I'm guessing this is the best place to ask about this issue

I'm guessing this is the best place to ask about this issue.

The other day I started getting this "buzzing" noise in my headphones. It's a pretty consistent pattern. It kinda goes like this.

1 (short) 2(long) 3(short)

But sometimes it changes.

It's not very loud, but it's loud enough to hear pretty clearly. I remember something about possible radio interference from when I was younger. I'd hear it coming out of the speakers pretty often.

Anyone know what it might be? Happens at around the same time each day.



This is a SFW board, user. Please delete your thread and recreate it with an image that employed anons can enjoy.

Evil fairies hexing your motherboard.
Get an external DAC.

FBI is subliminal messaging you.

Radio interference with your poorly shielded headphones.

That's an SFW image.

Mine get the same kind of buzzing if I use my dedicated sound card due to inadequate shielding.

It's aliens.

stop using onboard audio like a massive twat and get a soundcard

you get what you pay for, bitch

Not the problem.
Don't tell OP what it is, he can google it.

OP you need some noise dampening crystals. About 6 should do it, and you need to place them in a hexagonal pattern around where you sit ~ 1m edges.

You might try asking in the Headphone General. Check the catalog for /hpg/.

Also, you might check to see if there is a hair on the offending driver.

You need to isolate your power supply. Most of the power cords that come with computers are terrible and are susceptible to noise.

Do you have a GSM phone?



There's a thread for this shit.

Then explain why I just got fired.

You never had a job in the first place.

Your boss is a muslim