Does anyone still unironically use this these days?
I use it to connect to BBSs
connect to apis
Connect to MU*s and other Games.
Yeah there's relay cool stuff out there.
I used it to connect to some BBSs about a week ago. Maybe i'll play some MUDs again.
If you're not playing MajorMUDS, Legend of the Red Dragon, or Usuper then what are you doing with your lives?!
I have an old APC with manged outlets that can only use telnet/http. I just use busyboxs' version of telnet.
Is that Linux Gaming?
Yes, but the server runs Windows
I use it to log into my router because there isn't enough ROM for ssh.
When setting a mail server I needed it to test smtp and imap
on older routers
I telnet into SDF weekly to surf the bulletin board, would do it more if I ever got around to validating.
Weather Underground runs a public Telnet service for live weather reports
Tons of hobbyists and even museums out there running telnet-accessible legacy hardware for public use
Lots of BBSes and MUDs
There's all kinds of shit out there with telnet access.
I use it at work to connect to the AIX server and the i720 because im too low on the totem pole to implement real changes
at work all the time.
sadly lots of our equipment still does not use ssh.
Yes, but only locally for router adminning. Otherwise you have hipsters and luddites who "use" it to "chat" (jack off) on BBS
kill yourself justin
connect to quadrocopter, probably like had in mind
Yeah for routers
test connectivity on a VM without ICMP
I use it sometimes to connect to unconfigured networking equipment
Seems like MUDs are dying. Pretty sure there were more then 270 players online a few years ago.