Graduate with CS degree a month ago

>graduate with CS degree a month ago
>all job offers are for shitty java dev positions

Why does Java even exist anymore Sup Forums?

to create bait for Sup Forums threads

>graduate with EE degree 2 years ago
>no job offers yet


I wish they chose C.

>graduate with a CS degree a month ago
>expects to get top tier jobs without any exp other than perhaps being an intern


I have a fair bit of experience working as an intern. The point is that I don't want to start my career working on a platform that is more or less obsolete.

Are you saying java is obsolete?

Anyways regardless of what you read on hackernews, not many people change the world their first year out of college. Maybe trim your ego a little bit and enjoy the ride or apply at a large company where they are used to tailoring newbies they hire out of college like Google/Amazon/etc.

I'd also like to add that this thread is obsolete because Java and other languages that run on the JVM are more popular than ever (scala, jython, jruby, etc).

nigga the only job in my town (which I got) at one of my countries largest web developers (ecommerce) still uses perl without any MVC whatsoever.

the codebase is literally from '95 and just a few years ago they still used one file for everything which was MASSIVE

i mean if they used a modern language with modern web dev principles workload would reduce by 90% or something silly like that

Why is it that only edgelords post this image?

Java won't be gone in atleast 20 years

>graduated with B.S. CS months ago.
>no internship experience
>limited research experience
>some shitty personal projects, some decent
>loves Linux and system administration and configuration management
>incredibly fearful of technical interviews
>terrible haircut
>applied to several DevOps Engineer positions out of feelings of inadequecy.

Am I doomed? What do you guys think?
How bad is it to be a DevOps engineer?
It seems like a better fit and easier interview than QA which I know little about besides the tons of debugging I've done.
Also I blew off my Google interview for finals.

There is nothing wrong with systems user, devops folks write services too in many organizations it isn't something to "settle" for. If you feel like it is then maybe don't apply for it otherwise you will resent your employer.

I see one easy fix: get a better haircut

>studied CS
>Can't into java, the first and foremost language studied in CS courses

Why are anime threads almost always poorly veiled bait? You're not a 8 year old desperate for daddies attention anymore, grow up.

>on Sup Forums
>whining about Chinese cartoons

Cry more faggot.

I can do Java, you moron. That's not the fucking point. The point is that I would much rather not attach myself to that sinking ship at this point in my career. I honestly haven't used Java in almost 2 years and I don't plan on starting. C/C++ is just as good if not better. It is extremely strange to see so many companies relying on Java,

>> CS B.A.
>> No experience, some shitty personal projects.

Got a job as mobile dev
70k py
Get to design everything. Chill as hell. First job I applied for. Almost no technical interview.

The fact that you see Java as a sinking ship shows me that you've really only participated in academia and I think you'll look back at this point and cringe someday.

What you really mean is that it isn't trendy, but almost every major tech company uses it.

this guy gets it.

shit, where do you work?
What size company and what state?
I have been paralyzed by fear of a gruesome tech interview.

Minnesota, but the place is like 800 people. Basically, fIndia places that seem uninteresting, because they need people more

I'm afraid of barbers.
I've been cutting my own hair with a pair of scissors for like 5 years.

> CS B.A.

>he went into currySTEM instead of truSTEM

hahaha thanks man

Small Private college. No B.S. program

What the fuck was the point of this post?

that's okay there really wasn't much difference between b.a. and b.s. at my school except for foreign language requirement and less math

Is this the NEET thread?

>The fact that you see Java as a sinking ship shows me that you've really only participated in academia
>implying that's a bad thing


Yeah, but do they have ping pong tables, expresso bars, and nap pods?

There's literally nothing wrong with Java once you step into the real world.

You're such a brat OP-chan

there's actually a lot wrong with it, but it works well enough.

it's like using a spoon with about 200 little bumps on it.

Java is the only language that matters in the real world of programming.

ur actually fucking dumb

We're doing a reno to get them. So, yes

>Why does Java even exist anymore Sup Forums?

It's useful.

C can do everything that Java can do and is much faster. There's little point in using Java unless you can't afford top tier programming talent.

moire like nEEt degree lmao

You did a CS degree and don't know what's good about Java?

Sure buddy, sure.


You're right about C.

But the thing is most businesses are doing stupid things. Tech companies aren't, but financial places, and the like, they are using stupid technology that makes no sense if they just knew about the alternatives.

What I'm getting at is FreeBSD. BSD uses the Jail system to sandbox code. Java uses the JVM.

What the JVM does is accomplishes a similar thing to the Jail system, but it introduced another layer of complexity, the Java Runtime Environment, and the JVM. FreeBSD code runs directly in the OS, not inside a VM. Jails are not virtual machines. You can run C code on BSD systems with all the benefits of sandboxing by using the easy to configure Jail system.

This is one reason why iPhones run faster than android, even on lower specced hardware. No bullshit

All the better to capture your tears with while I sip it slowly.

Different tools for different tasks desu fampai.

Good luck finding a real job.

Be ause java jobs are entry level did you really expect to start at the top?

obviously not if you're this pleb

The only way to come out of college qith a nice paying job is if you know someone and are extremely fortunate

alternatively you could, just, y'know, GIT GUD.

Unless you have a lobg portfolio proving you are good no amount of being good is going to get you anyplace dont kid yourself

What school?

I was poking fun at the OP by saying he shouldn't expect anything top tier out of college.

I went to an ok school and with 2 years experience I made it to BigName TechCo I think that is an easier path than most straight out of college. If OP was more patient he could earn some good experience provided he was open minded and use it as a springboard for the next thing.

>easy to learn
>hand-holding IDEs
>enough documentation to keep an entire country reading for a decade
>75,000 examples ready to copy/paste for every possible routine or algo you can think of


Hint: the problem isn't with your degree.

If you think you can go through with this career without dirtying your hands in that yucky icky java (or php in my case in terms of hated language), do I have news for you

Today they would've picked Go

Because it's an edgy picture

To let dumb undergrads, interns, and other new employees like you contribute to the company while also severely limiting your ability to break shit.

ITT: too much Sakurako

Learn C# then

You deserve to rot in unemployment you pathetic manbaby.

What's happening here? I know in Slavic countries men greet women by kissing the hand; is this like an icky gay thing for Putin?

>most popular language in the world

You know absolutely nothing about programming.

Putin was confirmed to actually be on the autism spectrum.

>easy to learn
ever heard of Scheme?

>Just graduate with EE degree
>have had over a dozen offers in the last 3 weeks.

I got 2 major semiconductor businesses fighting over me, and they both keep upping the ante on each other to try to win me over. It's hilarious.

Java is just too widespread and ingrained in a lot of starting positions for programmers in many businesses.

I may not personally care for java either, OP.
But I don't create shitty threads that try to argue against it.

Take a job, or be a total bitch. Your call.

The guy greeting him is being rather.. a bit overly animated.. to put it one way.

Hand kissing is not sexual, kid.

fuck me this is golden

>why are bait posts usually accompanied by anime
I wonder this too sometimes. Is there a connection?

Any system adminstrators here? What are the pros/cons of your job? And would you say programming is a better route or can you just do both?

Both of you now which universities are they

I don't know but in slavic culture you can kiss anyone to great both genders so Putin on this gif probably had autism mode enabled..

3 years here m8

>go to interviews
>miss out on social cues
>don't hear back
>feel demotivated
>don't apply again for months