Why hasn't Sup Forums make its own UNIX like OS?

Why hasn't Sup Forums make its own UNIX like OS?



not sure if this guy was referring to it here but he prob was got abandoned like every other Sup Forums project

I don't get this.

Linux (tries to) competes with Windows.
BSD (tries to) compete with Linux.

Why does Sup Forums have to make its own Unix Like OS?

Every single time we've tried it ended up getting abandoned. We once got past the logo stage.

to compete with BSD

This is because deep down in every gentooman's heart he knows that yet another OS is not really needed.
If Sup Forums was to develop software that doesn't exist yet, only then it'd work.

its still one of the best logos i've seen.


to compete with bsd ofc

Post the logo

What was that logo ?

literally this:


>what is toaruos.org

BSD have been dead over and over again.
You sure you want to fight THAT, mortal ?

When was it alive actually?

such a daunting project is a little outside the scope of a bunch of bikeshedding CS undergrads and would never be able to survive the murder-fucking of forks it would get every time a major decision is made

when the 68k and VAX were still relevant

A... Memearrow ?




Not UNIX. Read the OP again.

what a horrible logo
i'll make another one

>Why hasn't Sup Forums make its own UNIX like OS?
We already tried, like four times.

The most infamous one never moved on past a discussion about what logo to use.

Prove it

Only if we use pacman as our package manager.