So, Sup Forums all you mahfuckers with ur fancy i7 4790k's, memelake 6700k and that meme card Radeon 480

So, Sup Forums all you mahfuckers with ur fancy i7 4790k's, memelake 6700k and that meme card Radeon 480.

Meanwhile you all waste your money on meme-cpu's, I've decided to build myself the purest of builds featuring the one true CPU, the PENTIUM FOUR. I knew this was the most future proof CPU of all time.

>Reason to why u should just build a $5 PENTIUM build. fucking 30 dollar Athlon 5350 CRUSHES that old shit. Lets not even talk overclocking.

I'm not sure what retarded meme you're under the misguided impression of spreading but this is the most retarded shit I've seen in a while.

You can do many times better than this with less than minimum wage.

But is it less than a cheeseburger to build?

If that was the desire a raspberry pi would suffice.

Here's your (you) feel good because somebody humored you with 2 entire responses. I'm sure that's enough to make an inexperienced troll happy.

Thanks man

Sure, if you use window xp and only work on word and excel all day

>acuses others of being memers
>plays memed-out video games

There's a i3 530/6GB machine on my CL that costs less than a $41 cheeseburger.

i5 3330/8GB for $100.
God I want that one. I'm just not sure I can convince myself I need two pure encoding rigs.

Mates you can't hope to compete with my athlon 64 6400+ & XFX 8800GT Alpha Dog Edition.

too late. i have a i5 2500k already

> hi Sup Forums, i'm poor

>future proof
Pentium 3 is faster than Pentium 4 at the same clock speed.

i'm scheptic of these videos.

my desktop is a pentium 4 i built 10 years ago and definitely works, for general stuff.

html5 is cancer and every "modern" website pretty much kills the crab. html5 video runs like a 15 fps depending of the encoding, and running fhd video with a player (mpv) works but far from smooth

i paid like 350 dollars for the procesor and like 300 for the motherboard, which was a top of the line intel.

i doubt there is a mb that works with the pentium 4 socket, and has a pci-e 3.0 for modern graphic cards

You better be overclocking that shit to like 6ghz.

The P4 wasn't good when it came out. I don't know why you'd want to mess with one now.

>$41 cheeseburger

Lubuntu is the only non-riced OS I've found alright to use on such old hardware,

A P4 would be good for a Windows XP retro gaming build

Modern websites are so fucking heavy it's not even funny.
I had to use what was a decent mid-range gaming PC 10 years ago - Athlon X2, 2GHz 3GB DDRII, Radeon X1650 etc.
Nothing but the most basic websites like Wikipedia work well with it, forget about watching youtube in browser without dropping frames.



believe it or not, my p4 can run everything without much issues. as i said,just not html5 video

youtube works fine, and most video streaming sites using flash, but not at full screen, using 1650x1050

most websites runs well enough, but firefucks suck balls and chrome dropped support for 32 bits. im using vivaldi.

i run xfce on arch.

im curious what OP uses as mainboard. if not mistaken the gtx runs on pci-e 3.0

Not sure why anyone things the P4 is good, the athlon 64 fucking wrekked it in every way possible.

Thank you sir, but don't have time to wait minutes on loading screens.

>fell for the old cpu is good forever meme

I'm still used the very first c2d e6600 cpu while everyone used i5-7 3xxx. Skyrim load times were shit, so fell for the ssd meme too. It got better, but still sucked to play properly. Switched to an actual cpu, suddenly almost no load screens with ssd. Even i7+hdd was faster than the c2d+ssd combo. I can't imagine what it could be with the old p4.

You misspelled Pentium 3. The Tualatin was the height of Intel's cpu lineup during the existence of Northwood and Prescott.

But on the other hand, the P4 does make a good space heater...

Its an hp wx4600 that I found in the trash that didnt have a processor in it. So I dumped a P4 in it.

Its also my designated room heater.

You're incredibly poor aren't you? No normal person would force themselves to use a Pentium 4.

Nice swirly sata cables m8, where'd you get them?

if youtube does not work then its too old. and it works even on the cheapest atom

>i do not know shit about computer nor pentium 4

You grab a sata cable and a pen
you wrap it around said pen
and that's it.

I use pentium 2 + win98se/winXP/lubuntu and its still pretty good for most tasks, you guys are just victims of marketing.

>I like to shitpost so I can feel better about being a faggot.


>30 dollar Athlon 5350
So it's as fast as a stock Q6600? That's bretty gud actually.

>$30 cheeseburger



Not to kill your mood,but AM2 is easier to work with than 939. At least I had better luck with AM2 than with 939.

Assuming the USB drive was made with a Alcor chip,I bet he edited the ID responsible with "Generic USB Flash Drive" to say "NSA CONFIDENTIAL".

projecting much

Correct. So only Alcor chips can be edited?

I haven't taken a look at CPU's in ages

I've got an i5 3570K

Is this super outdated yet? I tried taking a quick look at some benchmarks but all the ones I found had like 4 dozen intel CPU's topping the charts at fucking $1500+

who the fuck is buying that shit at a consumer level

What are some real cpu's I should be comparing instead of these memecpu's?

I've got an 3570k too, it's starting to showing its age but still holding well, i think it can manage a year or two at best without serious bottlenecking.

As far as I know,yes,only Alcor chips can be edited to say that,because generally every cheap eBay fake drive (like my old Transcend Jetflash 2GB turned out to be) is based on Alcor chipsets. (iirc mine was AL6984 w/ a Toshiba chip storage.)

Can be done by modifying the "Generic Flash Disk" lines in pic related. I did that and I can say it worked.

I've been itching to give zen a shot once it's out. What's the timetable on that?

I've never done a full AMD build before, but I'm hearing that there should be some gains from some kind of APU thing that AMD is doing.

All I've got is hearsay, trying to read about this shit isn't really telling me anything about what AMD's changed that would magically make their CPU work better with one of their GPU's.

S1366 xeon best xeon, rocking two X5670s in my hp z600