AMD annihilatedly decilamatates nVidia in every category by wide and such definitive margins that their superiority is definitive.

More pictures. Even this articles attempt at nVidia shilling can't hold water.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Massive frametime stuttering on AYYMD



What does it matter when it beats even the 1080? When you still have a payable experience?

Oh right, you're in the 16-bit nvidia camp.

Also less stuttering in this 1440p example.

You could play at 500 fps and random stutters would kill the whole enjoyment

>annihilatedly decilamatates
Those aren't even fucking words.

>Implying Novydia stuttering isn't just as bad
top kek

Or, you could just, you know, cap the frames at 60 and not feel stutters at all. Crazy, I know.

>paying more for less

Weren't those "4GB" RX480 cards just for testing purposes, and only sent to reviewers? Could swear I read that somewhere. Would be amazing if not, though, and wouldn't be the first thing something of the likes would be possible with AMD stuff.

>Those aren't even fucking words.
The whole post is of a single fabric.

They did sell them like that at release, I think it mostly XFX cards.

>I don't understand how to read graphs

so i'd rather play on nvidia since i could play at 80 without any problem while ayyymd will have to cap fps to 60 lol

that's framerate not frametime retard

That's not stuttering you retards. It's not frame times it's the min, max and average frame rates. Jeez!

not that was just a rumour. it was literally cheaper to sell 8gb models as 4gb instead of starting off with two separate production runs.

they do this a lot with lower priced cards based on 'full' gpu versions, eg 6950 being able to be unlocked to 6970, 290 unlocking to 290x per, 390 to 390x, fury unlocking the additional shaders to fury x,

480 was the first to do it with vram though, as far as i know/remember.

The GTX 970 could be unlocked to a GTX 780. In

are you retarded?

>Things that never happened

kek thinks frame pacing has anything to do with frame time
check the ms on this video

>claim to have async
>older generation beats newer generation in async workload

I thought AMDrones wrote off HardOCP as being nvidia biased. It seems HardOCP give the 480 trumps over the 1060 while TPU and Guru3d do not.

lol from being a serious site it resulted to a shill with only gameworks games
kinda serious but they are bending their results
claiming high settings on site and not so really high setting on the bench site
pro tip if you have an account there dont call him out he will delete your account

>with only gameworks games
Hitman, TW: WH and AotS are gameworks games?

i fail to see where are all of those games even hitman was on dx11....

I fucking told you faggots.

AMDrones were linking wcctech for a month because of their positive speculations regarding poolaris. Now they're discard it.

They were shit blasted about that dude who was all pissy about not being invited to the debut of the 480 and proceeded to write an article about how sour those grapes must've been.
I wonder if that article is even up anymore. He must be eating his hat right about now.

>i fail to see where are all of those games even hitman was on dx11
You just stated you see Hitman but in the previous sentence claim you did not see it?

I admit that I was looking at G3D's list and confused it with TPU's.

You'll excuse me if I write off your posts as the biased ranting of a fanboy.

can you actually explain one thing?

how is it possible that every single one that benched the 6.2 with 7.1 actually saw a nice increase of a max 12% tpu actually just slapped their previous numbers ?

not to mention that we do know that those drivers fixed the bios power usage problem and they still didnt used the new numbers...
hmmm i wonder why is that
lets be honest tpu is far from being called a serious site nowdays

>actually saw a nice increase of a max 12%
Which benchmark are you claiming this from? I just looked at G3D's numbers and I see a gain only in one game at one resolution, to whit Hitman @ 1440. In the other benchmarks and different resolutions the performance stayed the same or lost a tiny bit.

Yes, and rate is a measure of time, so if you divide Frame rates / number of frames you get frame time.
Sasuga AMDiot education.

>bought a 7870 for 250 AUD in January 2013
>now, over 3 years later, the best card you can get for 250 AUD is a 2GB 380

What went wrong with the GPU industry? Why have things stalled this hard?

Intellectual consistency be damned? We'll just cite which review we like best?

This so hard...

I have a policy to only buy a new graphic card when it gives me 2x performance for the same cost as my old card. So far, nothing comes close to 2x performance of my old 200€ 7850.

Further explanation: I bought the 7850 3 years after I bought a 5770, both were 200€ at the time I bought them and the 7850 is about 2x performance of the 5770.

Thanks to GPU performance gains stalling so hard, I think I won't be seeing a new GPU for 2 more years, even longer when AMD happens to go bankrupt and we have to pay nVidia tax for every single GPU.

Don't blame the industry, the Australian Dollar has decreased steadily in value since the last Labor government left.

If you're going to blame anyone, blame the Liberal Party for their piss poor economic policies.

nvidiots belong on Sup Forums, this is an amd board

you need to go back now, spillage

I would rather have more smooth consistent frames, that looks like a stuttery mess with a lower minimum fps then both the 1080 and 1060

Massive fluctuation between minimum and maximum on ayyMD

are you retarded?
the 480 is twice as fast as your 7850 and its ~200$

If your hater has undeniable proof that your better, is there any reason to argue? Nvidiots basically btfo themselves.

>have framerate (fps) and frames
>can't understand how to into frame/time
Go back to school, children.

Does AMD have Vulkan drivers on Windows 7?

Why are we measuring in frametimes again? It's literally 1/fps. This is fucking retarded

because it shows the shitty microstutter

id software has confirmed on their website that async is disabled on Nvidia cards because it's "not currently supported"

>We are working with NVIDIA to enable asynchronous compute in Vulkan on NVIDIA GPUs.

thanks bro, I was an AMDiot who was going to fail my physics final, but then I read your post, bought a 1070 Cuck Edition(tm) gaymur card and now the teacher will let me use my virgin asshole to pass the test.

Nvidia really is the Way its Meant to be Played(tm)

it would be kind of hard since nvidia cards dont even support async.

Right, but id software isn't going to say that and pick a fight with the world's largest discrete GPU manufacturer

chances are you won't notice at all when the dips are still well above 60fps, and even less so with adaptive sync

also I don't know if you looked at the fucking graph but the 1060 also dips hard and at the same spots too. that would suggest IO issues not related to the GPU at all.

back to Sup Forums with you now

I paid $250 for my 960 a year and a half ago; benchmarks are showing the 1060 to be nearly 3 times as powerful at 1080.

no need to thank me, even lowly pajeets can read graphs but choose to ignore them because it makes AMD look poo

we don't give a shit about deltas, this is about how fast the GPUs can render and the 1060 is the clear loser here.

>q-quick I need to spin this in a way that makes us look good or I won't get my paycheck

No, he's right. Stop projecting.

Huh? I've only seen it posted a couple times seriously, and that was by both color fanboys. Everyone else knows that place is a fucking rumor mill.

Yeah, but that 960 is a steaming pile of shit. It peaks at 150 watts drawn from the pcie as well, which everyone happily ignored. The 480 peaked at, what, like 90 watts from the pcie?

My 40% OC 7850 2gb (not the same guy) is right around the same performance as a 960, and I bought that for $200 4 years ago. Not a super hard to achieve clock on that card either.

I cancelled my order for 1060 today, I'm waiting for some real deals again.

I had a 5770, now using a 7870. I'm getting the 480 since it about the same jump in performance.

It has full async get your facts straight, it's their hardware scheduler that has stabbed themselves in the foot.


Nah, you are retarded.

RX 480 is ~300€ where I live (Europe), you can only find 200$ RX 480-s in burgerland.

and the nvidia """equivalent""" is 400 cuckbucks so its the same differnece

I got my 5770 right after 2 novidya cards crapped out in less than a year so I really don't trust them anymore and I won't even consider them after the 3.5GB lies.

AMDrones wrote off Kyle, the AMDoom Prophet.

Doesn't Kyle own HardOCP?

Frame time stutter is imaginary. It is for power savings.

480 at 90w
960 at 150w


fucking summer

How the fuck is RX 480 reaching beyond 200fps? Didn't they lock Doom at 200fps?Is this Amd only Vulkan VooDoo?

>It's okay when AMD scams people into paying for the 8GB card

You shills never cease to amuse

Yep. But he's still a business man, so he will cool down and let others take over for a bit to get not alienate the segment.


Seems legit, considering Doom is capped at 200

it's from a known AMD shill site

Gå bort

They call their async aproach pre-emption, wich is not like async should be. Since they hide access to the metal trough Game Works them they will suffer for a while until they change how they deliver access to the hardware level.

nvidia and amd are equally terrible. they make dedicated gpus. once they make integrated, then i'll give a shit

Why does it even matter if one card is better than the other?

Shouldn't everyone just measure their needs in GPU power and get the cheapest one that completely satisfies your expectations, be that an AMD card or a NVidia card?

This is pathetic.
>Kyle and HardOCP points out AMD's desperation and pushing the energy envelope.
>AMDrones wrote off Kyle and but not HardOCP
Because the Kyle is not HardOCP?
>Kyle is still a business man.
It's like AMDrones cannot make up their minds and just choose whatever information suits their bias.

A broken clock can get the time right twice a day.

Just because a site is biased, doesn't mean its always wrong.

>Just because a site is biased, doesn't mean its always wrong.
It means it is not reliable or credible.

>A broken clock
These excuses are pathetic. I wonder if it is driven by cognitive dissonance?


how is this good? the framerate is all over the place for the radeon and even dipping below a stable and smoother framerate of 1060, no wonder the average fps is over bloated on the radeons.

They're just video games, take a deep breath and fucking relax.

you're pretty stupid if you thought a nFag was going to know some thing technical.

>implying fanboys can be sensible

If people actually did their research on products like fanboys do on their products, you'd see lots of competition.

Gaymurs are the biggest cancer in the tech community. In the many years here GPU threads have always been the same, arguing over microscopic differences between 2 companies who are both playing them along with (((game developers))).

Stay buttmad Nvidvalid.

Graphs shows a shekel distribution in an arbitrary unit multiplied by 6 thousands shekels.

Here we can see TH's in the leading position for the absolute amount of shekels collected, while, on the hand and quite surprisingly, [H] losing as many shekels as the average profitability for the majority of reviewing sites.

who is it?





>300 dollar AIB that will reach my 3rd country only on december
I love to live on a shithole

>Oh right, you're in the 16-bit nvidia camp.

You know, I just noticed... the 1060 takes 2GHz to beat the 480 at 1.3GHz.

That looks like a pyrrhic victory to me.

doesn't matter since the reviews are already out

to be honest it might be the brightest idea to NOT release any 480 AIB before the 1060, with a stable booster at 1350 they will be able to performance at 1060 level and look good on the reviews