but it made my day.

Sandisk X400 or Intel 540s

I got 500gb 850 for $110 couple of months ago.
shit is cheap if u just look for deals

Ive had mine for more than 3 years. Surely it must be cheap now.

Pro or evo?

I enjoyed this passage. Needed a story of trivial joy today.

Intel 540s is usually around $190-$210. It is slower in every single way than an 850 EVO but if saving $50 is worth that much to you, go ahead.

g-good for you

1TiB SSD are fucking affordable.

Fucking kiddies, I remember when 100MiB HDDs were the north of $1000 in 1980s USD.

I have the Samsung 850 EVO 1TB and it's fucking sweet.

oh yeah well back in my day we used 8 sticks to represent a byte and each stick cost a year's salary at the salt mines

Cost arm and leg ?
Let me check the price first.

I got one recently, some SLC Adata one that was sub-$200 on Amazon at the time. Shit's pretty affordable. Don't think I'm ever buying mechanical again, by the time this is full they'll be even cheaper.

Yes, on Amazon Prime day


a 256GB SSD and a 1TB HDD.


Do you wear a fanny pack?

Ma nigga, running that exact setup on my laptop. Best possible option.

Short answer: no.

Why do you need an SSD that large? Do the smart thing that every sensible person does: SSD for OS + programs + gaymes to reduce loading times and a regular HDD for storage and files.
That way a 500gb SSD is more than enough. Hell, 256gb is more than enough for most people this way.

I got a sandisk ultra II for 250aud shipped on sale on Amazon UK a few weeks ago. I've seen it drop similarly low since on sale, so if you wait you could probably pick one up.

I have a 32gb ssd for win 10 then i keep games on 1 hdd and other files )docs, music, pictures, ETC.) on another 1tb hdd

considering games now are like 20-50gb per game, and say you wanna install three at a time, I doubt a 256gb or even 500gb is enough. This is of course not including all your dozens of 1gb-6gb programs and 10gb OS.

>Why do you need an SSD that large?

Why do you need a HDD that large? Why all that RAM?

Fucking retarded question

> 1TiB ssd
> implying anyone even produces ssds w 1TiB usable space

Did you even read the rest of my reply?

Ofc. it varies from person to person. One can always argue the numbers ofc. but let's say 3 games รก 50gb each + 50gb or whatever windows takes up these days still leaves 50ish gb for programs on a 256gb disk. Should be plenty for most people I guess. Point is 256gb is a fuckton of pure programs (muh gaymes included). Naturally you will also find people who want to have 50+ games installed in which case even a 1tb disk falls short.
Ofc. tech-illiterates will have no idea how to use a large HDD for storage and will just dump everything on the SSD but it's hard to account for every single idiot on the planet.

It is the correct prefix, because we use digital computers a.k.a binary or base-2 numerical system.

Microsoft has been fucking retarded for over 30 years by using the wrong prefixes.

Protip: SI prefixes are for base 10.

Because it is useful as a scratch disk on the cheap.

There's more to computing then gayming Sup Forumstards.

Why would you need a 1TB SSD? Just get a 500GB one, that's more than enough for your OS and all the programs you can think of

>but muh 50GB games

Go to bed grandpa.

Or do the smart thing that every tech-literate person does: use the SSD as a cache for the HDD

you're retarded

If you work in a salt mine, wouldn't your salary be in salt?

if you work as a prostitute is your salary in sex?

It's suffix actually

they are getting pretty cheap now

Not him but it's prefix as it is prefix to the type