My dad has been watching the RNC every night this week, which disgusts me to put it simply...

My dad has been watching the RNC every night this week, which disgusts me to put it simply. Is there any way I can hack his TV so he can't watch it tomorrow? We have a Samsung TV and Comcast cable.

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Your father should put you up for adoption.

Wow, really makes you think.
I'm now a #Shill4Hilll

I'm 27, so it's way too late for that.

kill yourself, you leftist nigger.

A pity.

>Is there any way I can hack his TV so he can't watch it tomorrow?
yes, with a hacksaw
or, you know, pliers.

so let me get this straight...
your plan is to censor what your father views because you find it objectionable?
How are you reconciling this in your tiny hipster brain?

I don't want to break it permanently, I also use it to play PS4 and stuff. I just need it to not show channels airing the RNC.

I bet you're one of those faggots that uses phrases like "Faux News". Let your dad have his political beliefs, and stop being an asshole who forces his/her beliefs on to others.

>I use it to play ps4
holy shit kill yourself you cuck.

>Is there any way I can hack his TV so he can't watch it tomorrow?
Yeah. Here's some 1337 |-|4xX 4 u:

>Hide the remote
>Unplug the cable
>Break the circuit
>Spend some quality family time with the person who clothed, raised, and cared for you, doing literally anything other than that which you want to prevent him doing

No need to thank me Ph4/\/\, I gotchu.

Block the channel with the parental controls built into your cable box?

This has to be bait, or are the left truly so degenerate that they must sensor everything they find slightly objectionable?

>living with his parents at 27 years of age

Your father watching RNC should be the least of your worries.

I'm just so tired of seeing him get brainwashed by fearmongering, xenophobic republicunts.

I will try this, thanks.

>the left truly so degenerate that they must sensor everything they find slightly objectionable
you just realized it now?

Hillary 2016

>as opposed to being brainwashed by ultra-leftist hippies

It's not to late for castration. Not like you're using it anyways because you'll be happy enough to raise your wife's son.

Grow up you disgusting degenerate

>fearmongering Republicans
>btw, I am afraid of someone watching TV

are you any less brainwashed?
the fact that you even care means you're stupid enough to take a side.
politics are for hysterical idiotic humonculi.
rise above, focus on science.

>not rising high enough to manipulate others within politics

Come on it's like you don't want to be Jewish/rich

why would I focus on the idiocy of the jewish upper class when I can be mentally wealthy beyond their wildest dreams, allowing me to live comfortably and in peace.

try drinking this OP


Stop sucking Jamals cock after he's fucked Stacy and maybe you'll start to appreciate that the democrats aren't all they're cracked up to be and republicans are also important to have around. Hell, maybe you'll even see why he likes them.

>mentally healthy
You sound mentally ill goy. Take these pills and get back to work at the FEMA camp.

>there are people actually falling for this
Fucking Sup Forums newfags, you're the cancer killing Sup Forums.
Remember to sage.

>Not watching the RNC ironically

The whole thing is a fucking mess kek.

Why yes. Just take a good handaxe and swing it at the TV until the screen breaks. This should only take a couple of swings, since you're a pansy who gets triggered even by the sight of an older man who just wants to watch some current events. Of course, this is illegal, and even if your parents don't file charges, they'll still kick you out of the house, or make you pay for the TV. Also, you won't really be able to fully keep them from watching it, since the RNC is also being streamed on YouTube and Twitch, so they can easily watch it on their laptop or smartphone.

>People taking the bait this hard

Sup Forums is full of fucking retards, and right-wing retards at that.

Sup Forums is just too bad at false flagging.

What do you expect from a bunch of retards?

You can control Samsung smart TVs with your Smartphone and an App. But you have to manually troll him

Sadly it's full of liberal cucks too

Don't go over to your dad's house during the RNC. Problem solved.

Why don't you people just stay on your own containment board?

I live with him and his wife.

You're a trap aren't you? Show us your ass little faggot.

Well then go live with your mom and her husband

Funny how containment is acceptable for things you find problematic yet racist when your opponents do it. Grow up. Life is not designed for you to live in a immunodeficient bubble.


The far left, like the far right, is pretty fucked up, yes.

Good for you. Now go back to Sheen / Lohan 2016 - Hookers and blow (jobs) for everyone!

It's never too late once you get your retard's papers and become a legal minor again.

Consider suicide, faggot boy.

does it use a cable box, or just the coaxial from the wall?

Unplug wires. He's republican he'll never figure it out.

Wow im sorry for your dad having such a faggy cunt for a son you are a fucking leech still living with him and yet you can let your old man have some entertainment ? Holy fuck this what a average leftie is like

Or your wife and his bull

Go back to Your leftist Plantation

>Not a Trump supporter

Well maybe hilldog will start giving worthless white people welfare so long as they support black cuckolding?

Truly disgusting. Tell him to read instead.

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