How can I become a based hacker and join anonymous?

I was watching Mr Robot and I realize I want to be like that guy and get leet hacking skills and start a revolution.

Recommend me some hacking tutorials and some contact info for Anonymous or another leet hacking organization.

install gentoo

What about after that?

What are some good hacking tutorials? How do i contact anonymous?

ask marshviperX

Read and understand RFC's.

Fuck your boss in the ass to get promoted, then steal his phone while he's showing the jizz out of his asshole.


delete gentoo

then follow >55616419

Install Watch Dogs.

Install Gentoo.

>didn't change tyrell's face for wojak's

Install Gentoo and start using opioids

I really hate what shows like Mr. Robot and games like Watchdogs are doing to the community, all these wannabe fucking skids popping up out of no where who have no idea what they're getting themselves into...

you can start by learning these:

>Public v Private IP
>Routers and switches
>OSI model
>MAC addressing

If you want to be really 1337|-|4X you need to learn programming.
start out easy with:


these will be crucial as you'll want to develop your own exploits and a lot of shit is coded in C/C++. You'll have to learn assembly because you have to see the source code of programs that have already been compiled.
You'll also want to get really comfy using IDA Pro and various debuggers. (Immunity debugger with is great!)

Any questions?

Shoot some morphine and be sure to lead a pretentious internal monologue in your head at all times.

nice try FBI

How do i get into contact with Anonymous and other hacking organisations?

You donnt contac anomymus they cantac u

Ehy, its me, your brother Anonymous, ask me anything

Oh and I forgot to mention that you'll also need to learn about reverse engineering. There's a great book on the subject available totally free.
>Reverse-engineering for beginners

>How do i get into contact with Anonymous
Don't worry about it. We'll contact you when you have some usefull skills and not before. If you can't hack, what good are you to us? Nothing.


So I need to get headhunted like Elliot?

Nice try FBI

> these will be crucial as you'll want to develop your own exploits and a lot of shit is coded in C/C++. You'll have to learn assembly because you have to see the source code of programs that have already been compiled.

Lol the majority of exploits are written in python bro.

I meant the applications dickwad


This is the first time I've been called FBI. I'm screenshotting this shit


I don't think you did or you would have listed python under crucial languages to learn.

Yeah so I reread what I typed and it does actually read like you understood it. My bad.

But even so, you really think this faggot will get past reading about OSI in wiki before dropping this whole thing?

You guys think this is a fucking joke?

I'm autistic and struggle with basic interactions with people, meanwhile I get tons of sex and have a 8/10 blonde girl who has been hanging on me since high school. I also hacked a prison in one day by myself (at gun point) with no preparation.

I pulled off one of the most impossible hacks in the world - the whole time being high on opiates / going through withdrawal / having psychotic hallucinations that nobody ever pointed out.

You need to get on my level.

Snort morphine and develop daddy and mommy issues

Where can I find information about the latest exploits?

nah and the OSI model is literally just a picture which is why I wonder why you spent so much time telling him what to do.

try google.

>I wonder why you spent so much time telling him what to do.

I'm high and thought I'd be the guy who gives some neat info for once. I won't do it again. I swear user.


I thought Mr. Robot might actually be a good show thanks to Sup Forums mentioning it all the time. I felt like I was watching an episode of Skins, and not a good one where 14 year old girls walk around half naked.

C'mon! that was barely sporkfeeding.

The first few episodes of Mr. Robot were good. Especially because I was watching it with QT3.1459 whom I would frequently bang afterwards.

It got stupid though. They tried to add more dimensions and it got stupid.

I'm motivated. I want to be a hacker and make a difference!

watch mr. robot over and over until you learn his skills


I know, the underground hacker community has been deteriorating recently. It's filles with newfags that don't even know the secret handshake.

How do you join the underground hacker community?

>How do i get into contact with Anonymous and other hacking organisations?
Sorry, m80, membership is full at this time. Try back next year.

That was his boss's assistant.

You need to demonstrate your hacking proficiency to a recruiter

C/C++/Asm for reverse-engineering programs, python/perl for writing exploits.

its RFCs . why the fuck you cunt people don't understand this simple fucking grammar rule?

Fight! Fight! Fight!

Damn I'm already 2/3 of the way there how come I'm not a l33t h4x0r yet?

Remember when hacking meant something

Anyone can be anonymous.

Yeah, I have a question. Why are you such a fucking skid.

Python to start, c, then c++ then assembly. High level easy language to start. You cant build a house without a foundation.

Anonimity is a placebo.

Steve Rambam, privacy is dead. Long talk,but very valuable

I see you're running GNOME...

ddos pentagon and white house


I can see this
>Pepe as Sad Frog
>also starring
>Wojak as That Feel


seek out the one they call z3r0 c00l

To become a script kiddy you may start with using Kali Linux to learn about the tools used for cracking. This combined with curiosity on how they work and what they actually crack will make you learn new things and eventually become a script kiddie. To become a cracker, you have to learn programming first.

Will he teach me the ways of the force, dad?

Look at this face, this is who the world will remember.
Whose face will be evoked when the word "hacker" comes into play: Stallman, Mitnick or perhaps Adrian Lamo? Fuck no, this empty head bimbo's face full of make up will.
Damn I love Hollywood.

If you follow the show, having gay sex makes you a hacker.

that's why all programmers on Sup Forums are traps



Shut up, Eliot

Anonymous is an idea, not a group. It isn't some secret club full of 1337 hackers. Probably less than 1% of people who claim to be "Anonymous" know more than basic scripts and DDOS.

To be fair. When all these morons have websites built of shit WordPress, you don't need much more then basic scripts.

anyone can represent anonymous, but not many people are involved

>contact info for Anonymous
If they had a contact info, they wouldn't be called Anonymous

I recently discovered an intentionally vulnerable web application called juice shop. Check it out, you'll get familiar with each of the owasp top 10.

He is not even that good tho. Just has the guts.

Watch Hackers (1995) like a real hacker

"anonymous" is dead /edge

ebin, truly ebin

don't worry , we'll be in touch with you


that is not a real last name

Did this actually happen in the show?


So Google it

Download tor project and use it yo search hard candy hidden wiki


>user thinks he is leet and does some minor gay hack
>Gets caught straight away
>Gets a record
>Black listed from every computer related company ever.

Livestream You KYS

Not gonna bite, faggot.
Be more sublte next time.

He will teach to hack the gibson, and then hack the planet and after that you get to fuck Angelina Jolie

>World conglomerate wants to take revenge on our lone hacker friendz
>oh no! Da FBI is there hunting on us!

This show will turn full Prison Break.

Screenshot this.

are hackers born or made?


What do you mean by "Discovered"?

Why are people this retarded? Can't you into reading comprehension?

It means that it doesn't matter if you are Mr. Hacky Hack, the hackiest hacker in the hacler side of the hackernet, if nobody notices you are a nobody.

It was a just a jape, friend!

created from the primordial soup which flows from the anus of a recently creampied boss

smoke weed everyday

Why does it matter what any else thinks? How is that relevant to know if a hacker is born or made? The reason I asked what do you mean is cause why couldn't you just say hackers are made instead of fucking say discovered? fucking retard.

Because, obviously, hacker is a social construct, and hacking is a social activity. I remember in the old days when I used to meet up with my other hacker normie friends and we would challenge each other to hack corporations and federal departments. It was fun. We also sucked each other dicks while waiting for the brute-force cracking script we downloaded from

your mom is a social activity

>hacking is a social activity