He uses chrome

>he uses chrome
>he uses windows
>he is a literal cuck

Why don't you care about privacy and freedom Sup Forums? Why are there so many normalfags here?

I will surely receive some replies to this bait post.

because ultimately the very post you made went through captcha which is owned by google and then your isp can spy on everything and if that's not enough they can access the internet's backbone. even if you're behind a million proxies.


Because it works?

>I can't be 100% free so there's no point

you're what's wrong with society. Of course you can't be completely free from 'the botnet', but does that mean you shouldn't do your best to stay away from it? It's people like you who enable this bullshit to keep happening

fuck you


>cuck meme
Who the fuck is fucking my (non-existent) gf? They get my information and my kinky fetishes in exchange of using their services.

>Why don't you care about privacy and freedom Sup Forums?
Because there is no privacy on the internet, even if I didn't use Chrome or Windows I would still be cucked

Imagine the following situation. You are out in public, and you notice your fly is open.
You think to yourself "well, that's embarassing. I guess i might as well go full out now",
and you consciously decide to just take your pants and underwear off completely, and expose yourself to everyone.
People take photos of your tiny dick and you stand there and say "oh well, it can't be helped".

it's metaphysical cuckoldry not actual cuckoldry

Because all of are information has been sold off to every company in the world. So to me, it doesn't matter by this point.


This is dumb. Basic measures can protect a ton of data about you.


Why should I give a shit?

>using chrome instead of chromium
The exact fucking same browser except the former has a botnet and you choose the botnet.

Holy hell, Sup Forums is dumb.

>he posts this on Sup Forums, a website known to be monitored by the FBI and police, where every post is archived by numerous sources regularly, and which bans every proxy they find and only allow users to bypass captchas which transfer identifying data to google's servers if they give away their credit card number and tie it to their specific browsing devices
Literally laughed out loud. Great post, friend.

>he thinks posting inane comments on Sup Forums is the same as using a browser for everyday activities that can involve actual personal information and can be monitored if you use a botnet browser
Are you stupid?

Why don't YOU care about privacy and freedom OP? Why are you posting on a site that requires google captcha to post?

>he submits a Google captchas for every post he makes and thinks he's more secure
Are you?