>is only better at low resolutions on an outdated api
>is btfo at dx12 and vulkan
>is btfo at anything higher than 1080p on dx11
wew lad you have to be a shill to think this card is good
GTX 1060
yeah yeah you're poor we got it
yeah yeah you're a newfag we got it
ITT: 2 newfags call each other a newfag
It's a poorfags card, get a 1070 or 1080 if you want something actually good.
AMD has no offerings in the good market.
newfag roodypoo candyass
>AMD has no offerings in the good market.
you need to go back now
>is only better at low resolutions
>is btfo at anything higher than 1080p on dx11
Because the 480 is better?
You're either trolling, or if you honestly think AMD have nothing to offer in the 'good market' you really can't know much about their products.
1060 is a historic card and is future proof for 1080p owners for at least a decade. Bravo Nvidia.
but all cards are made for that. my cousin bought me a gtx 1080 because its the best for my monitor which is 1980 by 1080. its really good
>poor fag
It's 315€ on my country. Just like nvidia.
>Because the 480 is better?
Your all newfags
>calling newfags that call other newfags, newfags
pool in the loo not on the silicon
> your
>calling a newfag that call other newfags newfags, a newfag
Honestly, I held my GTX 460 for over 5 years. this one might even break that record.
Are there VR benchmarks?
Or ways we can reasonably estimate VR performance?
I imagine it's at least as good as the 970.
>is btfo at dx12
literally 10 FPS higher than the RX480 in ROTTR through the entire benchmark
>>is btfo at anything higher than 1080p on dx11
NvIDIOTs using ROTTR and Witcher 3 as examples is like AMDrones spouting off about AOTS and Hitman you stupid faggot
not him but even in dx12 inb4 doom, the 1060 is very fast...
and then gets btfo using Vulkan
>literally 10 FPS higher than the RX480 in ROTTR through the entire benchmark
ROTTR is the ONLY DX12/ Vulkan AMD sucks at.
>rise of the tomb raider
Ok schlomo
What are you trying to show here
Amd cards get larger performance increase margins in actual Dx 12 titles
This game is dx11 with dx12 sprinkled on top of it
As you've shown in ashes for example
Obviously a card that is 100$ more (50 if you get 8gb for some reason) will perform better than the latter?
Even then some other titles it gets beaten it. Even if it's slightly
They're both valid cards for their respective price points and all the shilling needs to stop
I'll admit if I had to choose I'd pick amd if it was the same price/performance because I don't agree with nvidia business practices
Regardless I have dual 980tis because nvidia won in the flagship market so you can't call me a shill
Not to mention the 470 is due to come out soon which is a slightly cut down chip of the 480 and should be an even better fps per dollar card
>AA off
nice try shill
I thought Novideo was usually better in AA?
they never were better with aa, back in the day nvidia shills used benchmarks with no aa to say that the FX5800 was better than the radeon 9700
I meant this or previous generation, not that long ago.
again they never were
Alright good to hear, it's a shitty company anyway.
AMD = shit
>so you can't call me a shill
you = fag
The only site I trust to be honest.
Hard to read due to google translate but their benchmarks aren't bought out to the highest bidder.
>Implying that by reiterating the term "newfag" you somehow become older and more knowledgeable
Fucking newfags
The term newfag is only used by new people that started browsing Sup Forums after 2007.
But then again, those new people that started browsing in 2007 might feel old since it's been 9 years since they started browsing.
What do you need two of those for?
Are you doing video rendering? I hear these small pascal cards are still outdoing maxwell quadros, so it'd make sense.