Why aren't you using the world's most advanced operating system?

why aren't you using the world's most advanced operating system?

I do for programming at work, and it's fantastic

I use ubuntu 14 with xfce4 at home as it's my personal pc. Also have a Win10 for steam games

The hardware just isn't worth the price. I mean look at the new Macbook. It's basically a netbook but costs as much as a top of the line ultrabook. Seriously wtf. For the same price you can get a zenbook with an i7! For almost half the price you can get a zenbook with identical size and performance.

But I am

I am! Linux is great! :)

that's a kernel you melt

>world's most """""""""""""""advanced"""""""""""""" operating system

Meanwhile, GNOME still doesn't have a thumbnail for the file picker after 13 years.....

It does!

unfortunately, it only offers list view and no zoom, so the thumbnails are 16x16 or something, which is entirely retarded
at this point, I've taken to just opening my pictures folder and dragging pictures onto the upload button/into whatever program

nice blog faggot

So salty

I am, Mac OS 8.6 was as good as classic ever got.

Mac OS X.8.5 is the REAL top for Mac OS X! Everything post this is bloated, and filled with needless, net-centric features, not build to withstand the loss of Internet access.

>world's most advanced operating system

>three decades on a single fixed hardware platform
Over the years Apple's used four different CPU architectures

It's gtk, iToddler

GTK is part of GNOME ya dumb cunt

It's even an acronym for GIMP Toolkit

By your logic gtk is also part of Xfce, MATE, Cinnamon, Unity, LxDE and Pantheon, mouthbreather

No, it's an initialism.

>gtk is also part of Xfce, MATE, Cinnamon, Unity, LxDE and Pantheon
Well, yeah, it is.......

Are you autistic or something?

Apparently you think it's a GNOME issue.

(Waiting to see your backpedalling skills now)

>Apparently you think [X]

You're making up arguments now?

Chances are this error was caused by 3rd party extensions. Not the OS itself. Faulty hardware would be the second pick. Then an OS problem.

I am, it's Linux. I'm assuming you posted a logo of Mac OS for comparison to make it more clear how far ahead Linux is compared to others.

Why do Apple and MS even bother anymore? They should just make the switch and create UI's on top of it.


Mac os does nothing special

go fuck yorself.