Why were the 80s-90s so magical bros?

I could spend 8 hours a day just typing in command prompt.

It was before liberals ruined the internet

Everything was better before the internet became widespread. Trufacts.

Because autism.

You still can, just install Gentoo.

This is basically the whole reason alongside with many other things that were better then.
You would discover shit by yourself and making mistakes, hear from others and making your own assumptions, go physically to libraries or get the information from other places that would be a journey for your own knowledge.
Now you sit in your arse anywhere and get spoonfed for anything and everything on 5 minute videos of something that is easily explained in a few lines of text.
Quickly done, no excitement, fun, interest or feeling of accomplishment, just mindless and aphatically going from point A to B.
It's really great the availability of information that we have at anytime at our fingertips, but it has made everyone dumber by parroting or mimicking instead of actually put some effort or thought into anything.

You guys realize that War Games is not a realistic depiction of the 1980s as far as tech was concerned right? First of all that shit was fucking expensive for your average household. Second finding information relating to programming crap was also extremely difficult. You basically had to hit up universities for information because no one else was talking about it. There's a reason why even ITfags were getting paid six figures for tech work back in the 90s during the first boom. Shit was hard as fuck to get into.

were you on before the endless september started, or just talking out of your ass?

no. it was before the *masses* arrived and ruined the internet.

as soon as anything goes mainstream it turns to shit.

to quote nietzsche...

life is a fountain of delight but where the masses drink all wells are poisoned.

Well if it's so fucking easy, get a fucking doctorate. If you already have one, go get another one.

You are under the false assumption that there weren't lazy retards before the internet.

>finding information relating to programming crap was also extremely difficult
Naah, we had plenty of magazines for that.

true, there were, but the newsfroups were better cos you could just killfile them based on the university or domain or whatever, these days we have web forums and they're oh-so-much-better!

Post-graduate education isn't mindless regurgitation.

Yeah there were less retards online when the net first started.


>finding information relating to programming crap was also extremely difficult.

No it wasnt, just flip open your c64 basic manual and start typing.

He's a pedo, he wouldn't know anything factual

I live with niggers.
Shit creeps into your language it sucks.

>mindless regurgitation
Did you go to a community college?

No? What does that have to do with anything?

it was before the depression sank in

Golden age of capitalism man.

Now we are in late stage capitalism.

A) You were a kid.
B) Technology was still experimental so you had a lot more variety in hardware and software. The last gasp of this was cell phone design up through the middle of 2007.
C) Windows XP and the iPhone opened up the internet to literally billions of retards who had no business being online. Facebook has become their containment BBS but it still leaks like a sieve.
D) Microsoft and Apple still had at least the appearance of competence.
E) Anime and cartoons were still beautiful hand drawn cels instead of sharted out slapdash work on PCs.

You can achieve the same feeling today by installing Arch. Plenty of hours working in the command prompt trying to fix errors without causing new ones.

Fuck the 90s. The 00s were the best years because the internet.

Wait how did software updates work prior to the widespread availability of high speed internet? Seriously I cannot imagine having to order physical copies of new linux builds and shit.

google Eternal September

>torrents with tons of available trackers
>p2p full of actual content instead of just viruses
>until 2007 most normalfags didn't even bother to use it regularly except for maybe email

Dial-up. You'd set it to update overnight and hope it finished before morning.
Or I guess you could get a cd update from a discmag.

>That dual ISDN feel.

>people using the term "warez"

But that's a helicopter cockpit.

Liberals aren't the the problem with the web. They're just a small symptom of the overall influx of normies.

Pic sort of related. The concept is similar in some ways.

You downloaded the tarball and built it from scratch. Updates where released as source patch's which you applied using larry walls patch program and then you recompiled.

>It's really great the availability of information that we have at anytime at our fingertips, but it has made everyone dumber by parroting or mimicking instead of actually put some effort or thought into anything.
>implying that wasn't a problem before the internet
If you were into guns you'd know that there's shit that's easily disproved with basic research that people have been parroting for decades.

>You would discover shit by yourself and making mistakes, hear from others and making your own assumptions, go physically to libraries or get the information from other places that would be a journey for your own knowledge.
It's completely possible to do this on the internet, and I learned much more researching things on the internet than I ever could have from the library in the small town I lived in when I was younger or the library in the city of ~40,000 that was a 30-45 minute drive away. Hell, it would probably cost me thousands to get copies of the books I have PDF scans of due to them being uncommon/out of print and not being the type of technical information that an average library would have.

No Internet, so no bullshit. You played your games, wrote your BASIC/asm codes, and read your books and magazines. You dreamed about what could be. You traded floppy disks or tapes with friends.
No time wasted on stupid political/cultural talk about racism, white privilege, etc. Also no worries about privacy and so on.

>No time wasted on stupid political/cultural talk about racism, white privilege, etc
Never called a BBS back in the day, I take it?

Definitely wasn't the central focus like all the kiddies and manchildren want it to be these days. Sure, those kinds of people always existed but it was nothing like what the internet is going through these days.

The 00s sucked in more ways than one and its just going to get worse.

Not in the 80's. I didn't even have a phone line those days. First modem was in 1994 (14.4K) after I bought my first PC, a 486. Well I built it from parts I picked. in retrospect, wish I just stuck with my Amiga 500. It was a nicer machine overall (for my needs) and a serial modem would have worked jus as well as the ISA card I bought.

Republicans used to be the cancer ruining everything during the bush administration. Funny how everyone has completely forgotten about that.

is that The Donald's father?

The majority of so called "conservatives" are nothing but just yesteryears liberals.

>Now you sit in your arse anywhere and get spoonfed for anything and everything on 5 minute videos of something that is easily explained in a few lines of text.
Maybe you do, but not everybody else does.

>not everybody else does
Most do, however. Maybe only a tiny fraction of a percent doesn't just google up the answer.

Right, but during the bush administration it was super cool to be liberal and republicans were considered to be a joke. Funny how 8 years of obama caused a full 180.

Why go through so much trouble to find something if there are simpler ways? Its also a shitty example for why things were better back then.

Because it's also about the adventure, the quest, and the satisfaction of figuring out something yourself, like points out.
There's also the matter that everything today feels like it's "been done" before, and you'll just end up making a copy of some other thing. There's billions of people and many of them are online. Anything you do can and has been done by someone else, statistically. It's not nearly as cool or personal as doing stuff in your own little circle of friends, your school, your town, whatever.

That's shortsighted. Younger people always skew liberal, but it's also always "cool" to act like you're outraged with whichever administration is in control at the moment. Some people hated Bill Clinton just because he was the president, but if you asked their opinion on actual issues they'd likely agree with him more often than not.

>It's not nearly as cool or personal as doing stuff in your own little circle of friends, your school, your town, whatever.
Fuck, those were the days. Now all social interaction after the advent of the internet evolved out of online forums and onto whatever kik, snapchat and all that other shit is. I still remember dialing up through Earthlink to go to directory websites. Finding static information. Nobody fucking interacts with other human beings outside of technology just for the fucking hell of it anymore or to god forbid interact. But here I am, on Sup Forums. Fuck.

> they'd likely agree with him more often than not.
Especially on the part where he raped children, assassinated people and armed middle eastern countries.

I was hoping to not get mired into arguing over political bullshit, so you enjoy the rest of your day making America great again.