Sup Forums, I need some help

Sup Forums, I need some help.

I found my laptop HDD from High School. The laptop is busted, but I removed the HDD from it. I'm sure it has dank 2006 memes on there and I need a way to get those memes off of it. However, I can't seem to find myself an adapter that will let me pull from the HDD using a USB for my current computer. The HDD is a 9.5mm IDE Hitachi. The best I've found is ones that replace my CD drive, but I don't want to do that. Can anyone here help me?

>from High School.
>2.You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

So stealing you nigger.

Are you fucking retarded? Learn how to read.

Can you not read? I was in High School ten years ago.


Install Gentoo

Done. I still need an adapter tho.

Did you not even google "IDE to USB"?

I'll be honest, bro. I'm not that computer literal especially with thins over 10 years old. I know the stand HDD and some SSDs, but not so much with this thing. I've been trying to find something that look like I can plug it right in, but I haven't been able to find something for fact. I don't want to waste money here.

buy a cable

What would work for this?

That's an adaptor. Pull it out

man thats just an old hdd, just go to buy an adaptor for hdd that's not sata and you'll be OK

IDE adaptor, that's it

just get an external IDE dock

2 ez

A single screw is preventing me from 2006 memes.

use a drill

Old adapter. I was in the same situation. Get an adaper for like 3 dollars off Amazon.

I'm not religious but for the love of god please be bait, there's no way this is real... right.... right?

his first option was coming here and post the question, it's just a lazy mind

I can't get this one screw out. It's killing me. I'm going to have to go to the store or something. It looks like I almost stripped it too. Fuck. This is too hard.