Thoughts on transhumanism ?

thoughts on transhumanism ?

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it's still in meme stages

read greg egan

Sup Forums won't have a real opinion until Stallman writes an article about it


It's moronic from both a philosophical and technical perspective. Sorry, the brain doesn't work like a computer program, it's a fundamentally biological mechanism, integrating it with a computer chip is scifi. Replacing sense organs is plausible but it's not going to happen any time soon. The idea of 'downloading' yourself into a computer is dumb to, strong AI in the sense of thinking computer chips is a fantasy. I'm not saying an aI that simulates human behavior couldn't in principle be programmed, any behavior can be characterized computationally, but that it would still in a very strong sense be a simulation.

>Implying Sup Forums gives a fuck about that ass clown

I want to replace my short faggot manlet legs with taller robot legs

I'm already detached from society so might as well get superpowers whilst being an outcast instead of just an outcast.

>nerve-integrated prosthetics
>hearing aids
>artificial retinas
>glasses and contacts

Just to name very few.

Transhumanism is already here.

You don't know jack shit about anything.

Year of the Linux augs when?

Let me crawl through my history and see if I still have this one site. I found it when I was looking up bone conduction speakers, like those headphones that just sit on the base of your skull instead of in your ears. Basically a forum filled with people discussing how to implant shit in themselves at home. One dumb motherfucker was asking how to best implant a 10 cent radio shack buzzer on his mastoid to use as a headphone. It was actually fucking terrifying.

We can already replace limbs and have them work really well. Legs are a lot better then arms at this time though. Met a dude who pulled the same line as that one MIT guy in that video. Didn't even know his leg was metal from the knee down until he told me. Also met the guys who invented the Myo, which is a really neat piece of tech. Might 3D print the Adam Jenson arm sometime and see if I can borrow one of their devices to control it.

Sensory organs are coming along pretty good too. Artificial ears have been around for a while, and artificial eyes exist even though they're kinda crap.

I never asked for it

I want augmentations to become mainstream just to see Sup Forums memes and flamewars over different manufacturers.

I didn't kek for this

It's philosophically important right now.
Some forms of augmentation will be possible in the short term.
We'll totally ditch biology in the long term.
People who think we'll hit the Singularity within fifty years are retarded.

Never because augs need to work, every time.

Can you clarify what you mean when you say simulation?

i know one "augmented" guy (hand).
> no nerve endings, but can spin his hand 360 for hours like a mixer.
> has an usb stick build in
> can't write on a keyboard
> can theoretically give an awesome handjob thought, or, rip your dick off
> no thank you

you could consider life support, glasses, hearing aids, crooks, computer devices etc. augmentation

anything that is non-mechanical and driven by a software should be considered internet of shit although there is this guy:

i personally am interested in replacing my heart and lungs with something that runs without nerve impulses to have infinite life support and put it in redundant places (because if that shit fails you are dead in a few minutes, the rest takes MUCH longer)
this is already done the procedure to do it just needs to get safer and the tech more reliable

i don't trust doctors in general because they almost killed me when i was i kid though..

so.. fuck it? lets wait? meh i have at least 30-40+ years more expectancy so fuck it



Why should I listen to a terrorist?

Extremities are a special case because their functions are simple and you don't actually have to know very much shit about the brain to interpret the nerve signals. I'm pretty sure there aren't any artificial ears that give the brain auditory data that it can interpret but if you have a source I'd be interested in seeing it.

Don't want to write a bunch.
Here's a talk by a respected philosopher and Neuroscientist that gives a basic overview (the view I take is his own)

If your still interested after that here's a paper that I don't totally agree with but think is neat (it's a bit technical)

Fuck that lardass hobo

>Not understand that the whole transhumanism meme is just a way to spit god/nature by surpassing the limitation place on us

Make evolution yours. As opposed to random fucking luck.

I have a filling in my teeth

Am I trans now?

transgender probably

Dumb fucks.

in a micro scale, sure
but then we'd hafta say that we were transhumanists as soon as we used rocks as tools, too

which im semi-okay with, but it does sorta cheapen transhumanism's modern narrative

Sup Forums won't have a real opinion until Sup Forums does

you would have said the same thing for wooden peg legs 200 years ago

>but that it would still in a very strong sense be a simulation.
that's a fair point at this time. Even if the computational power to simulate a human brain was readily available quantifying/writing the complex algorithms needed to simulate the function of the brain is something that is way ahead of current capability. Basically

Youll also need the robo arms, fag.
Else youll look like a tall faggot with tiny arms

because he was right in his manifesto about all the stupid shit going on right now

Once we crack the complete functioning of the brain the possibilities that will open up will change the world entirely. Nature is quite cruel and unfair and we will be able to change that and thus change everything. We will have miracle people that can achieve anything and be the rulers of the world forever.

This pic is why I never played that game
"Look at me with a cigarette and artificial limbs, I'm sooo kool guys" fuck off, no one cares

its the complete opposite of that, asswipe. He literally [read filename]

you are a fucking retard that thinks he is too fucking smart when you are actually stupid as fuck

the guy's body is augmented after an explosion, he never asked for it

why the fuck wouldn't you smoke and drink if you have artificial organs?

not everyone was a bullied kid like you that never dared do shit like that

he literally never asked for it

I just spat my coffee out

An artificial brain doesn't have to be anything like a computer chip. That doesn't mean that it's impossible to create one.

I know this is just IBM memeing hard in R&D so that investors stop shitting themselves but this is conceptually interesting

forgot the link

>remote kill switches
>remote pain attachments
>remote deafening devices
>remote illusion projectors

After merging with a nigger, what would an AI want with the nigger part when it realizes after a while it never uses the nigger portion of the combined brain anymore, having become smarter and given up the savage behaviors?

My greatest ally taught me everything about the 24th century.

Are you retards serious?

Can't I just call it becoming a cyborg?
Being a cyborg is much better than being a "transhuman".

the human consciousness is made up of many things at odds with each other. for instance, mood isnt even determined by the brain alone. moods can be effected (not affected) by things as distant as gut bacteria. saying that a brain, or rather, an intelligence, cannot be recreated as a computer chip is correct, but for a slightly different reason than you said. the occipital lobe, for instance, could fairly easily be recreated by hardware, because its function is interpreting light signals and computation. certain areas of the temporal lobe (like wernicke's area) can be simulated quite easily now by language engines and other 'engines.'

the real problem of recreating a brain is the frontal lobe and memory/emotion functions. decision making and creativity in humans is a big jumbled process, one that we are yet to understand fully. certain memories evoke strange feelings for humans, while others don't. there are certain 'levels' of thinking that dictate what becomes of information once it enters our brain. some things are ignored, some auxiliarly stored, some obsessed over, and some worried about. this system, that can even change itself when an individual goes into critical thinking or altered states of consciousness, is the true dilemma of recreating human intelligence.

how, with deterministic computers, can we recreate what for now can only be described as a convoluted, confusing, nondeterministic multitude of processes that, to the self, makes up a singular stream of reality? actions and decisions and logic (see: the nazi language twitter engine) can be simulated, but what about true reason, desire, worry, and introspection?

there are real reasons why there exists the concept of the 'soul' in philosophy, whether it exists or not. its existence ismt even relevant in the AI dilemma, because so far, nobody is able to mathematically explain decisioning in humans.

long writer again.

imtelligence is one thing, but
this guy has a point. humans are far from being 'just animals' or 'just hairless apes' anymore. while the distinction is maybe meaningless compared to monkeys using slings or pulling their hair out for strategic purposes, there is still something to be said for the fact that we, as a species, augment ourselves to avoid the pitfalls of our imperfection. we have nearly halted evolution for the human race and make ourselves live longer and think faster and perform better (although this is essentially meaningless, since nobody 'fails' by being too weak anymore). it isnt even an organic change like the development of tools in protohumans. we have hijacked development using globalization, the internet, the scientific method, and mass production. we even reject most responsibility for our physical well being, because, people who are unfit or injured rarely (relatively) die from it.

cyborg is just robot muscles and bodyparts though, right?

Almost time for the staged "Eugenics War" to make an excuse to hold back technology.
>augments are violent and "uncontrollable"
>modifying human DNA causes holocausts
>muh human essence
>muh soul

>stem cells are bad
>put on this visor

And if a complete diagram of a human brain, down to individual neuron connections, is uploaded into a computer, modified, then 3D printed with nanomachines with stem cells cultured from the original brain tissue, that's not transhumanism?

We don't have to simulate consciousness for the human body to be rendered irrelevant.

You shouldn't pretend to be god

I've always wondered, why magnets? What purpose do they serve?

i do actually idolize steve mann and natasha vitamore and the like. i am currently an electrical engineer student and i hope to contribute to grinding someday, or at least be wealthy enough to experiment a bit and use some of it while it is being developed. i've always had a dream of a 'magnet house' where inhabitants have iron man-like tools (electromagnets) on there hands and feet(or even partial implants) to move stuff or even themselves at will. the more i learn the more stupid this sounds, though :/

you would literally just be makimg a brain, and the brain you had would only be slightly different from the one you could get by cutting someone's head open and removing the one inside. that scenario says nothing of understanding or augmenting human consciousness. it would be less important in changing the way humans (or the dominant intelligence on the planet, human or otherwise) functions than the discovery of LSD or the invention of energy drinks.

I identify as an astromech droid you cis scum

assuming that you successfully got it to '''turn on''' which would be hard enough with today's tech anyway

If you have some neodymium magnet (from hard disc for example), go and put it near turned on microwave, you will feel vibrations, people with magnet implants can feel electro-magnetic impulses which overtime gives them sort of "sixth sense", you can also buy one of these cheap magic trick magnetic rings for similar effect but not as strong

My vision is augmented

This is my all time favourite book. I can't wait to leave my wetware behind and become a polis citizen.

99% of people will just think about humans with robot limbs

>philosophical perspectives

Everything is a spook, the material is the closest thing you will ever get to real

Problem solved

The thing that scares me the most is, that moment where you would transfer yourself into a computer chip. If you're copying your brain onto a chip, it's not really "you" on the chip, it's a copy of you, and your organic brain still has to experience death. The other you will watch as you die on the fucking table, wondering what you are seeing in your final moments. You can take comfort in the fact that a copy of you will live on, but the whole point of becoming a robot is to ward off death, it's really putting the cart before the horse. Honestly the same problem exists with Star Trek style teleporters, it's literally fucking atomizing you and building a new version of you somewhere else. What happened to the original? It's fucking gone.

I propose a gradual solution. We begin by putting implants into your brain that begin to copy everything, it basically acts as a co-processor for your brain that can work together with it. Then once it's managed to replicate all of your memories, we begin to very gradually shut down unneeded parts of the brain, having the artificial parts take over their functionality beginning with easy stuff like biological functions, and eventually emotional and psychological parts. Eventually, you'll have shut down the organic brain completely and be running on an artificial one without ever really noticing it happen. The gradual path is the correct one.

The most useful reason to get a rare earth magnet implant is if you're an electrician. If you are about to accidentally touch a live wire, you'll be able to sense that it has current flowing through it.

>"it's not really "you" on the chip, it's a copy of you, and your organic brain still has to experience death."

Prove it. We don't know if that's true yet or not. Potentially, replicating consciousness may move us form one to the other, or both running and controllable at once. There is the whole idea of killing yourself at the moment it "goes live" and that would transfer your consciousness.

I do agree with your view though, just saying we don't know if it's true yet.

The person remains functional as they're being transferred. It's not a copy and delete as you move around in whatever medium your mind is in. People in the 22nd century won't worry about it.

you mean fedoranism?

Look at all those batteries

Yeah I really wouldn't have a problem with it if you're conscious during the entire transfer. Questions get raised if you have to go under during the transfer, how do you know that you are "you" if you weren't even awake when the switch occurred? If you're conscious while it happens, that's a whole different story. I'd have no qualms becoming a machine in that case.

There is the question though, of how that sort of change would affect us as emotional beings. A lot of our feelings are based on hormones and such. Would you still be able to feel things in the same way? I have no doubt we'd still be able to react to stimuli, and process information like sight, smell, taste, and probably even new senses that we invent later, however that's easy, it's just sensors providing us with information. Could we still react emotionally about it? I feel like we could, but to a lesser degree, something like a Vulkan perhaps.

You really should read , it actually fully goes into that.

The two main senses are linear and gestalt (hearing and seeing) and there are emotional "outlooks" that you can adopt as required. One character pretty much gives himself solipsistic depression and fucks himself over.

Jew doomsday cult.

>human brain capacity by 2010
Kurzweil was fucking crazy if he actually thought that. Maybe by 2100 if we don't destroy ourselves.

I don't get what's wrong with the 5th quote. It seems like a pretty nifty idea to me.

Maybe Hitler was actually from the future trying to stop the Jews from bringing upon us a technological apocalypse. Hitler = Terminator.

I never understand people like you, why do you link fantasy authors who has no grounds in reality when we are talking about our world and our future prospects?

If it's not an educational book, fuck off.

Cure for tinnitus when?

kys retard

Kikes are behind everything.

So this thread seems to be 1/3 people splitting hairs over what transhumanism is, 1/3 engaging in absolutely vapid pseudoscience, and 1/3 jokes and trolls. Does the book really upset you more than the latter 2/3 of posts ITT?

Smartphones were fantasy 50 years ago. Computers 100 years ago.
Fucking planes were fantasy, so was the concept of not dying at 50.

Our modern world is based off of fantastic ideas that someone once had and decided not to forget. It doesn't have to be an "educational" book to make us think and have a better-made opinion on something.

This, the oldest people alive today were born in the time of horse drawn carriages.

I don't want to die, so I'll freeze somehow with that Russian people for $10K and then when we have advanced enought in time then connect my brain or whatever to a machine and keep going.

careful with that open minded view

it upsets the autists that can't see anything outside the current scope of existence

blind skepticism is the mask of stupidity

Which is why people should read and understand this post, at least the first part of s-curves and graphs.

Fuck transhumanism sounds really cool . But the one downside is possibility that someone will be able to control me/hack me.
I mean microshit has been implementing backdoors into their. OSs for a long time now. Whose to say transhumanist companies won't do the same?

>I have literally no idea of what Im talking about: the post
Fucking kill yourself.

Because they're God's chosen people, goyim!

His ramblings hit so close to home that the American govt. had no other option but cover their ears and declare him a madman. Also he's quite a bro.

You seem to know very little about what you're talking about. Or is it that you've read things about how it wouldn't work exclusively ? Either way I'd recommand you to take a look at R.A.W's Prometheus Rising. The pdf is free online if you can't spare the few bucks.

The brain can be considered as a computer to a certain and non-defined extent

Only problem I have with that idea is that it's very likely to only serve the "elites" aka those who can afford it.

We need to fix more primal problems first such as the way our society work and other problems linked to ego/selfishness. This can't possibly help mankind if only the few assholes that rule the world can into artificial immortality.

It doesn't transcend humanity more than it brings disabled people on par with healthy humans.

It's not transhumanism, it's just an almost human trying to be a full human.

Fuck off Stirner, I'm sick of your bullshit!

Isaac Asimov is based tho.

Why would people want to make AI have emotions anyway? I thought that was the entire purpose of AI. Why would I want to make robots that are just as shitty an fallible as humans, might as well just not bother

>Why would people want to make AI have emotions anyway?
It's more engaging. Also to understand humans better and to therefore be better able to perform actions for our benefit, it's arguable that they would need or benefit from being able to empathize. Having emotions yourself is a precondition for empathy. Psychopaths for instance do not regularly empathize, hence why they are able to commit atrocities; it doesn't hurt them to do so as it would normal people. Would you want psychopathic robits?

>robo arms and robo legs
>no robo dick
are you even trying

I work for a lab that does BMI (Brain machine interface). Some of the papers are so funny, they literally just stick stuff into peoples brains and as long as the signal is analog enough it just werks. BMI should be a much much bigger thing desu.