Remember when JavaScript was universally despised...

Remember when JavaScript was universally despised, ridiculed and not even considered a real language by absolutely anyone having anything to do with programming? It used to be considered sub-VB, sub-PHP4, absolute-shit tier and the butt of every programming joke. Years have passed, JS still suffers from the same hastily made terrible design decisions, and yet it now seems to be considered the most brilliant fucking thing ever invented. What the hell?

Other urls found in this thread: eich javascript 10 days

Webkit happened, ya dufus. Then later V8 and SpiderMonkey

Also, JS does not suffer from terrible design decisions. JS, or ECMAScript, was literally intended as a Scheme for browsers and it is made by based Brendan Eich who hates faggots and doesnt afraid of anything (and even got fired for not going back on his principles).

>JS does not suffer from terrible design decisions
Name me another language with a textbook called "$LANG: The Good Parts", half of which explains how half of the language is shit and warts you should pretend aren't there.

>was literally intended as a Scheme for browsers
The intentions were good (I actually like the functional aspect of the language) but the execution was god-fucking-awful because the entire langage was thrown together in a hurry, and that hurry is the only reason why it, instead of something decent, became _the_ language of the browser. Which, in turn, is the reason why a legion of webdev faggots with no formal training in real programming is now trying to use JS as a general-purpose language.

Webapps and hipsters. Along with the entire world getting fucked 20 ways, the cult of javascript rose.


Brendan Eich made ECMAScript in 95, it wasn't released as JavaScript until 1997. How the fuck is that "in a hurry".

>and that hurry is the only reason why it, instead of something decent, became _the_ language of the browser
That's factually incorrect. It became _the_ browser language because it was implemented in the very best browser at the time, Netscape Navigator, and it had a C syntax instead of a Lisp syntax.

t. inbred

found the rust fag

I cringe when I think about how RPG Maker used Ruby for as long as I can remember, then a few weeks ago during Steam summer sale I watch the trailer for the new one on a whim and they proceeded to hype up how it now uses JavaScript and it's "more powerful than ever before!"

Whoever made that decision should probably go kill themselves.

Unlike you, I'm not a milennial and I actually know the history of JS and browsers in general.

Webkit, V8, npm + node.js, internet of things with javascript being the most dominate web language, webapps, common.js

Its not that people love javascript as a language, its that javascript its simple enough and its still "the language of the web". People are moving towards webapps instead of traditional applications and javascript is the language for that

Brendan Eich made JavaScript (originally developed under the name Mocha in reference to Java) in _literally_10_fucking days_. It went straight into Netscape Navigator 2 under the name LiveScript with almost zero testing because they were trying to out-feature Internet Explorer. How's that not in a hurry, you absolute fucking retard?

Webkit, v8, ES6/ES7, Node, People remembered it was Functional. Libraries bandaged most of the glaring language omissions.

It's not perfect to work with, but it's not bad anymore either.

>10 days
Maybe for a subhuman Pajeet like you who need 6-8 months to make a god damned login page.

> web development is all I know
> I assume everyone is a web developer
> I assume designing a programming language is kind of like web development
> I'm a code artisan

>I pull random numbers out of my ass and pretend they are facts

>I accuse posts without any number in them to have pulled random numbers out of their ass

>I pretend I can't follow the chain of posts and infer what number the poster is referring to because it's more convenient than admitting that I completely made that number up and I have no idea how long time actually Brendan Eich spent on designing JavaScript

Charles Severance, "JavaScript: Designing a Language in 10 Days", Computer, vol.45, no. 2, pp. 7-8, Feb. 2012, doi:10.1109/MC.2012.57

The evolution and use of JavaScript, a language developed in 10 days back in 1995, is really just getting started. The featured Web extra is a video interview with Mozilla's Chief Technology Officer (and JavaScript's creator), Brendan Eich.

OK, let's look at your post: >I pull random numbers out of my ass and pretend they are facts
>random numbers out of my ass eich javascript 10 days
There are a lot of results, so obviously that is not a random number they just thought up.
>and pretend they are facts
If you look at the results, you will see that it is actually true. So it's not just that they pretend that it's a fact, it actually is a fact.

Good job making yourself look like an idiot, yet again. Luckily for you, this is anonymous. Boy, would that be embarassing.

Decades in advances in programming languages theory thrown right into the toilet in the name of webapps. Something went really wrong on the road.

Well , frustrated dumb javafags can now "understand" JS with all these new "class" like syntactic sugar

The problem is that Netscape Navigator 2 beta, the first one to contain LiveScript, wasn't shipped until September, several months after it was first conceived.

So while Eich may brag about having "designed javascript in only 10 days", that does not in any way mean that the language only got 10 days of work on it.

Also, this is a friendly reminder that C was invented in late 1972 and by mid-1973 they had almost entirely rewritten Unix in it.

So, again: Short time != bad design

That is a lot of goalpost moving you are doing here.

What's the point in sageing every post? Are you ashamed or something?

>(I actually like the functional aspect of the language)
Dude, oh my god, you just blew my mind. I always hated Javascript, in part because it was one of the first languages I tried to learn before I went to college and learned about different paradigms, but now that I think of it as a functional language, it just suddenly all makes sense.

What were we talking about again? How much you suck at discussions?

Sick burn, dude


Dude, didn't you claim to "actually know the history of JS and browsers in general"? It's not about Eich bragging about his skills; 10 days is how long he was explicitly given by Netscape to design and create a working prototype of the language, because -- again -- they were in a hurry to ship in order to win with IE. Obviously, the actual implementation took a couple of months before NN 2.0 came out, but the language specification, including all the bad decisions that haunt JS to this day, was born in an extreme hurry during that 10-day period.

BTW, the "C-like syntax" you mentionted wasn't Eich's concious decision (the guy didn't even know C!). He was told by Netscape to make the syntax look like Java's for marketing reasons (the name of the language is pure marketing as well, obviously).