/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox or other software made for this puporse for safety purposes.
1) Use the Live ISO (if your distribution of choice has one) to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything, that way, you can get to experience the GNU/Linux operating system without installing it.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS, this is recommended if you want to know more about the GNU/Linux operating system.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Meet the /fglt/ team:

IRC: irc://chat.freenode.net:6667/flt (6697 for SSL)
If you don't have an IRC client, you can use a web client:
WEB: fglt.nl/

* Resources:
Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx, ixquick, startpage, whatever.)
$ man
wiki.archlinux.org (Most troubleshoots work on all distros.)
wiki.gentoo.org (Please see comment above.)

- /t/'s GNU/Linux Videos Thread
- /t/'s GNU/Linux Vidya Thread

Other urls found in this thread:


On Quitter.se (GNU Social), I can't find any group. There are no groups on this unity of the federation? The page that lists groups appears to be empty!

i've been trying to setup xdmcp on ubuntu 16.04 using gnome, port is listening and i can connect remotely but after login it shows black screen and shows me login again

what should i do, should i stop trying, wasting my time and to try to setup a vnc server?

Any ffmpeg wizards here?

I'm trying to convert a .gif and a .ogg file into a single webm. So basically the .gif should loop allover and the .ogg is background music.

How to do this?

Anyone know how to fix having icons turn black when they are selected? I'm using mint, and evidently I fucked up a file, but I've uninstalled the theme/.css files I've edited the most so I don't know where to go.

Have you guys eaten a pepper?

Is this a joke, or a serious question?

I'm serious.

Been having tons of problems just getting a linus distro to boot properly on my rig

amd cpu
amd gpu

Tried mint and kubuntu both gave me graphical errors and froze unless I used nomodeset, but then I was on an unusable resolution.....

decided to try lubuntu as I read about the upcoming DE featured on it.

Put it on a usb and had absolutly no problems booting to a fully usable live desktop, full resolution, even recognized my dual monitors without me having to write a book in grub.

Seems a bit ironic it was the bloat in the popular distros that was causing my issue

what passphrase generator do you guys use?

OK. Are you asking like "a whole pepper at once" or "some pieces of a pepper"? Are you asking about bellpeppers? And, at last, are you talking about it cooked, or raw?

I think it'd be something like
ffmpeg -i gif -vcodec blah... -i ogg -acodec blah... out.webm

not a lot of people uses that... it's trendy in some countries, or so I've heard, but...

no, but I've used GIMP.

what GPU?


>you guys
I'm just 1 user. We are not Anonymous. We are not Legion.

>not a lot of people uses that
I know:
> But you'll never beat Facebook, so why bother?
>Maybe everyone in the world won't use this, but not everyone uses Facebook either. Privacy is important, and lots of people value their privacy as well as their freedom to ensure the software they're using isn't doing things they don't want.

Just replace "Facebook" by "Twitter".

Randomly i have been having horrible performance on a few drives.
I have done maintence on all of them, but they dont seem to change anything.I jumps from ~300mb/s for about 30 seconds then it drops down to less then 10mb/s randonmly. Days it works fine, then later it swaps back to being shit

xfs is the filesystem

I'll just leave this here

gpu is 7870myst
cpu 750k

I kept getting random distorted screens I was unable to manipulate or a constant repeating unintelligable error about Radeon

fuck off fag where did i call you anonymous. there are more than one user in flt thread fag.
i get keepassx,keepassx2
which is better?


>there are more than one user in flt thread fag
You quoted me when replying to the thread! And of course I am anonymous. Check the green non-name on each post!

Thank you!

OK, the answer: yes. I have already eaten a bellpeper. And you?

I have an .mkv video file with .h264 video and vorbis (ogg) audio.

I used audacity to remove noise from my video, and would like to make a new video file by combining the video stream from my original mkv file with the new vorbis audio stream i exported from audacity.

Can anyone spoonfeed me the command to give to FFMPEG in my command line?

Since gimp seems to be hot now.
Can anyone recommend brushs?
All i see are retarded kid shit,blood platter,90001 variations of the sun.
Just looking for normal ass brushes

I have never used linux
I have an IO completion ports c++ server running on windows cloud servers(azure), but its too expensive so I am going to convert this code so that it can run in a linux server like (linode)
but I don't know where to start
do I have to install ubuntu? or what other way is there? what's the best way?
what's the best sockets library for performance in linux?(it's for a game server)

If you want to start learning to use Linux, use Ubuntu. It tries to be as easy as possible for Windows users.

Install Gentoo musl/uclibc nomultilib at least.

there are two thread where you could have asked this, and my suggestion: download virtualbox and a ready-made VM from virtualboxes.org/images/ubuntu/ , then google how to setup the dev environment, or ask dpt or something

fuck off dumb namefag

>tfw you destroy the server you've been working on all day in digitalocean's control panel

fugg you guys, i'm so stupid !!

2 has support for the newer better password database.

suggest getting 2

>using control panel

anyone with a 480 try the new drivers yet?

gonna get the card, and wondering how good amd cards will finally be on loonix

i was there to destroy an older server the new one was meant to replace.

woe on me

Why doesn't tab work with command options?

I used to convert my audio with foobar's plugin converters, what do I use on ganoo slash leenoox? Clementine has a transcoder in it, but I'd like to know if there was a better alternative.

Install bash-completion


Can anyone confirm that gThumb won't display the status bar until set to full screen and back? I'm using 3.4.3.

sound converter

ffmpeg -i foo.wav foo.flac


If I set up a limited user account on Windows and only use that account (never the admin account) will I be as safe as when I use Ubuntu?

If not, what vulnerabilities do I have compared to when I use Ubuntu? If there are too many just tell me important ones.

Maybe a stupid question rather than a GNU/Linux question but I was wondering how does intel graphics work out of the box in any Linux installation? I'm asking without fully understanding if the thing that is working actually a part of kernel that does the graphical computation in CPU. Can someone enlighten me?

That was pretty silly of me. Thanks anons.

Thanks. It doesn't appear to have that many options however. Also took a look at the kde converter, and holy shit.

How come you need to specify codecs in ffmpeg sometimes? Like when converting to webm, you gotta go "-c:v libvpx" or do you not actually have to do that..?


How can I be sure when I remove a package that it won't break something else on my installation?
Works fine for me. You might want to put Option "TearFree" "true" in your xorg.conf if screen tearing is an issue for you.

You need that codec for webm encoding depending on where you're posting it.Sup Forums cant use vpx9 so it uses vpx8

If you want something other than the default. For example, when encoding webms to post to Sup Forums, you must usr the -c:v vp8 codec because Sup Forums doesn't support ffmpeg's default vp9 webms.

How do I check if dd is running on a server remotely from terminal?

I can view all the processes but I am unsure how to limit results to things that contain 'dd'

ps wwaux | grep dd

I don't understand. Do you want to see exactly what dd is cloning at the moment or just want to check if it's running?

If former, I'd advise a google search with terms "dd verbose". If latter you can do:
ps -e | grep dd

Has anyone got pixivutil to work?

I've downloaded all the modules it requires but it fails on a lot of images.

It's just writing zeroes from a failed attempt before (the cloned disk was unreadable). So I just want to see if its running.


[ -n !"`pidof dd`" ] && echo "running"

Is 18435 dd?

If not - I think it isn't running anymore which may have caused the problems before.

I am at work and SSHing to home - how do I run DD from here so it doesn't care if my wifi connection goes down or not (I have to move between rooms so I close my laptop).

Thanks for your help.

Forgot my screenshot

That is process number probably. It shouldn't only give process numbers. That number is unique, I can't say 18435 will always be given to dd.

ssh is a different process, I'm not sure what it does by default when the connection is down but you can configure it to keep everything going no matter what. Because it's just another computer, just because the connection is gone doesn't mean it should stop.

No, 18435 is the grep command you just ran. If that's the only one then the previous dd is no longer running.

Hm, how do I start dd over SSH so it doesn't fail when the terminal that contains it loses connection?

could you tell us what the hell are you trying to do?
you don't even know how to use this... yet you are using dd. sounds dangerous as hell m8

There is nohup for these kind of stuff but the other kind person is right. You should describe your objective along with your problem. (Refer to xy problem)

I'm trying to clone an old drive onto another. It failed previously so I decided to write zeros.

I'm trying to copy /dev/sda to /dev/sdc

I am tempted to use ddrescue next time the first dd took ages and it ended up failing (probably same reason as this one).


I'm just trying to start the process of
dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdc remotely in a way that will keep working until I get home to save some tome.

One of my drives I am storing things on is old and has some bad sectors (posts read errors regularly at certain parts of the disk).

I want to clone it and then write zeros to the drive to try correct the sectors (or otherwise bin it).

I have a spare drive of the same capacity (2TB).

I'm making a media server and want to put everything on new hard drives.

Thanks for your help so far :)

PS should I restart the dd if=/dev/zero before just copying the whole disk?

Do I copy sda1 or sda? I've been copying sda :)

So far the original drive is missing so I've only wasted time (and maybe a bit of lifespan on the other drive)

Ok, so the ssh issue: You have about 3 alternatives,
-Change your ssh configuration so that it does not kill your session when you hang up.
-Use nohup for the process you want to run so when you hang up the process won't get killed.
-Use screen to keep your session alive.

sda is the name of the drive sda1 should be the partition. Use lsblk to check which one is which if unsure and you look like you are unsure. One complete rewrite won't kill a hard drive (even thousands won't even then they're cheap), so just learn how to do it for the sake of your future hard drives.

I'm not sure if there's a way to check how much of it is already filled with zeroes, so I can't advise you on whether or not you should do it again. But you may want to do it just for practice. Again it's not necessary to fill it with zeros before cloning something. You may need to alter the partitioning table though.

Here's lsblk

sdc was /dev/zero'd and it hung up. No partition is there. I tried pushing it to the background with bg before I hung up, but according to running processes it didn't work.

I want to clone sda to sdc

Would the correct command for no hangup be;
nohup dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdc conv=noerror,sync

The drive has read/write errors quite frequently, but seems to work ok for now (for playing the media on it).

Should I use ddrescue instead?

Is the nohup syntax correct?

Yeah this goes beyond my expertise, I can't advise you on these as I'm not knowledgeable on failing hard drives.

downloaded ubunutu and dont see it in the boot menu options. any ideas on what to do?

Write it to a spare USB drive.




is sda1 full (run df -h)? do you really need to copy the whole drive, and not just the used space?
how/why does it fail? just a few bad sectors or physical/logical damage? what does SMART data says? (run sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda to check, data is under "SMART Attributes Data Structure"
1.8T is a lot of space... it will take some time, and if the drive is failing, it may die.

lemme guess: UEFI system and you don't know how to manage it

Yes it is full. It is dying over lifetime and because it is wdgreen..I dunno about bad sectors

fucking pissed, did a dist-upgrade from xubuntu 15.10 to 16.04 and my laptop started doing weird shit. I boot and log into xfce and it works, I log out and try to log back in and it gives me a black screen. Same happens with i3. Reinstalled intel drivers, cleaned shit with dpkg-reconfigure and rechecked if everything was fine with lightdm.

Does anyone run into something similar? or my only way out is installing from scratch? running this crap show in a x220

Is the "hintstyle" option useless when "hinting" is set to false in fontconfig? Does anyone know a way to test the changes quickly, without having to restart X?


>how does intel graphics work out of the box in any Linux installation

3.4.3 here too and this is how it looks at startup. I think the statusbar is being displayed, but you might have meant something else.

Because a sane package manager with sane dependencies (added by humans) won't remove needed things. It might only remove some optional stuff required, but your package manager should inform you about that.

FOSS drivers can be compiled into the kernel or just added as kernel modules.


Oh, I though FOSS is neutral, never mind, I am just gonna say free software.

Anyone who can recommend a good pdf reader?

Need to be capable of adding notes and annotations. Preferably able to work with Adobe Reader when sending my annotated pdfs to others...

Does evince have all you need?


Nop. No annotations in evince.
Already looking around other fora for options but maybe someone here has the perfect tool for the job saving me the trouble of searching for too long.

I was wrong... evince does have rudimentary annotations... not quite as advanced as I would like but it works for now I guess...

So I've uninstalled Flash and I can't see any difference. HTML5 works for all sites I visit, so I'll leave it uninstalled for now, just one question: What to do with my old /f/ files (small games, videos) is there a way to still have fun with them in a secure way?

I want to go the whole summer with a linux distro and I can't decide between Debian and one of the *buntus. What are the pros and cons of each?

Ubuntu is just a copy of Debian with added spy and cuckware. Get the real thing.

Try Manjaro. You can do anything with it like on Arch, but it comes prericed and is easy to use for newcomers. Also the ArchWiki will help you a lot learning the system. If you care about freedom, try Debian or Trisquel.

>You can do anything with it like on Arch
You can do anything with any distribution like on Arch.

>Also the ArchWiki will help you a lot learning the system
That's a buzz phrase and means nothing. Anything you can learn on Arch, can be learned on other distributions as well.

>If you care about freedom, try Debian
Debian isn't an FSF approved distribution.

I was trying out encryption with luks on a sd card. Know i cannot it and i cannot format the sd card due to i/o error

>>Debian isn't an FSF approved distribution.
approved or not, Debian in it's default state is free as in freedom, even the kernel is blob free

How do I make a script to switch my audio output to the HDMI if its index keeps changing every time I connect the cable?
Using the name of the mode doesn't work
pacmd set-default-sink $output
for i in $(pacmd list-sink-inputs | awk '$1 == "index:" {print $2}')
pacmd move-sink-input $i $output

Trying to completely move away from Windows but have a few work related things I still require it for. Is there a good Linux equivalent for Originlab, Chemsketch and Endnote?

>Install LxQt
>Really like the DE
>No good launcher
>PCManFM-Qt is not a thing yet
>Can't go full Qt without installing KDE

dmenu, gmrun

I'm making the jump Sup Forums
Which distro do you recommend for running Android Studio? Better to use a minimal distro or debloat one of the major ones like Ubuntu?

install gentoo

Bait aside
It's a bit too minimal user