>“A review of historical Whois information for KAT….identified that it was registered on or about January 19, 2009, to Artem Vaulin with an address located in Kharkiv, Ukraine,” the affidavit reads.

>The agent further uncovered that the alleged KAT founder used an email address with the nickname “tirm.” The same name was listed as KAT’s “owner” on the site’s “People” page in the early days, but was eventually removed in 2011.

“Records provided by Apple showed that [email protected] conducted an iTunes transaction using IP Address on or about July 31, 2015. The same IP Address was used on the same day to login into the KAT Facebook Account.”



Other urls found in this thread:


I'm surprised they didn't supoena that apple id and most other major email providers based on the handle 3 years ago.

bydlo xoxol.

>make a website where you can get music illegaly
>get fucked because you buy music legally

they used gentoo

gentoo best server os confirmed

>As for the business side, the complaint mentions a variety of ad payments, suggesting that KAT made over a dozen million dollars in revenue per year.

Well looks like he could afford it

>a dozen million dollars
Who writes like this

Literate humans, i.e. not subhuman jungle monkeys like you.


Fuck this gay earth, look how they sniff into everything, these fucking cop degenerates.

I fucking hate the government and the police and everything related to it.

Building a strong case takes time.

If i made 10 million in one year i would sell the site immediately and move the fuck out of there, enjoy your life man.

he was in poland at the time, and he had moved the site long ago. That's nowhere near good enough.

>With records from some of the world's largest tech firms like Apple, Facebook and Google, it does not appear to have been particularly difficult to connect the dots.
>At a point in the investigation, Mr Der-Yeghiayan worked out the Apple-run email address [email protected] belonged to Artem Vaulin.
>That email address was the linchpin in the case:
> - The username "tirm" was known as the administrator of KAT
> - Investigators discovered the email had made a purchase on iTunes using the IP address
> - They cross referenced the IP address with the social media site Facebook and found that someone had logged into KAT's account with the same IP address that day
> - They found emails from known KAT domains in the email inbox
> - They found bug reports referencing the KAT website and feature requests, which were tasked to "Artem Vaulin"
> - The investigators found emails from KAT employees asking what to do about a copyright takedown request, with the subject line being: Ignore? The reply from Mr Vaulin was "of course"
> - They also found a series of test emails from [email protected] and [email protected] to the [email protected] account

From The Other Thread.
Pretty Sure They Could Convince A Judge To Give A Warrant Based On The Username And Some 'Confidential' Informant. Based On That They Would Have Been Able To See Test Emails Etc Or Is The Itunes IP Thing Just Some Parallel Construction?

That guy probably made millions of people happy and only a couple of thousands mad and this is how society repays him for that.

whaT thE fucK

>won't give up iPhone password after Cali snackbarring
>won't indict Hillary

>someone has a site to share entertainment media
>get top men on the case



Non-shit zeronet when?

Never, ever, ever come in between mega corporations and $$$$$$$$.

They're the ones pulling the strings.

Reminder that he will get fucked in less then 24 hours while Hillary Clinton walks Scott free. Vote for that TPP niggers. You deserve it.

When you actually start using it

Using what?

Go to a fancy city in russia, change your identity, you are a millionaire, use your brain.

Apple gave all the info they had ON THEIR SERVERS about the shooter, what they didn't want to do is UNLOCK AN ENCRYPTED PHONE TO NOT SET A PRECEDENT.

My god, how stupid are you people? now i understand how people vote for hillary.

That didn't work for him, why would it work for you? Use your brain.

He should've moved the servers into a bunker in the middle of nowhere and hire someone one or two admins to maintain them and then hire some security, buy weapons and also lay mines around the bunker to prevent the feds from seizing his shit, the place should only be accessible by air so he would also need a chopper to ferry admins back in and out.

t. paid shill

So what should I use now?


>That didn't work for him
What the fuck are you talking about? he didn't do any of those things, he was a careless retard that used unmasked IP's, public mail servers and his real name on multiple sites.

You are beyond retarded.

Works for drug cartels, why shouldn't it work for a torrent tracker?

There is no proper replacement for now, safe bet is TPB but its still garbage.

Who pays you? Do you #shillforhill? Are you with the feds?

lmao get fucked pajeet

Oh I wasn't saying that I had any idea as to its viability; I simply liked that post. To be fair, I can see how the pic might have seemed sarcastic.

Use your god damn brain for fucks sake.

>oh you're just shitposting

But that syntax is just wrong.

Shit, my parents are going to be upset.

hopefully pirate bay guys learn from this

The classic "i was just acting, im not really retarded, now im going to act like i was just trolling" post.

Try reaching an IQ higher than 9 next time.

I wonder how much money he was bringing in.

drug cartels have a lose/broken connection to their customers, ie. over middlemen and the introduction of more drugs is initiated by the druglords.


What's a good alternative for getting e books?

There are plenty, but I won't link to them on Sup Forums. This place is being monitored you fucking retard.

top kek

He got fucked because he used a social media account for a fucking piracy website.

Seriously, every time some fag posts a link on Sup Forums the site gets attacked the same.

Spoon-feeding retards costs real money. It's not worth it. Go fuck yourself and do your own research.

Thepiratebay is so fucking awful though. Like they manage to come up with new popup ads every day that slip through ublock. Also every torrent is a fucking "magnet" link now.

I pm'd you a few :)

It's like someone's waging a war against NEETs.

stop typing like that you retarded fucking faggot

I don't care. No links to online libraries on Sup Forums. Fuck kids. If you are smart enough, you will find them eventually.

So what happens to him now?

Is pic related what's going to happen?

his boipucci will look like a Japan flag

>Who writes like this



he is fucked, they got the etc/passwd file in his gentoo server



Another honeypot?

This Is How I Like To Type Fuck You Faggot. You Type How You Want To Type I'll Type How I Wantto

> voting at all
Do you even know how electronic ballets work

Yea fuck that. I guess I'll have to stick with open source software.

Good. I hope all these illegal torrent sites die.

People should not be supporting the evil Hollywood and record industry empires either directly or indirectly. By killing torrent sites, we should let Hollywood and the record industries kill themselves. It's all fucking nonsense, degenerate garbage these days made for the sole intention of corrupting and dumbing down the impressionable youth even more.

>>Sup Forums is that way

Does anyone else read that in a weird robot voice


But piracy hurts Hollywood by denying them profits they could've legitimately made if it wasn't available publicly through torrent trackers this is why they lobby so hard and put a lot of time and effort in cracking down on piracy.

You what? Most of these movies were not available in Eastern Europe. Next time we should ban fucking USA from accessing the data. You are the reason why we can't have nice things Burgers.

>got snitched by apple


On the bright side he will now be able to see the U.S.

Never Trust Americans after Snowden.
Torrenting scene should ban all Americans from the Network.

How hard is to host torrent site?

Depends on the country.

You're free to type as you please, but that doesn't nullify the fact that you're fucking autistic.

Say middle east?

Source it up nigga

for free

Easy as fuck as long as
a) your Muslim gov doesn't filter Internet
b) your connection speed is good in your country
c) your gov hates USA

All action movie flicks that reap most of the profits including popular capeshit from the US get licensed and translated on all continents and are available in the days following the US release. Hollywood doesn't care about obscure movies.

>your Muslim gov doesn't filter Internet
Depends on content
>your connection speed is good in your country
How good does it have to be?
>your gov hates USA
All middle east governments hate US, at least that what they say to their people.
In reality they bend over and want to be fucked in their oily boipussi.

Is their a file or something that contains all the magnet links?

so is.is ?

>Hollywood doesn't care about obscure movies.
So why the fuck do they close the entire platform?!
Where will I download my 100% legal Ubuntu isos from?

>How good does it have to be?
Check out pings from your hellhole to the US. If you don't have to wait 60+s for the page to load it will do. Also, TPB magnet mirror fits on one pendrive. Don't know about KAT.

So where the fuck do I get my torrents from now?

russia doesnt really care about websites hosted on their turf as long as its not used by russians.
Hosting a tracker while geoblocking russia could work for a few years.

>Check out pings from your hellhole to the US
Ping Google ?
11 packets transmitted, 10 received, 9% packet loss, time 10022ms

>So where the fuck do I get my torrents from now?
Did you try googling "So where the fuck do I get my torrents from now?" ?

>geoblocking russia
Blocking American IPs, would be much better.
A few years sadpanda did this, then hell doors opened up when they allowed it back.

top kek, literally unusable.

Show me your ping.

10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0% packet loss, time 9010ms

And that's on a half-broken wifi adapter that doesn't support n.

64 bytes from cache.google.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=1.97 ms
64 bytes from cache.google.com ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=54 time=1.77 ms
64 bytes from cache.google.com ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=54 time=1.95 ms

How is this better than mine?