>U.S. Army Special Operations Command is dumping its Android tactical smartphone for an iPhone model.
>The iPhone is “faster; smoother. Android freezes up” and has to be restarted too often, the source said.


Pajeet, you might want to change your OP image occasionally, your shilling is pretty obvious.

Average US citizen is too dumb to use Android. What would you expect from US soldier then?

armyfag here. can confirm. we started issuing out iPhones a couple months ago.

i wouldnt say "ANDROIDFAGS BTFO," but rather, the US military is welcoming cyber attacks to even the personal level now

t. A google employee.

You aren't fooling anyone anymore. Everyone knows about androids fragmentation problems.

Oh btw android marketshare is down 5% this month and guess where that 5% went?

The military buys from the absolute lowest bidder
Being "military issue" means its shit that barely functions.

Android vs Iphone aside, its not a good thing to brag about something being military issued. Only armchair /k/fags who arent military think its great.

If anything, that's a compliment to Android.

>he vehemently defends his brand of choice on a Tibetan Buddhist sand painting forum
>he does it for free
I don't get you fags. You're getting cucked by corporations anyway, Google or Apple. Fuck's sake, open your eyes and see the horrible state of affairs we're in.

A $2 can of silly string that's used to uncover a trap would cost $200 for the military version of the same can. Military spec gear goes through all kinds of engineering and testing to ensure it's reliable enough for the stresses of military operations.

No wonder the US army budget is so high.

>Caring about market share
Maybe I'm just not old enough

>Military spec gear goes through all kinds of engineering and testing to ensure it's reliable enough for the stresses of military operations.

And 95% of stuff on the market literally already meet or exceeds those specifications. It doesnt take much to have your shit tested for them either.
They arent hard specifications to meet.

You do realize that right out of boot you go directly into the gear store on base and buy "upgraded" gear with your own money. Literally the same brands and gear that civilians buy at outdoor stores like Bass Pro.

You do this because the shit that is issued is literal garbage

>buys 20$ android phone
>"fuck that's so fucking laggy"
>buys 700$ iPhone
>"sheet mang das smooth"
Who the fuck cares about the militaries opinion?

Keep shilling for your shiny iToys


>caring about market share at all

Why would the military be using anything other than dumbphones?

the public sector is notorious for being utterly shit at IT

I'm not sure why you'd wear that as a badge of honor seriously

Maybe if they didn't buy Samsung Express Prime's they wouldn't have this problem.

>U.S. Army


That's why you go and buy COTS gear so you don't die because a lot of the shit issued to you is garbage, right?

We have like 20 of these fucking threads up. Nobody wants your shitty OS and shitty locked down hardware. You can't even freely place icons on the home screen. They're stuck to a grid and shift to the upper left corner. Even samshits are better than that.