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Technology #557
Poorphones thread?
I would never recommend Powerline Ethernet Adapters to anybody
What did he mean by this?
Small Questions Thread
>tfw you're a poorfag and for the first time in your life maxed out your ram
Why is thias OS such a POS? why can't their devs learn to poo in loos?
Tell me why I shouldn't go out and buy one of these today
So I'm trying to understand ram to do an upgrade. I have 4x 4gb 800 mhz ram(in the picture) currently installed
How do you do a desktop like this, Sup Forums? Is there a FULL guide for it?
How does Sup Forums organize their porn collection?
Why does Microsoft want me to hate a beloved character from my childhood now?
24 pins of shit
I haven't run software update in years. Should I? Will there be any benefit...
Sup Forums Win95 css style
How do I avoid seeding torrents to specific countries?
GPU and SSD in one
/fag/ - Friendly Apple General
Great affordable OLED monitors when?
Where are we going with smartphones? The specs on the latest devices are fucking ridiculous...
I need some storage to do a little hoarding/powerseed on private trackers
ITT: It's 2006
Why doesnt this work?
What is the Sup Forums replacement for the godtier (discontinued) sansa clip+/zip?
My power supply blew up, melted the power cable to my dvd drive...
No sugarcoating, no bullshit, no beating around the bush, no nothing:
Share your internship experience
Forced cortana was the final straw, created a new partition on my HDD and upgraded to 8.1+ Classic Shell
/wut?/ - Windows Update Thread
SJWs make the best software
Can we have a hackintosh thread?
Are there any modern interfaces which feel sturdy and are satisfying to use like software before 2005?
Anyone /nogapps/ here? How to go about with apps that require play services? And what app store do you use?
Can anyone help me hack into
[email protected]
Which pieces of tech attract girls?
Deepin is amazing
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Spend ridiculous amounts of money on 'green power' and never even brag about it
1060 vs 480 pricepoints
No thread?
R9 Nano
Was the new wave of VR a meme Sup Forums?
The best distribution of Linux. Prove me wrong
RX 470 for 1080p gaming, is it the best choice?
Will you allow your child to bring non-free software into your home as long as it lives under your roof?
Can't sync with iOS devices
Thinking of getting the free windows 10 upgrade.. but seriously is, is it worth upgrading?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Mr Robot
Multiplexing general
Can we have an android apps thread?
Live bug (thunderbug probably) inside of my LCD screen, what do Sup Forums?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on RemixOS?
Embrace Sup Forumss nu waifu
/bst/ - Battlestation General
Bars vs Balls
Nvidia's mighty 1060 has consistently higher performance than AMD's puny 480
Unboxing thread
/cyb/ - Cyberpunk General
/hsg/ homescreen general
Softwares that only you use
/spg/ - Smartphone General
What did he mean by this?
Android gallery viewers
ITT: post your programmer's bookshelf
Tablet or laptop
Okay Sup Forums what do you think
Thinkpad P50S or Xiaomi Mi Notebook?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Unless you are Sup Forums, Give me 3 reasons to have storage more than 128GiB in your laptop/PC
Could I add a really good graphics card on a really shit computer, would that work ?
/bst/ battlestation thread
Amd desu
What am I doing wrong?!
Nintendo Codename NX to use Nvidia Tegra Processor
Anyone else use Holo as their Firefox icon?
Cortana can no longer be turned off after Anniversary Update
Hey Sup Forums
It's accurate
Pens - writing is technology
Can anyone pls help me out? I need to know the absolute best I can get for around 200.00 each
Looking to switch to a linux distro now that win10 is removing the all apps from start menu...
Apple celebrates one billion iPhones
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
27 years old
Pokemon go is skynet
Ask someone who has just installed windows 7 anything
How is Sup Forums liking the new 4.7 Linux Kernel?
Highly successful businessman
Why would someone own a dumbphone and not real technology like a smartphone in the year 2016...
Small Questions Thread
Buying a macbook
Sticker thread
Limit cpu power by 5%
Have gotten two letters from my ISP already for copyright, want to continue torrenting without a VPN
Why do people meme against VLC?
Linux - Arch vs Gentoo, what DE/WM, etc
Hey guys I have looked everywhere online and cannot find out how to fully charge my 100v 470 microfarad capacitor...
Stupid Question Thread
Im looking for a good laptop. doesnt matter how much it is
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I can't find out what came goes here other than it being rgb of some sort
I need a laptop for college...
Hello Sup Forums, I have something I'd like to discuss/ask all of you
Hey Sup Forums, I really don't know who else I can turn to
Should I upgrade my r9 280x to a 1070 first or le gaming headset to ATH-M40x and blue snowball?
ITT: Worst Desktop Environment Themes
What's Sup Forums's other favorite laptop brand/manufacturers besides apple and chinkpads?
So the year is 2016 now...
Have AT&T Fiber for 3 years or so
Is this the best private cloud service?
Guess this means I'm buying 2 copies of Windows 7
Fucking god damn rofl
How do I fix an aux cord wire?
Can you actually get arrested if Windows 10 reports you have illegal content?
Advertising and the future of the internet
/tpg/ Thinkpad General
Guts thread?
Why can't freetards into design?
Humorous ashtray memes aside, it's still incredible how compact they were able to make a dual-GPU workstation desktop
Where could I find a more detailed structure about a PGP Message?
Okay, i'm sick of windows 10. I want to try linux in Vmware, which distro should i use for a beefy pc...
SSDs are memes
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Python vs Scala
Shaving is technology
Anyone else see this when they go to a trustworthy website...
Any gentoomen that needs a laptop? Found an old computer I will give away for free (Must pay for shipping)...
Mitx PCs
Sup Forums Makes a List, Part 3: Programming Boogaloo
Do you use Windows 10 unironically or are you just memeing?
Windows 10 mandatory update rolling out in less then a week
Thoughts on transhumanism ?
How can a $15 pair of headphones sound so good? How does Sony do it?
Switching to android
Macbook Air with little ass bezels, windows OS and no stupid ass apple on the front...
EBay Sellers
Why does this piece of shit makes firefox so slow?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Tfw qt with memepad
Hi Sup Forums, I'm completely ignorant about electricity, don't even know if this is the right board but here it goes
Tech nostalgia thread
Be me
BEST graphic card for 100$
Screenfetch thread
Do you want a self-driving car that will prioritise the lives of black people over white people?
Terry Crews' battlestation setup
Is it worth converting FLAC to ALAC?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What kind of monitor do you use?
Tfw router can also be used as a NAS
Oh, hey! A box
Perpetual Motion Machine
Ctrl F
Worst tech reviewers thread? I'll start
New Macs
Quick question for you chilrenz
What sort of gaymen can I expect to run on this Intel HD 3000 (Sandrybridge generation) iGPU that comes with the Lenovo...
Hey guys. Been away from Sup Forums for the past 5 years. What's changed since I was gone?
I need an advice guys
/spg/ - Smartphone General
When will custom RX 480 cheaper cards come out ?
ITT: Best tech youtubers
Will this become the next 8800/9800??
Convince me not to do it
Post your mouse
Got this coming today in the mail. Did I fuck up? Also Chromebook thread
Underrated APUs
Downsides of using VMs for development etc.?
Need the trusty help of Sup Forums
I made a Hello world in c++, am I a hacker now?
1060 AIBs directly competing with ref. 480s in price
Need a new gpu that has hdmi, dvi-d and dvi-i/vga output
Is this like a major feature for macbois?
What code language should I learn? C#, C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, PHP, or Ruby/Rails?
What's even going on in pic related?
Stop fucking doing this
Post your no reason to upgrades ever again
Remember when GPU prices were reasonable?
Thoughts on the new Mi Notebook Air ?
Chinkmacs are back!
Clean install windows 7
Why aren't Pyrolytic graphite sheets used on larger devices?
Ctrl f'd, didn't see a thread
Best RX 480 card?
Windows 8.1 or Windows 10
LastPass Zero Day Exploit
Have a Xiaomeme redmeme phone
Best guide and books about python 3.5
Is it worth rooting an Android phone Sup Forums? What are the benifits? Are there security risks?
When Poo's send screenshots, why do they fuck with the aspect ratio?
Which keyboard do you prefer?
He fell for the M.2 meme
2 days until it's no longer free
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What do you think about this, is it good distro?
Some fucking retard left a brand new GTX970 on a train
Why can't freetards into design?
Washing Machine thread
The truth
Why is VP9 disabled on Sup Forums?
Has anyone on Sup Forums actually used macOS for an extended period of time and disliked it?
Story time, Sup Forums. I'm a code monkey currently looking for a new job...
Sup Forums, I need your help cuz I'm going crazy
/wdg/ - Web Development General
/raid/ RAID general. You should always buy your hard drives in pairs and Raid 0 them to double the read/write speed...
Tfw fell for the 8GB of ram meme
/mpv/ - Sup Forumsrandiose media player
Tfw I'm learning C# at at godly speed
/cos/ - Cancer Office Stories
Small Questions Thread
Sup Forums Tech Confessions
I bought an iPhone 6S and realised that when taking photos it makes the camera shutter sound (even when mute is on)
Safari gives your IP address to every website you visit...
Me and my roommate have been living together for a while, found this in his stuff. Any ideas on how to see what's on it?
Plugs thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
New Homescreen thread
Want to order pizza online
So, I went on a mission to organize my porn tonight...
If your OS won't let you do this, your taste in software is bad and you should feel bad
You can't turn off Cortana in the Windows 10 Anniversary Update
Give me a good reason why would you buy an iphone instead of a android?
He named his computer
Get on my level
How fast can you type Sup Forums?
What's the equivalent of "getting your oil checked" with computers?
Want to install Debian, no ethernet port, God help me with Broadcom
Buy modem from Newegg
/wt/ watches
Fonts that aren't free
What port is this?
Well, shit. What's Sup Forums's opinion on hybrid drives?
Why haven't you upgraded and switched to windows 10 for free?
Reminder that 8 core/16 thread Zen will be equal or slightly worse than 4 core/8 thread Haswell in perfectly...
/cyb/ - Cyberpunk General
Just got my pi3
ITT: post some damn beautiful code
Be at uni
/oct/ - retro, vintage, old computer thread
Cord or cable?
Who here is still using this bitch?
Sticker thread
I'm introducing classes to my students today. What's a good example to use? I'm thinking cats, dogs or cars...
Touch Typing
Is there any reason to use BSD?
Sup Forumsentoomen who have a CS related job, do you actually use calculus in it...
So, it seems the new Nintendo NX is going to be powered by a Nvidia Tegra chipset
How do you get work done when it takes light years to even compile X server
AMD's new Radeon Pros allow for latency free Amada-chan rendering in 8k
/ecg/ - e-cigarette general
Why is Arch such a broken piece of shit?
What DNS should I use?
Bought a Moto X Pure for $250
AMD has come up with another solution. Instead of adding more expensive graphics memory...
ITT the worst input devices ever made
What linux distro does Sup Forums use ?
Why can't freetards into design?
I'm on my third day of using Colemak and I type at 26-29wpm. Is that speed normal?
How do we save desktops?
Prove me wrong
480 vs 480 Nitro
Tech Websites with great back to school deals?
Cpu cooler recs?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Didn't see an internet speed thread, so I came to brag
How do you pronounce Arch?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Graphics Card Discussion Thread
Windows Phones
What does Sup Forums buy?
Professional Gpu / Content creation Thread
The only problem with Microsoft is they just have no taste. They have absolutely no taste...
It's that time of year again: Sup Forums makes a List (Part 2)
/frt/ - Friendly Rust Thread
How do we save linux?
Caught torrenting thread
Which laptop has the most eye friendly screen? I'm using computer at least 4h a day everyday...
What did they mean by this?
Watch YouTube tutorial
Maybe YOU can't hear the difference, but I am an audiophile
Windows 7 only OS that supports all visual novels
Is there a single free antivirus that isn't complete shit...
You guys remember the clicking grinding noise old computers made? The drive head seeking while writing/reading, I think...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Want to order pizza online
You can't turn off cortana in the windows 10 anniversary update
Is there a need to install any other add-ons?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
What exactly is stopping Microsoft from locking down windows and turning it into an Xbox?
Why do we still use SIM cards? Can't you just select a network in the phone os providing it is unlocked?
Yet another win10 thread. hopefully this will be a little different. I know it's shit, privacy and all...
Forecast says its going to reach 107 degrees today
Can Windows and OS X do this?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Blackberry DTEK50
Why don't people get back to demonoid now that kickass is kill?
Create webserver
What's your opinions on piracy?
Microsoft wants to destroy steam
How much data do you use per month, Sup Forums?
Great GPU, or Greatest GPU?
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Screenfetch thread
So I've heard that taking photos of laptops with food is hip now
Come here young man, I need you to work on something for me
Windows 10 has now been out for a year, and despite Microsoft's attempt to force a Windows 10 update on your PC...
Windows 10
Why would anyone study CS when CE can do everything CS majors can PLUS hardware?
No Speccy Thread
Lagdroid is not real anymore
Wow nice catch
Do you like pretending you are a girl on the Internet?
This projection technology is fucking insane
Retro Sup Forums style
When's the glass coming back?
Which loonix distro is best for daily use?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Convince me budgie isn't the best and most comfy desktop environment of all time
Iris pro graphics on an affordable, possibly unlocked dual core pentium for htpc...
Apologize to Europe
Mfw default DNS on android is and
If you are not hiding cheese pizza there is literally no reason to use encryption. thus...
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
Whats the most ergonomic chair to sit in for long periods of time?
>BST - RedButtPlugEdition<
Compression Tools
There are at least 8 GPU threads currently on Sup Forums, and that's the ones with the word GPU...
How does one make these devices not terrible to write on?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Name one flaw
What's a good CPU to go with a 1060 SLI build...
Ask a Tech Rep of Logitech Anything!
Is the Eizo Foris worth the moola? Any owners?
I'm going to bye a new MacBook
I'm not a feminist
Do you take Ritalin or similar?
Linus Guilt Tips
Spooky Tech Experiences
Which one?
Does anyone here not use Facebook? If so, why not?
My PC got destroyed and I want to try a laptop due to it being portable...
Why aren't we using ARM CPUs in desktops? Aren't they more power efficient?
GTX 950!!!
Dat antenna lines
Is KDE good now?
Hardware collecting dust in your home
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Just bought a Thinkpad for $100, what have you sweaty virgins done with your lives?????
Customer just brought this in for repair, should I keep it?
Why is Linux Mint so comfy?
Sup Forums hates nvidia
This is a graphics card thread, post what your graphics card is currently outputting
GNU coreutils
How to hell does SCP work? SSH works just fine...
Just placed my order for $470
Will Intel ever make discrete graphics cards?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
When a computer gets hit with a kernel panic, there's only so much you can do
Name software that got worse after updates
Sup Forums, my friend doesn't believe me when I say that windows 10 is fucking awful. He just won't buy it
A Good VPN or Proxy
Is it possible to make a program that identifies what's wrong in peoples' lives...
Are specialized NAS devices a meme?
Nigga where were ypu when this shit gone down?
Am i brain dead
You cannot fault this
Apple Product Help
What would you do with a CRT?
Want to know more about consumer electronics
Using xvideos last few days
/tpg/ Thinkpad General
Worst Tech Company
Well I'm apparently behind on the times
Name a better service
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
/ABL/ Android Battery Life thread
Chairs, ergonomic, Lumbar support, good posture
How do I develop the Stallman physique?
Why is it that even a liquid cooled GTX 1060, suffers heavily from stutters and extremely unstable clockrates...
Beautiful Graphics Cards
Sticker thread
My Gf just removed MalwareBytes and installed McAffee
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
New website allows White people to give Black people money/objects to relieve "guilt"
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Ctrl F
Not using Deepin
Leave AMD to me
How do we save Sup Forums?
Waifus are tech
KickassTorrents Community Resurrects, Without Torrents
Tfw taking a shit while using my laptop
Open torrent on qbittorrent
What's a minimal (for a headless home server) 64 bit distro with up to date packages?
Debotnetting Windows 10
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How is this build? i am building my first pc
Do you realize that despite what programmer's say...
So what do you know about the new propellant less propulsion device, called EmDrive?
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Is this really the best midrange tablet to get or is it just because Sup Forums is filled with Nvidia shills?
AMDfags on suicide watch
Why do sites still use this garbage, it's been years since html5 is available, why won't they move on?
Tell your desktop environment, and I'll tell you their problem
New Homescreen Thread
Spends 10+ hours a day in front of a computer
How do leaks happen?
Why is Cyanogenmod is free?
Could a hacker really collapse the banks and wipe away all debts?
Why don`t they make a CPU with a integrated heat sink? No more hassles with thermal paste that way
Ban evasion is now a crime in the US
Looking for admin job
Bash on windows
Sup Forums approved Chromium extensions
Tindr on Ubuntu
Password Manager
What dpi do you set your mouse to?
Yahoo is worth a lot, popular in the east / Asia
Xposed Framework
Why do we even need a closed computer case?
Ugly video card general
Anyone running this? how is it?
What's the next step of his master plan?
Ricing my Linux like some people said I couldn't
Sup Forums
Is it being edgy to not accept the Free upgrade to Windows 10?
So fucking pissed off
ITT: worst tech reviewers
/spg/ - Smartphone General
It's that time of year again: Sup Forums makes a List
Linus Tech Tips
Durr the chinese only copy, they never invent any new tech
Whatsup homeslices pls r8 my rig I just brought it today
PC Building Contest
Make Google Chrome viable?
Want to select the first element in an array
Sapphire RX 480 Nitro
Vaporizers are technology
What's the catch?
The fuck is this shit?
Buying a hard drive after 5 years
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Sup Forums Android App
Why can't irc clients on winblows or loonix look this good
Best Smartphone under 300$?
/wt/ watch thread
ARM64 on desktop
480 Shilling General
Everyone else is a có €€ó €€uó €€ó €€có €€k
Google Heaven Benchmark
What is Sup Forums's official approved wireless mouse?
Should I buy the 5se for 450€, or wait for the 7?
Iphone 6. How to unlock ???
So I've always OC'ed all of my CPUs (p4, e6600 and i5 750) without issues...
Best RAID controllers?
Based Kim does it again
That's the only reason I use chrome
Who is your technology hero?
Don't visit this, thanks
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
I downloaded a great quality 720p movie in 13minutes while I was making my filter coffee...
Raspberry Pi
Who's still on Windows 7?
Discord VS the world
Why are Linux users so fucking pushy?
Could not find one of these types of threads, so I am going to take the liberty of starting a new one...
WYSIWYG babbies
NVidia Volta - May 2017
Are antiviruses a meme, does Sup Forums use them?
Thinking about majoring in Cyber security or Computer science and most of the jobs require a security clearance and I...
It's fucking 2016 and web browsers suck
Tech industry jobs that aren't real jobs
Claims to be a system-wide, root-enabled adblocker
Alright, which one of you crazy fucks is using a system with a Nvidia GPU and an AMD CPU?
Muh public trackers r strong and will never die!
What is the most bizarre shit you've made or seen Made with this thing?
So Sup Forums, whats the current best price to performance computer?
Is he a genius or just autistic?
Are mechanical keyboards memes?
/mpg/-Mouse Pad General
How important is highschool
What music does Sup Forums listen to while programming?
Bots on Sup Forums
Post your keyboard/mouse setup
Hey Sup Forums sorry to bother you guys for a such a stupid little thing...
New /guts/ bread, old one hit tree hunnet
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Are there any programs that allow you to create hashes of files;
Is Antergos a decent OS? I want Arch, but i don't want to go through the trouble of actually installing Arch...
GTX 1070
I'm having some problems with my iMac. It's a late 2006 24-inch running OSX Lion 10.7.5 if that makes a difference...
Why don't you have a Macbook?
What's the best media player for Windows 7 according to Sup Forums?
Explain to me why you hate Windows
Is CPP on another level as a programming language?
Hey Sup Forums
Sup Forums, I need some help
Agree or disagree?
/mkg/- Mechanical Keyboard General
Explain this meme
Phone camera rate thread
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Who here using window blinds?
How much should I try and sell this for?
Post desktops
Darknet Markets
Secure E-Mail
Best music player for Linux?
Just got in a shipment of 1000ft on-call rated cat6a cable
I'm wondering whether I should save up and get a really good gaming pc or get this fucking thing for my Dell Inspiron...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What technology are you using to beat the heatwave?
What's the best 1440p IPS I can get for around $500 or less? I know the Dell IPSs have a good reputation...
Choosing my new guitar + amp
Wtf I love AMD now
So i found this phone, is there anyway to plug it into my computer to see who it belongs to?
Phone hacking
Which lisp should I learn first
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
So can MPV even compete
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Boring Sunday Edition
//BST// Old one is nearly dead
Linus Torvalds > Richard Stallman
Firewall hardware/software
GNU/Linux will never look this good
Brexit-tards ruined the £
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Who vape here? I usually vape a couple of juices before starting programming on my T420
What is Sup Forums's favorite Antergos DE
So how bad of an idea would it be to buy one of these?
Hi Sup Forums
Are we winning already?
So what stickers do you rock on your laptop?
Home Server Uses
Has anyone else observed youtube recommendations with anti-tracking measures enabled (i.e. blocklists...
Is i7 and 16 GiB a meme? Serious answer please
Moving from Arch > Debian
There are so-called "technology enthusiasts" browsing this page right now who haven't updated their OS to the most...
Windows Users = Pajeets
Now the kat is dead who is gonna take its place? dark ages for public trackers scene
How linux thing works? Are this ubuntu, debian etc. different linuxes with different development...
When he died, Apple died
Will we ever need peta or exa byte drives bros? I can't remember the last time I actually filled a harddrive...
Verizon to buy Yahoo! inc. on monday
What do
How can I VNC into a windows desktop without disturbing what is currently being displayed...
Is there any stream software that I can use to play media files from my server over internet...
Lets settle this question once and for all, Sup Forums - what is the best 1070 variant?
Radio thread
Ask a white male software developer. I'm a front end dev who makes 6 figures. I have black hair and an athletic build
Openbox masterrace
1060 vs 480 Benchmarks
Worst torrent client ever?
Ask a girl software developer. I'm a mobile developer who makes 6 figures. I have brown hair and normal weight
What password manager does Sup Forums use?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What tool do you guys use to activate windows?
Name a better phone
Ants got into my laptop and my friend told me he knew how to solve the problem so I brought it to his place a few hours...
Write code
Encryption caused the Münich attack
It's my wife's birthday today and I want to surprise her with a gift, what should I buy for her?
Can AMD do anything right?
Tfw only 245M memory used once booted into X
Is it a good idea to buy a 980TI(pick related),if i can get one for 65$ cheaper compared to the lowest priced 1070?
So amd have Female CEO is it the reason why NVIDIA is winning so hard?
112 days uptime
Buy all the parts needed for a new PC
Tfw you will never have a girlfriend that codes
AMD driver support
How smart is Sup Forums
Should i just install windows 10 lol? I woke up today and turned on my pc...
What's the most Pajeet programming thing you've ever see done?
TVs. what are the good ones
Need a new monitor
Have you cleaned your computer lately, Sup Forums?
What do you Sup Forumsentoomen do for a living?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Should I upgrade from windows 8.1 to windows 10?
There's literally nothing wrong with my battlestation why are you guys so fussy
Anyone else get an erection from a fresh install of Windows 7?
Tell me why I shouldn't buy this keyboard Sup Forums
Jailbreak JB
All your files are exactly where you left them :^)
Why don't they just slap a heatsink on this and make a round socket to go with it?
Excessively overpaid cunt who is late all the time...
Convince me to upgrade to 10 Sup Forums
So user...
Sup Forums client? thoughts?
Tfw install Arch 5 minutes
Flying is the safest way to travel
About to order one now. Which one?
Survey time
Most aesthetic desktop wins
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Will I regret buying it?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that it was a failed technology just like my life
So what are the fastest languages?
Road construction computers
ITT: we make these
Quick! Post your browser addons!
Cool thing about technology
Due to civil unrest the US government starts shutting down the Internet?
Teach me to hack Sup Forums
Windows can't make a folder if the name is AUX
So I just bought a new GTX 970 and it's doing this shit
Which one should I get this week?
Wanting to upgrade my GPU from 1gb 6950 to something slightly newer without upgrading my cpu
Whats the comfiest programming language?
IOS -> android
Window Manager Scrot Threat
Is Mr. Robot Sup Forums approved?
I got a meme card
How do we Make Software Free Again?
Ubuntu is fucking dead
/spg/ - Smartphone general
Is it possible to make tablets productive machines...
Tfw I just started programming on the fun stimulants
Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~
Where were you when Google keyboard ascended to patrician tier?
What does Sup Forums use to make bootable usb in a windows os?
Desktop Thread since the other auto-heavened
Sup Forums, how can a guy teach his parents internet security/safety?
/bst/ demographics edition
British plugs are the best
What add-ons do you use?
IS DDR4 a meme?
New place to fill the KAT void in my life
Go to hackathon
What are Sup Forums's tips for online anonymity/privacy?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is PHP as bad as people say?
Has anyone out there actually develop an app that runs on both Android and IOS platforms with Xamarin?
Why is every phone exactly 5.5" now ?
Computer Security
Name one Windows feature worth paying for
Howdy, Sup Forums. I'm on a tight budget and I can only buy a motherboard and a processor and a RAM
I7 960 still usable?
Windows XP Gaming Rig
Is the best DNS?
UGH fucking HTML
Are you an audiophile?
Why are there still people not using dual monitor?
Why does Sup Forums hate iOS?
Where do integrated circuits go once we hit 1nm? Grapheme is already off the table
Starting porn site
Hi Sup Forums
Transistors Will Stop Shrinking in 2021
I'm trying to flash libreboot on my x200 and when I connect the SOIC clip to the motherboard the Raspberry pi wont turn...
How much does an electronic telescope costs?
Internet speed
What is that red haired girl u fucks keep posting about
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Programming while high
Why can't freetards into design?
I miss ATI
IPhone 6S Plus user here. My contract is about to renew soon and I want to upgrade my phone...
Alright Sup Forums. I need you're help. I need a new laptop for uni. I will be replacing Winblows with GNU/Linux...
Homescreen thread
Sticker thread
/obc/ One Board Computer Discussion
/mkg/ mechanical keyboard general
Bought a Windows tablet
Best bookpack for technology stuffs?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Except for Yamaha and camera companies, are there any good Japanese tech companies left in 2016?
ITT: Tech that was really outstanding for its time
They fucked it up. Xubuntu officially shit-tier from 16.04. Can't believe they put out this half-baked shit
ITT: memes you almost fell for
Hi, Sup Forums
Why aren't you using Opera?
Talking with friends about upgrading
Tfw you fell for the Android meme
5.0GHZ out of the box clock speeds. Why aren't you using the fastest CPU around...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Windows and OS X will never look this good
I've got a DELL U2715H monitor right now
France To The Rescue!!
So why haven't you gotten a Pentium 4 Extreme yet...
How does this image make you feel fellow GNU/Linux friends?
How does Sup Forums feel about the removal of the 3.5mm headphone jack from phones going forward ?
Int main()
Has USA been a good or bad thing for technology?
What exactly do they mean by this?
Best programming language to learn as a beginner? Pic unrelated
Who else here /7forlife/?
How does your terminal look, Sup Forums?
/sqt/ - Small Questions Thread
When do most CS graduates end up working? As programmers? Same as software engineering grads...
Feminism and AMD
Which linux has the best boot up speed?
Post only THE BEST computer cases. Here's an absolutely patrician individual
/bst/ - BattleStation
Speccy Thread - Summer hot edition
Why are Android music players so universally terrible?
Why do people feel the need to install Linux etc
Best latex software?
I downloaded a great quality 720p movie in 10 minutes while I was making my filter coffee...
Apple spends $236 to make each iPhone 6s Plus device, which it sells for over three times that value at $749
Why is no-one seeding 0meme
Is iOS really that bad?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Fedora 25 released
470 looks better than the 480 and comes with the same cooling and a sexy backplate
/csg/ Chink Shit General
AMD Zen ES info
"Facebook, which has more than 1.6 billion users, has invested billions of dollars in getting more people online...
Best budget laptop
Why can't freetards into design?
I want learn how to hack but I have no idea how to start. How much do I need to know when it comes to programming...
Open source rockets are technology
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Since the upcoming windows update will bring full intergrated ubuntu, what will be a reason to use linux anymore
ITT top tier music players
What is Sup Forums's drink of choice? Surely it's Golden Monkey Black Tea with Hershey's Chocolate Creamer...
Hurr durr Apple protects their users privacy
Find a flaw
Only music player worth a damn on android
Tfw you fell for the 16 GiB meme
So who here is glad that Apple is getting rid of the headphone jack? It's about time honestly...
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...