Billionaires use iphones so why dont you?

Billionaires use iphones so why dont you?

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I do, because I want UNIX in my pocket, not some bullshit JVM

Because I'm not a billionaire who can afford to drop 1,000 kangaroos on a telephone.

The HTC One M7 I got off ebay for $150 does me just fine.

How do you deal with the written out battery

>physically bloats his phone with a case
>afraid he might have to buy another one if he damages it

I bought it "new" (from china) so the battery is in good nick. With elementalX and some underclocking / different CPU governor, I get 7 hours of SOT easily while still having good enough performance for basic tasks and web browsing.

The HTC phones are impossible to take apart so when the battery on this starts to shit itself I'll just get another one, they should be like 50 bucks on ebay by then.

Is there such thing as an "appeal to wealth" fallacy?

I took apart my HTC m8 to replace battery and the process damaged pins so that the screen offers no output, or in other words works but stays off.

Fuck that shit. Even iPhone batteries are more replaceable. Let's hope the HTC 10 I got as a replacement doesn't shit or out in just about two years so easily.

I think it's the same as appeal to authority, assuming you would give some type of status/knowledge/whatever to their wealth.

There's a huge list of them here that I just made a note to read through:

Because unlike billionaires, I dont like being cucked by apple

Wtf I hate Android now

this really makes you think

Billionaires spend money eating the garbage parts of animals as "delicacies" too.

ios the the only mobile unix

I'm not a billionaire.

android is for poorfags meme confirmed


I've seen some billionaires use android phones too famalamia.

what did he mean by this


Means senpai

Yeah, those who are getting paid to use Android phones.

top kek

Are you implying he is not a billionaire?

Because I'm not a billionaire

ever consider people who have money keep their money by being good to their things?

Because I'm capable of independent thought and can think for myself.

Actually the most expensive phones run android.
And Vertus and Mobiados start at $20,000.

iOS is not mobile UNIX you stupid fuck. It's UNIX like but it's definitely not the only UNIX like mobile OS. Fucking kill yourself.

>BBOS is the only mobile unix


>Steven Spielberg
>Attaches drills to his Cameras to make it shake
>Gets told afterwards that Shakelenses exist

Yea, OP, thats totally why i would use an iphone. I would totally follow techilliterate people =^)

>sarcasm 101

ios is portable os x
os x is an updated nextstep
nextstep is based on bsd 3.2
bsd 3.2 is based on bell labs unix

>apple sales falling so hard that paid pajeets are shilling on Sup Forums
Top kek. Why would I want a phone that won't let me do anything? I can't even set my own apps as defaults. Can't change icons or fonts. There's also that annoying breadcrumbs bullshit that I have to jailbreak to turn off. Lets not forget about the 3 billion security holes in it.
>they're not released because they don't exist
They're not released because Apple will sue you for finding vulnerabilities in their mobile OS. Apple is a pile of shit company. They treat their employees like horse shit, especially the ones in China where the factory conditions are so bad they have suicide nets. Apple is polluting the environment worse than most other electronics manufacturers. They don't pay taxes like they should. They do all other kinds of shady shit. You think Windows 10 is bad? Apple can remotely access your device using only your phone number if you're connected to the internet. Billionaires are shitbags who are selling all that is good for pieces of paper that most governments won't even back with gold anymore. If using Android means I won't be associated with the scum of the earth I'll keep using it.

Are you stupid? Nextstep is Mach, Mach was just semiunixoid such as Pipes, and the rest of Nextstep was just taken from BSD such as the Userland. These are the only remains of UNIX in iOS and OSX, but they are completely different and not even close to it


>iOS is portable OSX
No it's not. OSX is totally different. It's also not UNIX. See

Because apple doesn't protect me since I'm not a billionaire.

Old stevey "if poor people stopped dropping their phones they would surpass my wealth" Spielberg.


Doesn't matter. World's only relevant billionaire use Windows Phone.

And maybe android.

i'm not a billionare so i can't afford it

Because I don't want that my nudes will be leaked


apple products are for bourgeois champagne liberals/socialists to flaunt amongst each other while concocting ideas to destroy western civilization by fucking over the middle class. basically virtue signalling, thats all leftism has become. to signal each other who is more inline with liberalism. It was never about helping your fellow man.

kek, microshit is so bad he has to force his kids to use it

Yes, because they otherwise would use what?

That might make sense in some cases, but if you're a billionaire you can buy a new phone every day and your wealth wouldn't even feel it.

Well he is a jew


Stevie Jobs made the iPhone glass shatter easily to keep the black man down.

you don't become rich by wasting money

Apple employees eat shit from their hands so why don't you?

… says the nVidiot who calls anyone without a GTX 1080 a poorfag.