can a linux make someone happy like this
Can a linux make someone happy like this
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Programmers making stacks, then attracting ladies and their face when they insert their benis in vagina
A kernel against a OS?
Linux users be like Janne Ahonen (hint: he never smiles).
probably after some time, when you finally figure stuff out, with all the pieces coming together.
the happiness in your pic is fleeting, mostly the consumer high that satisfies that reptile brain of ours.
No because we don't pay faggots to shill our OS.
why do people from the 90s look like they are wearing flags around their bodies and their heads are like drooping and garish
you were happy when modelines did not set your monitor on fire
>people running Linux, supporting Linux and exposing it to the masses
>don't trust their definition of Linux
>trust a random NEET from Sup Forums instead
are you kidding?
braindead cunt.
im gonna be so happy when i can install linux 16.10. shit will be so cash XD
The first time I installed Ubuntu Netbook Remix successfully replacing the shirt Windows ''''''starter''''''' edition on my netbook.
It was amazing. I stayed up for the whole night. I reflagged my hard drive twice. I reinstalled the OS twice. Learned a lot.and 5 years later, I'm still running Linux as my main and could not be any more happier.
You should make a movie of your eventful life.
Wow these neets get so butthurt fast
>muh jewgle
we do not forget,yall are amazing i love you all
Literally a broken kernel written by pajeets and chinks.
NEETS detected
Nothing can make anyone happy like this any more. Society is dead, and genuine happiness died with it.