Just dropped my work phone Sup Forums
The screen is somewhat popping out, how much would it cost me to fix?
Just dropped my work phone Sup Forums
Way to much. Just hang yourself immediately and save yourself the pain and suffering that will ensue.
And because of the broken screen it was entering my password many times incorrectly.
I could have disabled my phone for good :(
Through all the lines and shit I can see that it says
iPhone is Disabled
Connect to iTunes
or some shit.
Should I fix or replace it?
Kill yourself you homosexual degenerate.
I got it for free. My main phone is a Note 5 faggot.
If it's under warranty take it to the carrier or apple store. If it's off warranty then take it to a mall and pay $100 to get it fixed. This is common sense you fucking tard.
It is common sense you stupid fucking neet, I was curious about price.
Different places charge different prices, fuckface. It's not one standard cost to repair those things. Take it to your local shopping mall, find the repair place, and inquire about the price of a new LCD assembly. Stop shitting up Sup Forums with useless threads you overgrown child. I'm surprised you can feed and wipe yourself.
Implying? How about the passcode issue that I have?
Did you make an iCloud or iTunes backup within the last week? If not you're a complete idiot and you deserve to lose your data. You'll have to wipe the phone or wait.
Thanks for perpetuating the stereotype that iPhone owners are fucking retards; retard. I'd like to use my phone in peace without some immediately thinking I'm some helpless sap with shit-for-brains like yourself.
KEK, you should have bought one of those shit android phones.
Can't you fix your own phone? Its simple as fuck, just order new shit and watch a video or ifixit.
Give it back, Jamaal
>work phone
>cost me
>break company property
>don't expect to pay for it
Correct, assuming I'm not abusing said company property. Do you live in some 3rd world country where this isn't the law?
It's a work phone, not a company phone.
Can do, never done it before.
My main phone is a Note 5.
I don't care about the data.
It's mines faggot.
This wouldn't have happened of you bought an android phone. SD Card slot would have prevented it from cracking
What the fuck is wrong with you and this thread. Just take it back to IT and let them deal with it
KEK thanks for laugh ahahah
Nigga I don't work for a company.
>iPhone is disabled
>From a cracked screen
Return it at once Trayshaun'icus
Screen is pressing random buttons, and locked the phone. I got to much money to be stealing nigga
Then check your email for the lockout notification.
>oh uhh some new lie
Give it back, Tayshaun.