Assume you get hit by a bus after the Singularity. If your family downloads your mind into a new...

Assume you get hit by a bus after the Singularity. If your family downloads your mind into a new, identical (you) wouldn't you still just be dead forever? You wouldn't suddenly just 'wake up' back at home, because the memories and cells downloaded and animated are just copies of the original. Your conscious 'POV' life would be gone. I love Kurzweil and the other tech optimists, but when they bring living forever up, I'm always uneasy. I'm all for using technology to live forever, but wouldn't "backing up your mind" just let your family have a near perfect clone of the still dead (you) or is there some way to actually repair your individual consciousness?

assume you are retarded

No assumption necessary.

I know I will get a lot of shit for saying this but: play Soma

The current "you" dies, but the new "you" lives on. There's no way to directly transfer consciousness.

>Mass transit

That was a great game.

gotta make backups my dude

It' basically like cloning yourself. If a clone existed, would you be able to be that clone? No.

The guy clearly has a extraordinary fear of dying. Taking 300 vitamins a day and shit from some quack doctor's regiment.

If singularity were a thing (it won't be), couldn't you just kill yourself and send your consciousness to another you at your destination? Or something similar, like supplied bodies

Every couple of decades or so, your body is not the one you had since birth. Your cells are all copies of the ones that have died. So you are not really you anymore.

iirc, this is how the Star Trek teleporters are supposed to work. You don't really teleport, you just get reconstructed at the other end.

Sounds like we're taking collecting (you)'s to a whole new level.

The better question is which Jew will we have to pay for copying ourselves illegally.

You can live foreverâ„¢ through technology, but not the way you're thinking. You have to work around your consciousness and replace your neurons with functionally identical but much more durable neurodes very quickly so as not to disturb the electrical or chemical systems too much. If this new cybernetic brain of yours is destroyed though, game over man.
>lel singularity I exist as an .exe now xD
is a shit meme.

None of this shit to do with the Singularity will ever happen ever. No Strong AI, life extension, uploading, nanofactories. All of that shit is scifi, not even good scifi.

That would only be true if every cell in your body died at once.

But I have the same consciousness as I always have. It seems that either A: there's some not-yet-known element that truly makes consciousness. Or B: consciousness is just a very grand illusion based on constant reactions. Either way if I die I'm going to be so pissed

The way I see it, the only way to "upload" your mind without simply making a copy and killing yourself would be to gradually replace your neurons, one by one, with synthetic neurons while you are conscious. That way, the continuity of subjective experience wouldn't be interrupted.

Bomb ass game.

A three step process to ensure you haven't killed, intentionally or unintentionally, an independent sentient being upon download.
>Freeze the system
Prevent any further iteration of the brain state before you proceed.
>Image the system
Reproduce the frozen system in a new medium if need be and allow it to function again at the behest of the original, it then takes ownership over the original's frozen state.
>Destroy the original system
This can be done, perhaps slightly more ethically, by preventing any further iteration of the original brain rather than outright destroying it.
Destruction is an option but it must only be performed on a frozen brain system. Any iteration beyond the frozen state demands it become a separate sentient entity and granted full self ownership rather than inheriting it from the fresh copy.

You can't transfer consciousness, because it isn't a thing. It is the property of billions of substructure, and each of these substructures are individual systems.

Singularity would just mean creating a machine that has an inner working exactly similar to every subsystem your brain contains and run at that moment, but then you still exist beside that machine.

You wouldn't know if you still have the same consciousness as before or not if you were quantum copied without your knowledge tho

Well everything you were 10 years ago is completly dead, there is nothing left of it on you, it's all out there, recycled by other living beings to become something else. Death for macro-organism appears as this one clean stop, and in some way it is, but in reality it goes death and birth is going on constantly.


Doesn't matter, because the link has never been broken.

I'm not religious but I'm open to the idea of our consciousness being something more than just some chemicals and electrical signals. I guess we'll find out one way or another eventually.

it's possible that elements of your consciousness lie outside of physical reality, or that all of your consciousness odes and your brain is just how it interacts with the physical world.

Your current mind continually dying ever instant of time that goes by, divided by infinity.

Singularity will happen, and you will be able to do this.

also just got the worst hair piece of have ever seen


Underrated post and extremely comforting


curious on your thoughts on Neural Lace?