/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox or other software made for this puporse for safety purposes.
1) Use the Live ISO (if your distribution of choice has one) to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything, that way, you can get to experience the GNU/Linux operating system without installing it.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS, this is recommended if you want to know more about the GNU/Linux operating system.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Meet the /fglt/ team:

IRC: irc://chat.freenode.net:6667/flt (6697 for SSL)
If you don't have an IRC client, you can use a web client:
WEB: fglt.nl/

* Resources:
Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx, ixquick, startpage, whatever.)
$ man
wiki.archlinux.org (Most troubleshoots work on all distros.)
wiki.gentoo.org (Please see comment above.)

## - /t/'s GNU/Linux Vidyo Thread
## - /t/'s GNU/Linux Vidya Thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Is there a package or some other way that will enable spellchecking in Arch across all programs and windows?

On gNewSense, my mouse scroll does not scrolls... How to enable this feature?

how do i make xsel copy shit from browser to terminal and vice versa?

Mouse scroll drivers are proprietary blobs and this disabled in gNuiSance.

You're Welcome.

>he fell for the FSF meme

I want freedom. Must there be a free way to make mice scroll to work!

Just started learning UNIX about a week ago.

Why the fuck does everybody act like running anything at all as the root user for even a second will make you grow hair on your palms, go blind, cause your computer to explode, have your house burn down and cause your dick to fall off?

I understand that it is a very privileged account, but everybody is so fucking irritable about it.

Fuck off proprietary cuckolds!

It would be better if you could help me make my mouse scroll work, than cursing the people who can't help.

If you run xev and scroll, does it regonize it?

It's because you don't have the privileges to scroll the mouse.

Every time you want to scroll, you have to yell "SUDO" before you move your finger down.

Who the hell are you talking to?


So I want to run my C program on linux, it's a server for a website so it has to listen in port 80 but linux has the problem that it doesn't let a program bind a socket to port 80 unless it is "root", then I read this


So I am confuse, do I run my program as root? or what use port forwarding?

Don't fall for the cloud meme, guys.


The OP.

T'was a misclick.

Nope, scrolling does nothing.
I'm using it inside a virtual machine, by the way.

>proprietary cuckolds

Sounds like a great band name.

Hello again /fglt/

How do I use a .bin file? That's all that UNetbootin 494 comes in

>the harmful "cloud" meme.

The harmful "cloud" meme confirmed for new meme by Mr. emax

>So always use a name that doesn't have a bad PR

Gnu Image Manipulation Program

>"Hurd" stands for "Hird of Unix-Replacing Daemons". And, then, "Hird" stands for "Hurd of Interfaces Representing Depth". We have here, to my knowledge, the first software to be named by a pair of mutually recursive acronyms.

execute it?

On gNewSense 4, I cannot run Telegram due to it requiring GLIBC 2.14 & 2.15, and gNewSense 4 having only GLIBC 2.14... Is there a way to install newer versions?



>We have here, to my knowledge, the first software to be named by a pair of mutually recursive acronyms.
This shit has gone too far

Could you please tell me how?

On gNewSense 4, I can't install GreaseMonkey due to it requiring a newer version of IceWeasel: 31.5.0 isn't enough. Is there a way to install GreaseMonkey on this version ofthe browser? Withouth GreaseMonkey, I can't "install" AppchanX to use Sup Forums betterly.

Why is this thread full of retards lately?



I'm trying to run Citra emulator on fedora linux, but when i go to execute it the terminal spits out
error while loading shared libraries: libpng12.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I've already installed libpng12. Anyone know what to do?

fuck i'm retarded

nevermind lads, i got it

it's bad practice and there's just generally no reason to do it

it's a mindset that is common among Windows users, also.

>I complied.
I've read as "I compiled".

So I would like to port my game on Linux before launch. I already spent months choosing the right libraries (or rather lack of), but I still have to identify the last Linux-specific issues.
If anyone wants to help porting more Linux games, here is the stuff.

I'm making a game where you control nanomachines (small robots) by creating Artificial Intelligences made of graphical symbols.

Linux download link:

Known issues:
>BUG 1: black window at start
Installing lsb-release fixes it.

I'm looking for more Linux-specific issues to identify (and fix), so every feedback about non working stuff is welcomed.

what was wrong? how did you fix it?

It's needed to use APT/APT-GET.

i needed libpng12-devel

Holy fuck that looks like neat game

And apt-get is only needed to install new packages.

It's just like UAC on Windows.

I recommend using trisquel over gNewSense because it's based off ubuntu rather than debian.


that's what sudo is for. You generally just want to stay on your own user for everything. I can't even remember the last time I used root desu.

>Holy fuck that looks like neat game
I designed it with Robotics and Programming enthusiasts in head, so I hope Linux users will like it.

Trisquel Mini installation ran into an error, and I couldn't install it. Before I try again, I need to know: which is the benefit of using a distro based on Ubuntu instead of Debian? I'm saddened by Canonical acts...

This is from the last thread, but I have to respond.

>[in GNOME3] you have to browse applications in the same obnoxious, unsorted way.
>you get to sift through an unsorted mess where things like games that are preinstalled with Debian 8 are scrambled in with maintanence tools such as the fucking thing you have to check how much hard drive space you have. It's unorganized.

You're referring to part A of pic related. But who the fuck actually uses the list of applications to run things regularly? Everyone I know either searches (see part B) or uses a dock with shortcuts (not pictured, but can easily be done). Also you can enable a pseudo start menu via gnome-tweak-tool (see part C).

GNOME masterrace (just kidding, but it's actually good)

Just install Debian. Its free as in freedom. It just has a nonfree repo, which isn't part of Debian, but if you need stuff for your hardware, you can use it to make it work.

On gNewSense 4, I cannot compile Corebird due to it requiring "automake" 1.14 or higher, and gNewSense 4 having only up to "automake" 1.10... Is there a way to install newer versions?

>but it's actually good
GNOME 2 was good.

3 tries way too hard to be innovative for no reason, and falls flat on all fronts.

Fucking neat dude, I'll check it out and let you know if I have any issues. On Debian Testing

this looks like a very simple game
why not make it using webGL and javascript so that it can run in any browser
porting and comparability issues will be gone and you game will be a lot easier to reach and you could easily add some multiplayer.

Please stop.

>why not make it using webGL and javascript so that it can run in any browser


Is the mp3 codec free? If not, how are freetards able to play mp3s?

>but the repository is hosted on many of the project's main servers, and people can readily find these nonfree packages by browsing Debian's online package database and its wiki.

Somewhat agree, but 3 is very polished at this point, and you can configure it to work pretty much how you want (and I'm running 3.14), via regular settings and the tweak tool. I like how the super key bindings all work very similarly to Windows out of the box, mostly for maximizing and "snapping" windows to one half of the screen.

>service as a software substitude
This is what is wrong with the web.

>this looks like a very simple game
The game engine is actually done to run a god game: start with one nanomachine, devour the environment and transform the planet into a giant spaceship.

I cut down lot of functionalities for this first game, but there is a long term project involving thousands of nanomachines working at the same time.
Pic related is a timelapse with one million nanomachines (real time 2 hours), running on my 2006 computer.

But... I need help!!!!


Fuck off summerag.

Is the rar package free? If not, how are freetards able to extract rar files?

So I recently broke my desk top environment on my laptop. I tried to install LXQT on my Netrunner Ubuntu distribution using the following commands [ sudoaptinstalllxqtlubuntu-artworksddm-theme-lubuntu-chooserxserver-xorg-input-allxserver-xorg-video-allxserver-xorg-video-intel ] after I rebooted my device i was met by a black screen with a cursor. I can right click to access terminal emulator and a web browser. >How do I switch back to KDE?
I can't connect to any network be it wired or wireless, I am not sure why.
Hopefully that's enough information.
Ubuntu 16.04

Are you aware that it's not summer everywhere in the world?

RAR archives don't deserve to be extracted.
They are obviously created by people who can't into computers.

wow, there really is an app for everything!

Are you aware that most people on Sup Forums are in the northern hemisphere?

FLUTE, Friendly Linux/Unix ThrEad

Go away macfag.

Are you aware that I'm not, so I'm not a summerfag?

You're acting like a summerfag which makes you a summerfag, doesn't matter if it's summer or not.

Why do you say that?

You're not respecting the fact that I'm on the south hemisphere. I don't accept being called summerfag, you should call me winterfag.

Never mind; you're clearly just a full on Aspie.

t. summer

Can we please take this shit flinging somewhere else and act like adults again?

Currently using Debian stable, but want to upgrade. Testing or unstable?



Do you want a stable system with somewhat delayed updates but overall pretty new stuff? Testing

Do you want a somewhat-less-but-still-very-stable system with bleeding edge updates, but more responsibility to not break things? Unstable

What are the correct dd settings to burn a Debian amd64 ISO to a USB from the commandline? Or is some other ISO burning technique adviced for this? How do I specify if I want it to be MBR or UEFI?

I've never burned ISO on Linux before, that's why I ask. Found somewhat conflicting info

What does responsibility represents here? I mean what habits should I practice to not break things?

dd if=debian.iso of=/dev/sdX

you can add bs=512k or bs=16M or something if you want but the speed increases will vary.

If I just want to run a C program server that listens in port 80 and returns some simple html and at the same time does some heavy physics calculations, what distro should I use?

It doesn't matter at all.

Thank you, but how do I choose if I want it to be bootable in either MBR or UEFI mode. I remember I could do this with Rufus on Windows

Is 10 seconds good enough for WiFi to reconnect after I wake the laptop?
Is there an equivalent to Autoruns and BootVis for Windows?


How is the WiFi supposed to work if the machine is suspended to RAM?


Trash any distro can run wine and steam.

hunspell and hunspell-en

Seems like it comes preconfigured on this one so...

But only Manjaro has built in TIME TRAVEL!!


found the majaro user

Srsly, take your memes to 9gag. No need for arch breaks x, time travel and debian sjw memes. It's getting fucking old.

Can we please take this shit flinging somewhere else and act like adults again?

user, have you forgotten this is Sup Forums?