
>The U.S. military is being accused of installing 'pirated' copies of 3D virtual reality software onto hundreds of thousands of computers without permission.

>According to emails Bitmanagement executives received in 2013, the software had been rolled onto at least 558,466 computers on the Navy’s network, without their permission.

>Installing BS Contact Geo onto a single PC cost roughly $1067 at the time, so Bitmanagement claims that it is entitled to at least $596,308,103 in unpaid licensing fees.

TL;DR: US government sued because the navy torrented 3D software

That's less than 1/600 of the military yearly spending budget. They'll be fine.

Their budgets will be fine.
Their reputation, not so much.

Implying this will ever go anywhere

>Their reputation, not so much.

"Well, I'm NEVER going to use the Navy again!"

To be fair though, if you had a choice you'd go with the other guy.

The Navy has ~320k on active duty and they do not have 1 computer for every person.

If it accepts the license then for all I care it is legal.

Clearly if it was installed on over 500,000 computers beofre they "disabled" the tracking then it wasn't picking up on the licenses already being in use which makes it their own fault for writing a shitty licensing engine.

>imblyign a coart isun't goieang tuh back dere oawn peeps

not amerikek but when i was in the army we pirated shit all the time on the non-networked computers . sure the army had a shitton of licenses for most mainstream programs and would get us basically anything we asked for it was often waiting for days\weeks\months for something vs getting it in 10 mins .

however even in our shitty army getting a program installed on all the computers int he least secure non-super-sikrit network took a shitton of bureaucracy and is basically impossible to do without 50 people being able to double check its a legit copy .

although this kinda seems like BS to me desu . probably someone snitched about it being on some non-networked computer to get someone in trouble . no way it was on the whole network .this sort of shit happens all the time although usually they snitch to the commander and they delete all the evidence .

Those are pretty low damages

They should learn from the RIAA

>you deserved to have your waifu pillow stolen because your apartment door was so shitty I could open it with just a crowbar

>they installed a 1000$ geographic vr bs program on every single computer of every single making secretary whose job is making cofee all day .

yea right .also does americuck navy use an open-to-the-internet network ?.

I find this incredibly amusing I hope he gets to take it to trial.

He's only suing for the unpaid licensing fees. It's actually quite a bargain for the US govt, they might owe him a lot more in damages for copyright infringement if he was willing to go after it like the RIAA/MPAA does.

It's not going to trial. This is just another patent troll-style suit.

>also does americuck navy use an open-to-the-internet network ?
Of course. I'd play online games over INMARSAT from the middle of the Atlantic.

>This is just another patent troll-style suit.

Fuck no it isn't you cretin

>sue your citizens for pirating overpriced games and chinese cartoons that will never be available in the west
>proceed to pirate half a billion worth of software

i hope this makes the government realize how fucking retarded it is to allow people to sue you for shit like this
if they don't like me using/watching/listening to their shit for free, they can look the other way and ignore it, but I'm not going to stop for them.

>it's okay when government does it

It's always OK.

Isn't the TPP supposed to let companies sue the governments?

Nah. I would go with the guy that supports sticking it to greedy companies who charge 1067$ per computer license.

You wouldnt steal a car? Well the government is so why the hell not

IF I could download a car I totally would.

>making a duplicate of something = theft

I'd wager they have far more than 1 computer per enlisted man. Just because it's a computer doesn't mean it's a computer anyone is actively using, it can be running for years untouched.

Define duplicate

Doesn't congress have to approve anyone suing the government?


The military in general is known for wasting money like no other.

Companies can already sue governments. I think no one really knows what exactly TPP introduces aside from changing IP laws so they're more-or-less the same all throughout the member countries. With TPP the member countries would be obligated to have IP laws like the US has I believe.

Arranging a bunch of 1's and 0's in the same pattern

Just wait until the guys at mIRC find out about the unlicensed copies of their chat client being used on SIPRNET.

You aren't entitled to that arrangement without paying so it is theft.

The number does look a bit fishy. It might be someone who is either employed or formerly employed by the government that posted the software on a file sharing site or something.

It's possible the number is just completely wrong as well.

Except they carry things in reserve. Their equipment is not always just for active navy either. Other branches use their equipment as well.

TPP allows companies to sue government in a 3rd party court.
So the company could've sued the US government in Euro court and the US government would have to comply.

Just another NWO brick.

TPP allows international backing of entities that sue governments.
>company sues government
>court rules against them
>they can now go to international court to sue again
>virtually guaranteed to win

>You aren't entitled to that arrangement
Says who?

Says the copyright law

Not in my country.

And where do you think that money comes from you stupid cuck lmao

Computers are COTS items. We had Gateways back in the day. They probably use Dells now.
This doesn't look to be something that would be on every PC, and the Navy isn't going to have that many PCs. The Navy is a 24 hour a day operation that runs in shifts, so you share resources to start.
There's probably 1 PC per 15-20 people.

Fuck off. Professional geological software development doesn't happen out of thin air.

Lmfao I hope the lawsuit actually goes through

Pro tip: Software is a service not a product.

So you're infringing copyright law. Doesn't sound like theft to me.

US military gets kiked.
Funny day in burgerland.

They could have just downloaded DCS for free

how does the navy even allow you to know what software it runs

like.................... this is impossible to even go to court with because of national security

Don't worry, donald trump will fix this waste in military spending

It's math.