Windows xp

how to run newer programs in windows xp

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If it doesn't support XP, it doesn't support XP. End of subject. Either upgrade to 7 or install a GNU/Linux distrobution.

>download virtual box
>run windows 7 through virtual box
>run program via windows 7 through virtual box

i don't if this will work. It's just an idea

i don't know*

kys retard

well thair is the problem i have it dual booted with mint but windows 7 8 and 10 make my computer crash at boot so i am stuck with xp i am trying to see if there is any compatibility layer i could add to rectify that but i have not seen any also still trying to find how the hell to sync a ipod on linux

Then upgrade your toaster


people still use that?

i will get on that but am still stuck on the point that is still here

Stop using outdated software you mongoloid.
I hope you get a shitton of malware and get fucked over.
>using an ipod
>using any apple product
I can also tell by your horrible 3rd grade grammar you're horribly underage. Please leave this board, stay in school, save up for a new fucking computer, and don't come back to this fucking board again.


i am typing on the fly but thank you for the advise

You wasted quints you piece of shit

that's not how it's spelled. Anyone can spell advice on their smartphone.
See? I did it just now.

don't use one

Then explain your now 2nd grade gramatical mishaps.

love seeing tolls, but back to the main point what the hell do i do.I will be trying to loud up windows 7 in a virtual machine.

>love seeing tolls
Be sure to pay your fee to cross the bridge, lad.

Btw, no you cannot use Software which was compiled for Microsoft Windows 7 on Microsoft Windows XP. If your machind cannot run it naitvly you will not be able to virtualize Microsoft Windows 7.

What "newer software" are you talking about, OP? Elaborate a little, don't just drop "how to run newer software on xp".

>not using the best PMP

OP, this might interest you.

why the fuck would you bother? it runs the latest versions where the latest versions matter like browsers, and software in general has changed little in the two or three years since the mainstream stopped support XP

Install Windows 10
