Whats the best looking distro and why is it manjaro?

Whats the best looking distro and why is it manjaro?

Boy, that's some hot fucking garbage you have there.

Nobody told you yet that distro != DE?

Typical manjaro user.

It looks like shit.
1. flat garbage
2. the windows and menus are flat, but icons are mostly textured
3. no linux looks good because it's all disjointed

looks like binbows 10

I prefer Antegros

>and why is it--
NO, you fucker.
It's not that. You can't shove your opinion down my fucking throat. I'll tell you what's best, for YOU TO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LET THE OTHER ANONS POST.

Thank you.

Manjaro is like the only Loonix OS that doesn't look like shit. That and Elementary.

That's a DE, not the distro, you faggot.

You can get this ugly look on any linux distro.

It's literally Arch with bloat

>best looking DISTRO
You don't know what a disto is

>all these crap distros and de's.
i think you all should kill you are selves.

>using an "out of the box" DE when you could rice everything yourself

>having no life

>you have to rice it all at once instead of building it over time

if it's going to look that bad, then no thanks.

>dirty lc picker

If you are using a distro just because of the looks then OP is indeed a faggot

I smell an archfag

macfag detected

>using KDE
>not using Neon


What does that have to do with anything? You can install any DE/WM on any distro.

>2. the windows and menus are flat, but icons are mostly textured
what's wrong with some contrast?

it should be consistent. If the windows are flat, so should be icons. Even though it looks way better when the opposite (textured ui, flat icons)

KDisgustingE aka bankruptDE

Fuck that shit and all.
Tell me what distro should a windowsfag use to look edgy and smart in front of friends

arch, its useless and hard to use but you will look like master haxor

Something less useless ? I had mint but didnt like the feel.
Was thinking about Ubuntu but dunno

So you don't deny it then?

is this the new desktop thread

Based Manjaro openrc.

This looks great, thanks OP

That looks like ass though

Damn, that looks nice. Icons, themes?

am i in the right place now?

Nice. But I prefer lmde2.

terrible just like I thought


Ubuntu and install i3