ITT God tier input devices



Kill it with fire!

>this was someone's dream
>it's now a laughing stock
feels bad desu

Fuck off



Fucking hilarious.





Nice, I own this
Would not recommend.


>input device
>not output device

It's an ergonomic keyboard.


>american mouse

Not even mad, Slim Jims are fucking delicious.

At first glance I thought that was a magical girl scepter.

It's like chewing on a cardboard toilet paper roll that's been covered in salt and pepper.
Why do amerifats put everything into their mouths?

God tier input devices there

>Eternal Onahole Thread
Dare I click on this...

This. Best controller known to man.

Oh shit, I think I know the OP of that webm.



I found one of these at the dump a while back
shit is god awful, and this is coming from someone who uses a trackball mouse

took some time adapting, but this is my main mouse now, work and home

it's a keyboard, not a gamepad

Holy shit.

The downfall of western civilization, degeneracy, the webm.

it is, though...
or a magical boy's scepter


sure, if you like
>left stick falling apart the day before you get it
>right stick made for average sized hands of a 3 weeks old embryo
>cables the length of my penis (again, average for a 3 weeks old embryo)

The worst controller known to man

wow... it actually happened

Those first two things aren't true and the 3rd one is fixed with the new white versions.

Strange key. What can i open using this?