I currently have a gtx 980 for running games at 1440p but if I sell my card and buy a 1070 that is on sale I will only...

I currently have a gtx 980 for running games at 1440p but if I sell my card and buy a 1070 that is on sale I will only have to end up paying $100-$150.

Is it worth upgrading or should I wait?

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the correct answer is the 480 oc'd to 1400mhz beats out a titan x and you pocket some cash from selling your card

>Is it worth upgrading

Well, there are no games out that you can't play on your card. Chances are by the time you need to replace it 1070's will be at least that cheap not on sale

Even if I am only spending about $150 on it?

get the 480 you retarded nvidiot

Well I would get the 1070, but you can always get a shit AMD card if you like an ugly, hot, underpowered, power hungry, botnet driven piece of shit.

Pic related, it's a typical non stock AMD card

That's a GTX 660 Ti. Nice research, Pajeet.


nvidiots belong on this is an AMD board

The 1070 absolutely destroys the RX 480. It can barely even keep up with the GTX 980 I currently have.

Why would you do that?
With your 980 you can play today's games

If you want to upgrade so bad, wait for the 1080ti to come out and then buy a cheaper 1080.

I honestly wouldn't bother at this point time if you can already max every game at your chosen resolution, and get decent frame rates.

who cares? sell your 980 and buy a 480 for your conscience you Sup Forumstard

amd fights for the 99%

True. At that point I would likely wait for Vega though.

nigga what? I was just b8ing you

Anyway, I have a 1070, it's a hell of a card but I wouldn't recommend upgrading a 980 for it unless you have a 144p monitor and were able to sell your 980 for a fair amount

don't forget that 2 480s in crossfire can match the computational power of the taihulight supercomputer


Well I have a 1440p monitor that is overclocked to 96hz so it would be nice to have that for some games. At the worst I could quickly sell my 980 for $200 and still only pay $200 for the 1070.

PIck up a cheap Fury series card. They've started selling them off and they keep up with a 980 Ti at 1440p.

The only issue is I my monitor is DL-DVI only and the fury cards don't have that as a video input. VIdeo adapters are also expensive as fuck for DL-DVI.

that sounds good then, enjoy your card

What monitor? Is it safe to overclock any monitor? Never done this before, I have a 1440p 60hz monitor I want to overclock.

The custom air-cooled Furys have dual-link DVI. Only 5% behind a Fury X at stock and many can unlock additional shaders via a BIOS flash. It's something to think about anyway.

1440p with a 980? how much fps u getting?

Most games run just fine with some dips. But I would like to max out every game if possible or at least nearly at 96fps.

then 1080 would be better i think
i myself will go 1070 1080p 144hz
I never had a 1080p monitor so it is an upgrade dont really need 1440p and it would probably get 60~ fps not that much.